some folks have been asking for pregger belly shots lately, so here ya go! i've been busy cooking up another member of the cook family. i'm now almost 16 weeks and looking pretty darn huge already if you ask me. i'm hoping that i'm not the only one on baby #2 who notices just how much faster that darn belly seems to be baking the wee one. people keep asking me if i'm having twins - eek!!!!

i don't have too many pics of the belly yet. i have to admit we have been quite forgetful and lazy in the belly shot department this time around. i really do have to get on the ball and start recording this pregnancy as i am not having any more after this baby. yep, that's right, i don't think i can handle three.....i'm hoping i can handle the two i'm going to have running around. life is going to get pretty crazy in our little apartment that's for sure!
any of you out there have any great ideas on how to stay on track with the belly photo shots? how did you find your belly growing after your first pregnancy?