elsa mora's blossom buddies

elsa mora blows my mind, there doesn't seem to be anything this ultra talented woman can't do. her paper cutting is to die for and she is beyond creative in her other endeavors. you can buy her handmade goods at her etsy shop here.

now to top it off, she has a gorgeous book coming out entitled "blossom buddies: a garden variety" in which she has created the most breathtaking creatures out of flowers. it's stunning. you can get a longer sneak peak and more info about the wonderful elsa herself on her blog here and you can pre-order the book that is due out on april 15th here. could you imagine the time and patience it would have taken to bring these little guys to life? i hardly have the time to brush my teeth never mind whip up a miniature world of flower people - amazing!

(images elsa mora)