makin it in the mommyhood

makin'it in the mommyhood - fabric business card holders & treats

it was one of my besties bday recently and i couldn't resist whipping her up a special pressie i had promised her a while ago.  remember these business card holders i made for me and the gals when we went to fibers west in the fall?  while i promised mandy i would make her one too and i'm happy to say i can finally cross that bad boy off the list.  mandy is the uber-talented lady behind "sugar and candy".  she is the queen of bags.  she's awesomely talented and a super friend too.

i tried to pick fabrics that reminded me of mandy but also matched her business tones.  i pulled out more than a few fabrics and hummed and hawed and just kept finding myself coming back to an anna maria horner print.  so i bit the bullet and went with my gut and i love it.  for some reason it just screams mandy to me.  i hope she likes it.the outer print is "shattered" in punch from innocent crush by anna maria horner,  the lining inner is "dottie cream" in coral by jay-cyn for birch fabrics and the pocket inner is "maybe" in tangerine from innocent crush by anna maria horner.

i used this tutorial again from "the crafty cupboard" and this time cut my fabric to the right size.  only mod i made was to use interfacing instead of the fleece.  worked perfect on the ones before so i went that route again this time.

i'm working on another pressie for mandy as well and that will be a tutorial coming your way very soon!  you guys will hopefully love it as much as i know mandy and i will!

i also knew that since mandy's bday was coming up i wanted to try out this new website i had been hearing about called Treat.  they have the cutest birthday cards and it's "where cards get personal". it's soooo fun!  i'm one of those gals who loves me a card.  i like mail.  snail mail folks. you know...the real kind :)  Treat allows you to go in and custom make any card you want!  they give you great layouts/sayings and you can customize to your hearts content! change the wording, design, phrasing - all of it!  best thing is they are fun, fresh & modern and it's lots of fun to put together.  then you choose to either mail the card direct to them or to yourself (to redirect) and you can top it off with a gift card!!! can you say one stop shopping?!!!!! LOVE!!!!!  i spent many a hour fiddling in there whipping up cards for mandy.  here's a few of my faves:

in the end this was the card i would have chosen.  Treat is available for all you lovely folks in the US and will hopefully be open for canadian peeps like me sometime this year! i can't wait!

if you love cards this site is for you.  go Treat yourself...wink wink :)   for first time customers you get YOUR FIRST CARD FREE using code: FREETREATclick here for more details.  you can find all things Treat here:

website  |  facebook  |  twitter  |  pinterest  | blog

i hope you had a wonderful bday mandy & you love your pressie! it will be here waiting for you when you get back! i luv ya long hope you had a wonderful, special and fabric filled bday!!! hugs!!!!

have you made your own business card holder?  what fabric would you make yours out of? do you have a soft spot for "real" cards too? coffee's on...come chat <3

makin'it in the mommyhood - pressies!

it was my lovely pal jane richmond's bday the other week and seeing as she is one of my besties i had to whip her up a little pressie.  jane is a knitter but she is also learning how to sew.  i knew she desperately needed some new pins and didn't have a fabric marker so since i LOVE buying sewing/knitting notions i had to get her a few to add to her kit.  she needs her sewing  and seriously, to all of you out there just learning how to sew - ditch those tiny little rusty pins from the dollar store and invest in some good pins.  it's worth it. trust me :)

i knew that i couldn't just give her the pins/marker though. nope, you know me.....they need something to go in.  i had been hoarding a particular fabric print that a dear friend gave me (wink wink anna) and knew it would be perfect for jane.  she looooves to garden and grows all her veggies from seedlings so how great is this fabric for her! awesome!  so i whipped her up a cute little rectangular pin cushion for her new pins and a cute project tote for her to hopefully carry her soon to be en masse of sewing projects in :)  i didn't use a tutorial for the tote, just went with the flow in a size i'd like.  tote's are a great, quick and yet stylish gift to make that allows you to show off that fave fabric which i always love doing.

