open wide zippered pouch tutorial from noodlehead || fabric from bari j's splendor 1920 |
we both started learning to quilt at the same time - i with the machine and her with her hands :) i have now happily learned to enjoy sewing my binding on by hand (one part of it anyways) and i'm still working away trying to get her to try her hand at doing a bit on the machine. in the meantime though i thought she could keep all her wee pieces in this cute pouch to pull out when she wants to work on them.
my mom is also my favorite secret weapon. she's got an eye like a hawk. she lovingly, painstakingly and very carefully edits and proofs all of my tutorials and patterns. she never misses a thing. i love that i always have her and my dad to send my pdf's to for a thorough and intense proofing. it's so fun to have them be a part of my wee business.
when i had decided to make my mom a new pouch i knew i wanted to try a new style of zippered pouch instead of the basic rectangle one that i usually make. i remembered my friend anna from noodlehead's free "open wide zippered pouch" tutorial. this pouch is soooo fun to make! with 3 sizes available i'm dying to make myself a trio of pouches! i have so many projects on the go i'm still running out of pouches/bags/ which in turn means i create more pouches, which means more projects being made. crazytown i tell ya. somebody stop me!
my mom loves teals and blues. any shade and she'll take it - anywhere. so when it came time to choose my fabric i went straight to bari j's line - splendor 1920 for art gallery fabrics i knew my mom would swoon over it just like i did. i chose "english garden serene" as the outer print and then did the lining in one of my fave's "tea delight jam". if you're a fan of bari's work check out her newest line - bijoux. i have another pressie i just made for someone out of it and the line is just gorgeous!
i hope my mom enjoys her pouch :) i wouldn't sew a zipper for just anyone..wink wink. to my mom: you are amazing. i love you very much and could never make you enough goodies to show you how much i appreciate everything you have done for me and my family and how much you mean to me.
>>> PATTERN <<<
- open wide zippered pouch from noodlehead
>>> FABRIC <<<
- english garden serene & tea delights jam from splendor 1920 from bari j for art gallery fabrics.
>>> NOTES <<<
- made no mods to this pattern. loved it!
are you making your mom a handmade gift this year? are you addicted to zippered pouches as well? remember you can get 15% off all purchases in our brand new veryshannon pattern store, ravelry shop and etsy shop till 05/13/13 using coupon code "mothersday". happy making!