link luv roundup

five orange potatoes shows you how to make some fun colored corn starch clay dyed with watercolors! (via the crafty crow)

i can't wait to try my hand at some of these adorable bean bags from "a pretty cool life" for my little ones.

over on "one hip mom" you can find a great little tute on how to use up one of your charm packs and make a twirly skirt.

this pic makes me want to keep knitting....and covet that lovely. (via a beautiful mess)

ohhhhhhhhh, i cannot wait to get my hands on the upcoming copy of books in the "built by wendy" series. this one is all on dresses!!!! i definitely need it. this series is a must have for any sewer.

the ladies over on kojo designs have whipped up some lovely and simple valentine bags for you to make. so cute! click here for the tute.

i want these pencils from the missIsa shop...any of them to be exact.

my girlfriend and i were discussing our love for wooden buttons on the weekend and then poof, i spotted this little tute on "shrimp salad circus" on how to make wooden brand buttons today! fun, fun, fun! (via craft gossip)

maggie makes shows you how to get into the valentine's spirit with these adorable heart pins. i love that they aren't cheesy and could be worn year round, they would also make a great hair band accessory. (via craftzine)

this pic makes me smile!

this tutorial for a layered jersey skirt looks like the next thing to add to my must make list for mackenzie! perfect for spring! you can find the tute over on "sewing for scarlett".

wanna learn how to make this cool zipper flower? i do! head on over to the "diary of a craftaholic" for the how to.

1) a big thank you to bobbie from the etsy shop "a vision to remember" for being so kind and sending me lovely emails and a free pattern to make this adorable rag quilt! thanks bobbie!
2) make sure head on over to janome soon, they have a fabulous, and i mean fabulous contest going on right now. in fact not just one of them, but two! yep two! you can take part in the "pass it on" contest by clicking here. you get to pair up with a partner, teach someone to sew or learn from someone and enter to win some very nice goodies. or you can enter contest two and submit your entry solo. it's your choice and the prizes are great! regardless both contests sound like lots of fun and i'm going to be sure to enter!
3) there's a new burp cloth tutorial out and i think it may be the easiest one yet! you can find the tutorial over on "the quilting diaries".

moda bake shop's got a cute tute up for a quilted ironing board cover. i was wondering if this could be done and voila - they whipped a recipe up!

dress up a cute tshirt for your little ones with this tute from "3 sweet p's" for a valentines shirt with a matching headband. love is in the air!

things i'm luving this week:

- valentine's printables roundup on thirty handmade days
- find a great list of flowery things to make on how about orange.
- everyone's talking about the poppies, but don't forget about the lovelies as well! i love finding new blogs during this nifty award time. go vote for your faves and show your support!
- great link to a huge lineup of free lingerie sewing patterns. (via whipup)
- for all you canadians out there check out this great new site called "cardswap". you can go and swap, sell or buy gift cards for canadian stores!

what are you luving this week? do you have a tutorial you would like to see up here next week? send me an email!