jer and i have been indulging in daily pomengrate green tea soy lattes made at home by moi lately. and let me tell you, my kettle was oooold. i was starting to get scared by the fact that we were still drinking from it. so after some coercing on the weekend i got jer to come to sears with me to pick out our new little kettle. the thing is a godsend.
it boils water so fast, i can't get over it. it also has a built in filter so you can just plop the tea bag right inside the kettle. something other people may have been aware that electric kettles could do, but obviously we didn't...haha, or we would have bought one sooner.
now making our espressos and lattes has been a breeze. who needs starbucks when you can make your own? who am i kidding, i still need my starbucks..haha, but this is a pretty close second best and a hellavu lot cheaper.