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the princess & her tower

mackenzie, like most kids her age, is into everything and wants to do most things "by herself". she loves, loves, loves to help in the kitchen. she wants to clean, wash dishes, cut, chop, cook and make food with mommy and daddy. we want to allow her to help, but our kitchen chairs at the moment are 6 year old $15 ikea chairs. cheap and not sturdy at all. so when she tries to help she's always wobbling and scaring the wits out of me. if she's not dragging our cheap chairs around, she's using her potty...which needless to say doesn't belong in the kitchen, nor is it high enough for her to safely reach the counter and interact the way she could be. so when little towers contacted me about reviewing their fab product " the learning tower" i couldn't say yes fast enough.

now this isn't a review blog, but i agreed to write this post because i think this is a fantastic product that a lot of parents/children could benefit from and that i knew would work for our family. it allows me to not worry about the safety of my child while she gets to experience the joys and fascinations of being "just like mommy". whether it's just washing dishes or even pulled up against my sewing desk so she can safely watch me stitch - it's come in very handy. she plays with it during the day as a fort, she sits in it with her dolls, she climbs on it, she reads in it, plays with her friends in it...and just plain enjoys it. she calls it her stander...haha.

the best part is that when harper is 18mths she can use it too. the learning tower is designed for 18mth olds - 5 (6) year olds. the base the child stands on is adjustable (no tools required) based on the age/height of child and can hold a weight capacity of 500lbs and is designed to hold 2 kids! can i climb in it too??? it was designed and created by another mom - carol gamble. thanks carol!

you can get some great accessories for your learning tower too! turn it into a puppet theatre (fun!), attach the fab art easel (one side chalkboard/other dry erase) add one for their toys and you've got a great asset to any child's playroom, bedroom and kitchen. the learning tower also comes in 9 stylish and modern colors. ours moves all over the house during the day. i'm even thinking it would make a great place for those times when your child needs to "wind down". it would make a great calming asset to any parents arsenal :)

so get baking, crafting and just plain playing and let those kids imaginations go wild. it's time for cookies, paints and puppet shows! sounds like a good day to me! and because the folks at tiny towers are so awesome they are offering all of you a discount of 10% for the next month. the code for the promo will be LITMH (for luv in the mommyhood). thanks learning tower!

you can find out more about the learning tower here on their site, keep up with new products and information on their facebook page & twitter page and share your pics on their flickr page .

what do you guys think? would you use one? do you already have one?