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Summer Sweater Knit Along - sea of turquoise

i'm starting to feel like i'm swimming in a lovely sea of turquoise.  the waves, rolls and crescent falls of my cardi are so soothing.  do you see it or have i just got to the point of sleep deprivation and stress that the laundry piles and other inanimate objects in my house have metamorphosized into more soothing and peaceful images as a survival tactic???

i'm super excited that i've gotten as far as i have.  this is my very first adult women's sweater after all.  it's been a fun journey so far and the best part has been sharing it with all of you.  i love seeing you ladies all chatting along in our ravelry group!  does my heart good!  go knitters go!

i tried my cardigan on during knit night on saturday and voila - it fits!!!!!!!!  hallelujah!  i was scared.  i kept having nightmares about my gauge being off and it was really freaking me out.  i cannot explain how good it felt to put it on and it not be gargantuan or minuscule.  it was a huge relief.  i'm also really liking the fabric i'm getting - the drape seems really nice.  fyi - i'm knitting mine with berroco vintage dk and love how soft it is!

while i've been trucking along on my "effortless cardigan" (love this pattern btw) some of you ladies have finished your sweaters already!  wowsa!  huge shout out's to those peeps who are going to be moving onto summer sweater #2 cause you're having so much fun!  i've been trying to squeeze my knitting in between all the sewing & blogging i've got going on which pretty much leaves me car time.  when i'm waiting in the car for even a few minutes i whip out the knitting.  i try to do a row every night before bed (doesn't always happen) and then i try to knit my brains out at knit  i think it would be bad if the host of the KAL doesn't finish her sweater in time so I better get my butt in gear.

i've found the discussions of doing stockinette stitch (knit one row, purl the next) really fun in the ravelry thread.  there's been some chat of whether or not just straight stockinette is boring (and if so, how to beat the bores) or if it's relaxing and soothing.  i think i'm in the middle, leaning towards boring but trying to sway happily in between the two.  i like the knitting, i just hate the purl rows.  can't stand the purl rows.  i get excited when it's a knit row so that's something.  i'm used to cable knitting, lace knitting or even ribbing so a project just made of stockinette is something totally new for me. 

what i do love about it is the ease of being able to work on it.  i can do it on the beach, in the car, with the kids, while chatting at knit night and not worry about making boo boo's (well...most of the time..haha).  it is soothing in that way but when i can pay attention i miss the patterns, it almost feels like drawing with yarn to me sometimes.  the design that comes with the movement of stitches is so fun!  i think this pattern is interesting to me because i've never made a seamless top down sweater before so the construction part of this sweater is what has me amazed and intrigued :)

which side of the boat are you on - boring or exciting?  or are you floating in the middle with your life jacket on like me??  c'mon...let's chat knitting!  my hump day could use some excitement (tee hee i used the word or as my mom used to say "ssdd" - same sh*t different day.  i love that one.  it sums up my "mommy" week just perfectly.  sometimes i feel like the days are all the same and meld together.  any of you got that going on too? 

*all conversations about the KAL can be found in our luvinthemommyhood ravelry group thread here.  you can find all the previous KAL posts here .  it's never too late to join in!  you can also friend me on under luvinthemommyhooddon't forget to email me if you blog about your KAL project, i love seeing how yours is going.

a big thank you to all our summer sweater knit along sponsors!!!

the lovely elisa is offering all luvinthemommyhood readers 20% off in her gorgeous shop!! use code LTMH2011 at the checkout of her etsy shop.

*french press knits  *never not knitting  *jane richmond  *knitterella  *hilary smith callis  *rebecca danger  *magpie patterns  *fanciful belongings  *plum project studio  *nook  *marie madeline studio  
*aesthetic nest  *passionate design