wishbone bikes
i want one of these. is it bad that a full grown adult, a mother nonetheless, to want one of these for herself?
the wishbone, the ultimate pre-bike, 3-bikes-in-1. Here's the deets from their
Unlike any other running bike, the Wishbone bike evolves with a child’s different stages of development.
It starts at age 1 as a trike, converts to a running bike as the child grows, and by four to five years old, the 'wishbone' frame is flipped, making the Wishbone Bike one of the largest running bikes on the market.
With its environmentally sustainable design, and innovative 3-bikes-in-1 feature, the Wishbone bike designed in New Zealand really is the ultimate pre-bike.
Every Wishbone Bike has 60% post-consumer recycled plastic wheels, is made from sustainably managed woods and is bonded and finished with eco-friendly products. The Bike box and all printed material inside is recycled and printed with non-toxic inks.
At Wishbone Design Studio, environmental objectives are integral to decision-making. We're committed to measurably improving our environmental performance year by year.
the best part is they have canadian retailers. find the list here or also at the new store called eio! open now, brought to us from the same folks who started one of my fave stores - beautymark, on commercial drive in my old stomping grounds of vancouver.