why a rectangular pin cushion? well, i like things the way i like em'...that's how i roll and my handmade pincushion that was square always bugged me. there was never enough room.  i like that this is long and i can stab them in all over the  i used the basic idea from this tutorial but never cut up 4 squares per side.  the fabric already looked like blocks joined so i simply made 2 rectangles and sewed them together per side.  i then topstiched along that seam and then down the center to give it a tiny bit of a look of 4 pieces but it's really not.  this kind of pincushion is easy, quick and functional :)

i also got a surprise in the mail for me yesterday!  i had to hold it in till now and not even tell the sender i received it as i wanted to thank her and surprise her with posting it on the blog.  the lovely buffy (of passionate design) so sweetly sent me the awesomest pressie!  turning 35 won't be so hard with lovelies like these!  thank you soooooooooooo much buffy!  i know how much time and thought went into this pressie and it really means a lot to me.  i. have. not. taken off those bed socks!!!!  seriously! i LOVE them!!!!!!  they rock! and the mug....people.....amazing!!!! i heart you buffy!!!!

buffy made me the cutest pair of sleep socks from the pattern "turkish bed socks"from churchmouse yarns & teas.  are they not just so cute! they also fit like a glove and are so comfy to wear! super soft and very light.  i can only imagine the time that went into these - buffy you are such a sweetheart!

she sent all my goodies boxed up and wrapped in hand drawn wrapping paper people! i'd show you but my kiddos ripped it up before we realized she had handwritten all over it!!! great idea buffy - i'm going to have to use that one :)  she had all my goodies inside the biggest and best yellow mug i have ever seen!!!!  she then handpainted one of my fave sayings on the mug that i believe she remembered me lusting after a few months sweet!!!  this will def be my new fave go to mug buffy! only wish i could sip coffee alongside you with it.

accompanying the mug were the best turquoise colored pins i have seen! i have turquoise ones but not like this! the best color ever!  *edited to add: just found out that buffy made the pins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  what?!!!!!! omg!  the pins were nestled amongst some pretty co-ordinating fabric.  honestly, this made my whole month.  the friendships i've made through blogging continue to amaze me.  i have never met buffy in person (though i hope to one day) yet she is a special friend who has read my blog for years and always been a constant supporter and encourager of mine.  she's wise beyond her years and has a giant sized heart.  so sweet you are dear buffy.  thank you for making me smile.  this pressie warms the soul and helps make turning 35 so much easier. sending you gigantic sized hugs!!!!!

what projects have you guys been working on? do you have a fave go to item you love to make for friends gifts?  a great tutorial you follow?  anyone else turning an age that's freaking them out?  i'd love to hear about it!  coffee's a brewin'...come sip with me!

sneak peeks

phew..this weekend was a busy one.  a super fun one, but a busy one. i'm  i couldn't resist coming on and showing you all some pics today of what i got up to & a few sneak peeks.  i got a lovely package on friday from an awesome pal that i can't wait to show all this week and those zippers above were in there and let me tell you their prettiness is sure helping me get over my fear of zippers.  aren't they lovely on a rainy day?  so cheerful.  especially when we got hit with some snow yesterday! yuck!! :(

my weekend had coffee drinking, a bit of magazine/book reading - i am months behind on some of my fave mags, along with some knitting....oh yeah....bring on the knitting.  i had a scare on the weekend because i'm such a clumsy fool that i hurt my hand on friday night and even though it's getting better i nearly freaked out as it was my right hand and i couldn't move it! how the heck was i gonna knit, sew and type to all of you? that's all i could think about. such a dork i am. the hubs is still razzing me about how clumsy i am but in all honestly i think it was his elbows fault and not my hands :P you see i tripped and fell in the hallway to our condo door and he made fun of me so i got up and went to playfully whack him in the arm but instead of hitting his arm i hit his elbow bone full on with the top of my hand. can we say ouch!  and can we say clumsy?  but it was his elbow's fault right? not my hands...c'mon ladies...side with girl's gotta stick together.

