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darn crows

mack and i went to the park today to try to get some more pics for her little photo shoot session. we are still on the hunt for that infamous shot to use for her one year mail out. it was sunny and warm out and we were having a riot at the park running in the grass and climbing tress when the fun was ruined by the arrival of a not so friendly crow.

now i realize there are people out there who probably like crows but i am not one of them. i cannot stand them and they have scared me for a long time. i don't trust seagulls (after seeing one rip a pigeons head off in mid-flight) or geese (i was attacked by one once) and now i no longer trust crows.

crows have bugged me and mackenzie before and she is a very diligent crow shouter. she likes to shoo them away with me. well today put our crow battles to a new level. this crow was a pretty damn brave crow. while we were playing he decided to brave "the BOB". he went after our jogger!!!! the little black feathered pest (or rat with wings as jer calls them) was trying to take out my groceries from under my stroller and had also pulled many other things from the top of my stroller and strewn them on the ground. if that wasn't bad enough i realized he had eaten my daughter's food!!!!!!!!!! friggin bird ate all of her cracker snacks and was going after her banana as well. i went for it...i chased it around and then turned around to see my brave little girl waving a big stick in the air and chasing after the crow as well. it was priceless, too cute for words and i was so proud of her.
we decided to move from that spot after the dirty bird hopped away a bit, but the thing followed us. we kept moving and he kept coming after us. so i started to get scared. he didn't even jump away when i lunged at him anymore and i was worried he was going to go after mackie next for his meal, so went left.

this time the crow won, but the battle isn't over mr. crow. we will be back and this time you ain't getting our snacks!!!!