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moments in the mommyhood - it's august...say what?!

we've been busy trying to fill our summer with fun little outings.  with a low budget resource for summer camps i've been busy planning activities to keep us busy during our last summer before kindergarten starts (sob/yahoo).  we've been hitting up the royal bc museum (one of our fave places) to check out the highly entertaining dinosaur exhibit (i had a blast in there & learned a ton) and the kids had a riot too.  We also saw a lovely collection of the diamond jubille pictures of queen elizabeth II by cecil beaton. i really enjoyed this part and found it so interesting to see such personal pictures of the queen and her family. !  if you live on vancouver island or are stopping in victoria for a vacay check it out!  the imax is also lots of fun!

we've also been to the shaw ocean discovery center (thank you groupon for your great deals) & got into all sorts of mischief there as well.  i love the fact that we get to touch and hold all the sea anemones at the end.  i think that is my fave part.  i'm a nervous nilly but always find it so cool when i get the courage up to stick my hand in and feel them all!

we've also been hanging out in the sunshine, playing at the park, hitting the waterparks with daddy so mommy can sew and just plain trying to enjoy our summer during one of the most stressful times for our wee family.  i figure the more fun we can have the more we can take our minds off of what's actually going on this next month or 2 (the hubs big 3 day exam for his CA designation).

the fun didn't happen though until both my wee ones got over a bad stomach bug the last few weeks.  it was one after the other with lots of bathroom trips if you get my drift.  needless to say this momma will be happy not to deal with that much s&*t anytime soon..muahaha.  i mean look at my poor little baby.....

cute little thing...ok...i  anyhoo, it's been a busy summer so far and it just hit me that it's already august and i'm starting to panic about the fact that in a few weeks my oldest baby won't be home with me anymore and will be in kindergarten full days!!!! a part of me is so happy for her as she needs the stimulation and activity and i know she will LOVE it but another part of me is feeling like i'm losing my best little buddy.  i mean she's home with me 24 hours a day 5 days a week.  she's always with me so it's weird to think of not chatting with her during the day.  i think harper and i are going to be a bit lost without her for a while.  harper will definitely miss her big sissy and i'll miss her too.

anyone else a bit in shock of the upcoming kindergarten arrival? are you busy prepping for school and relishing these last few weeks with your baby at home with you?  such a change to our little lives, it makes me so wistful and sad but also hopeful and excited.  how are you all feeling about it? how's your summer so far?  come chat....the keurig is in overdrive and i've got iced coffees here for all of ya :) come....pull up a chair <3