moments in the mommyhood - big events

things may be a bit up and down around here for the next 2 weeks.  i've got my girlie starting kindergarten (wahhhh!) and the hubs writing the "big exam".  mack starts kindy on thursday and the hubs writes his exam next week.  yep, that's's here.  after 5 long years of endless studying the date is here.  we are so proud of him.  we're also proud of our little 5 year old who's about to embark on her own new journey.  so excited for her and i've managed to hold in my tears around her....for  the day of may be a different story :P

in the midst of all of this i've also been spending way too many late nights on the computer working away.  on what you may ask?  well, the sweetheart dress sewing pattern is almost ready to be released! can i get a woo woo!!!!!!  yes......!!!!!  it's going out to testers today and should be up for sale in about 2 weeks.  i'm so excited and also very proud of this wee pattern.  it's been a long process and a lot of learning and hard work.  i also had some awesome help from someone i'll fill you all in on later (thank you ld!).

but that's not it....i've also got my newest fat quarter gang tutorial coming up for art gallery fabrics, a new knitting pattern in the final stages of editing, and 2 new dress sewing patterns also primed to come out for sale as well!!!! can we say busy?  yep.  it's a bit of a gong show around here but worth all of it.  life is always fun (even when you're stressed) when you are doing what you absolutely love and i love what i do so it's a win win.

mackenzie doing her "model pose"!
i blame my busyness (is this a real word??) all on that darn creative process...  you all know what i mean right?  when you're a highly creative type it becomes almost like an addiction.  once you get the ball rolling a whole big world opens up and you just want to make and create all day.  you see it all around you where you never saw it before and your mind keeps processing/thinking/imagining all of the things you could be making.  it's amazing how things just seem so much more clearer and vivid once you get on a roll.  that's why i need a gazillion journals because once i get going i'm like a  it's a wonderful feeling.

this sea otter eating some fish drew a huge crowd to watch him chomp down last night. was quite the sight to see all these people pulling over and rushing to the beach all to get pics of a sea otter eating???!!!??? island life :P
it can make it hard to slow down though.  and slow down is what we did for a tiny bit yesterday.  we grabbed the kidlets and set out to soak in the sounds of the ocean and to skip some rocks (the girls love to throw rocks..honestly, they could do this for hours if we let them).  we haven't really had any beach days this year but that's because neither the hubs nor i have had any time off to really have them :)  so when we hit up the beach we go before/after dinner when it's quieter and we just chillax down there.  it's nice.  i like to try to photograph and just memorize those kinds of moments for when i'm at home and feeling a need for a brain buzz.  i'll pull up those images/memories and i swear i can feel the sun on my face as i cuddle the hubs, smell the ocean breeze, and hear the waves echoed by the sound of my children laughing.  feels good.

view from our balcony at sunrise
any of you going through any big changes right now?  i know there are a lot of you with wee ones starting kindergarten this month. let's console each other shall  who else has been on a creative surge lately?  coffee's a'brewin! come chat!