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weekend wishes

to create in the stillness...

img src: helt enkelt
to drink some sangria with the hubs relaxing on our balcony...

Source: via Justina on Pinterest

that i find the time to recover my nasty ironing board...

ironing board cover from city chic country mouse
that are tomatoes grow big and delicious this year...

image src: two tarts
and that my bathing suit fits that i ordered.

img src: euguenmales
it's friday chickas!!!!!  yahoo!  i love friday.  in fact i love friday even more today because i got my free drink coupon in the mail from starbucks yesterday! man i love being a gold card member.  it's free and i get free drinks and savings!  can't beat that.  although i did have to stand in a lineup out to the door (yes, seriously) to get my venti drink today.  and yes...i ordered a venti...mmmmm...come to mama...if it's free you can bet i'm ordering the biggest size! YUM!

so the hubs and i are chatting about getting one of those coffee machines that make single cups.  what we want to know is which one is your fave - keurig or tassimo?  they both seem to have good qualities and i'm curious from those of you who have one if you enjoy it.  we both need all the coffee we can get at the moment to survive till the fall :)

i'm also very nervous about my recent bathing suit purchase. i finally bit the bullet and ordered this suit from land's end in black. i really, really, really wanted the coral but they didn't have my size in stock.  i wasn't going to order a suit but then my mom so sweetly pointed out they have 30% off and free shipping right now so i went for it.  i'm scared it's not gonna fit and i'm' going to end up with my girls schlupping out and a nice ol'muffin  cross your fingers for  thank god i can return it if it doesn't fit...or at least i hope i can?  maybe i should have read that - ordering bathing suits online is nerve wracking dude!  if i don't like it i'm totally ordering a retro style one piece.  the only reason i didn't order one of those already is the hubs didn't seem to keen on the style.  we'll see what happens.....nervous!

we've had some nice weather around here lately and i've been dreaming of getting our deck done and sipping some nice adult bevvies out there cuddling with the hubs when the wee ones are asleep.  we've got all our plants planted and the bbq set we're just putting some finishing touches here and there and doing some cleaning and then we'll hopefully be sitting out there sooner than later.  i think my knitting would be super fast if accompanied by my deck, sunshine and a stiff drink...muahahah.

wishing you all a warm, yummy bevvy, cuddles, sunshine, crafty, sleep filled kinda weekend!  what are your weekend plans?  do you find bathing suit shopping online scary too?  which coffeemaker do you prefer keurig or tassimo?  see you all monday peeps!