

It gets pretty darn windy where I live.  Wind storms blow regularly and I swear it chills me to the bone.  It also rains a lot so being a coastal gal we dress in layers and we love our accessories.  Since my oldest started kindergarten I do a lot of standing around outside for pick up and drop off.  Most of the time I curse the fact that I don't have a hood.  Sometimes I like to wear my fave leather jacket with a yummy cowl and then wouldn't you know it - bye bye sun, hello rain.  There goes mommas hair. 


Being a bit of a scattered mom at times (aren't we all here and there) I never seem to have an umbrella and I find myself longing for a hooded cowl.  It would solve all my issues.  Be quick to make, suit many different weights of yarn, be warm, squishy and look great with all my layers :)  Best of all it keeps my hair in tact and my ears toasty.  Bring it on mother nature.

Knit up in delicious madelinetosh chunky yarn in colorway tern (love) on a big needle this is a quick 1-2 kind of evening project.

camille is a cozy & oh so comfy hooded double wrap infinity cowl knit in a lofty oblique rib pattern with warm chunky yarn.  It also would look equally lovely in a super bulky, aran, or worsted.  Quick to knit, with a fun construction this cowl involves no picking up of stitches. Camille is knit in the round and knit flat with a simple seamed hood.

The Camille Cowl Pattern Features:

:: clear and easy to understand step by step instructions

:: bright & colorful photography

:: 2 page color PDF pattern

:: digitally drafted diagram

::  a great knitting experience

The Camille Cowl Pattern is available for purchase at the following:





One of my fave features of camille is that you never get cold back neck syndrome.  With the hood feature and the double wrap cowl your neck is always fully covered no matter if the hood is down or up.  I always get that draft between my cowl and top and this cowl keeps me nice and toasty. 

The pattern is easy to memorize and is a fun project to pop in your purse and carry with you.  It also makes a wonderful gift because it's a) awesome b) fast to knit up and c) a great project to splurge on some dream yarn without breaking the bank.  I can see many more camille's in my future. 


Named after my sister Camille who loves a hood as much as i do (which is a lot). We just love to curl up all cozy with a nice warm hood. Camille is also a good project for an experienced beginner who is looking to take on a project that's more difficult than a basic cowl but also still fun for an advanced knitter to whip up with some dream yarn.

I hope you all enjoy making and wearing this fun, squishy cowl as much as i do.  happy knitting from my home to yours!

I'd love to hear your thoughts! What do you think? Have you worn a hooded cowl before?  Let's chat yummy knits ladies!  

p.s. Thanks in advance to the lovely jane richmond for modeling for me! luv ya hun!