well folks, this is it for the "babyhood bonanza"...i'm sad. it's been so fun. i had a great time and i am absolutely amazed and astounded, like usual, at the amount of talented ladies out there in this blogging world of ours. my google reader is seriously overflowing -bursting at the seams to be exact. i wished i could have showcased all of you, it was so hard to choose, but i tried to show a bit of diversity in crafts and tutorials during my little maternity leave. i hope you all had fun too :)
you can find all the lovelies we posted during the last 2 months below. just click on the pics to go the link. i want to send a giant, huge, massive thank you to all the women who were involved in this party of mine. i appreciate each and every one of you and the time you took to come and share your talents on this lil'ol blog of mine. you helped me have some precious time with my 2 girls & hubs without having to worry the mommyhood was going to become a boring place to visit. all of you have busy lives and some of you were even preggers yourselves...so with that being said thank you, thank you, thank you....big hugs!
how many of you would like to see this again next year? any interest? it was so great to see all the things we can make for our kids and ourselves that i'm sure there will always be lots of new ideas. share your thoughts and please stick around the mommyhood, i promise to still have lots of fun things going on. next week we have a giveaway, a great tutorial from a new blog on the mommyhood radar and coming soon....a tutorial from me! yep, finally, i'm getting my butt in gear and the sewing machine in motion.