jer has 4 days off in a row! after him working 7 days a week and coming home late at night, it feels like we won the lottery.
his office had an "end of tax season" party last night. needless to say jer isn't feeling so hot today and came home a bit....inebriated..haha...ok, a lot inebriated.
but my pie turned out!!!! it is edible and looks delicious. but poor jer isn't feeling good so can't even eat the darn thing. looks like me and mack will be having ourselves a yummy pie for dinner tonight while jer pays tribute to the toilet gods...karma...haha.
here is a photo of my yummy "crispy rhubarb pie". it's delicious and i must say i am quite proud of myself for not ruining it, or the crust (which i have never made before). the recipe can be found at