audrey cardigan in knitpicks stroll tonal - colorway gypsy
saturday is my sewing day so i got to sew like a mad woman and then hit the pub for knit night.  yes, drinking and knitting do  and boy oh boy was it fun! definitely a good time.  but what happens at knit night - stays at knit night!  i picked up some bright pink yummy yarn from a lys (boutique de laine) on friday to make myself a mallory cowl of my own (shown below).  i don't have one and have been dying to find the time to whip one up so i thought mallory would be the perfect project to work on while sipping martinis and sure enough...i'm almost done. i think i was the last one knitting and no errors - i was sure i would mess something up.  i did overcompensate on my long tail cast on and ended up with a giant pool of yarn on the floor but i was sober when i did that so it doesn't count :P  i also have been sneaking in my audrey cardigan (shown above) here and there - isn't she a pretty garter stitch? love the color & can't wait to get my rocky coast cardigan done so i can finish my audrey up.

mallory cowl - cascade 220, colorway

speaking of my rocky coast cardigan here's a shot of the never ending sleeve. i definitely have a full blown case of sleevitis.  darn sleeves.  takes me forever.  i just want to wear the darn thing and i'm only on sleeve more to go and then i have to pick up the whole front and neckline and rib my brains  soon though, soon i will be wearing it.  in between all the knitting i got to do some sewing.  i was excited to do some pattern testing for a bloggy pal that hopefully i will be able to show you this week and it just happened to be a little project for me that matches perfectly with another wee project i've been working on :)  so many's killing me lately.  secret kal's, secret patterns, secret projects...i'm gonna burst with it  i promise to fill you all in soon.

i've also been doing some sewing with the new line of birch fabrics - commute.  love it!!!! this line is 100% organic and so soft with such a great drape.  the new pattern i'm working on (due to come out next week) will feature one print and this lovely item below will be showcasing another 2 prints.  i can't wait to show you all.  so purdy!!!!

birch fabrics - commute, dandi flight
i also had my modern sewing group meetup yesterday and worked hard on my zig zag quilt.  i'm hoping to show pics of that this week as well but in the meantime before i forget to ask - if any of you have made a mallory cowl and don't have pics up on ravelry yet could you email them to me ( or add them to our flickr group?  i'm putting together a little post and would love to see your finished cowls.  also, the mallory cowl (both youth and adult) are both available for purchase now on craftsy (this site is awesome - go check it out) as well as on ravelry for 2 for 1 - only $1.99!

 what did you all get up to on the weekend?  were you knitting, sewing, crochet, baking?  fill me in...i love hearing about what crafty goodness you are all up to! let's sip coffee and chit chat :)  happy monday m'dears!

makin'it in the mommyhood - dress up crowns!

Tutorial: Dress Up Crowns by We Wilsons
Fabric: 1001 Peeps, Villagers Lavender by Lizzy House

right before christmas i couldn't resist whipping up the girlies some dress up crowns.  the tricky part for me was a) sewing even just a little bit on the machine with my back and b) making these right in front of them without them figuring out what they were.  i did it though!  mack was very curious but i managed to persuade her that it was something for a project for the blog and i didn't know what it was going to  she sure was surprised to see it on christmas morning! 

i had pinned a dress up crown tutorial from we wilsons and it just got stuck in my mind.  it took me a few months to get to it but i never forgot about it.  i've never been into sewing crowns but for some reason her lovely aesthetic caught my eye and i knew i had to make them.

i'm sure glad i did!  the girlies love them and so do i.  i have been known to sport one here and there....every girl wants to feel like a princess every once in a fact i just may make myself a mommy sized one :P  you guys won't tell anyone right?

i used the lovely 1001 Peeps Villagers Lavender  by lizzy house that the girls love.  they think it looks like aladdin and princess jasmine :)  and who could resist putting some pretty lace trim adorned with pink princess beads?  not me!  i stitched the lace on before finishing up the crown and when i was done all my sewing i hot glue gunned on those beads.  those puppies ain't going anywhere.  i don't think i ever glued something so much as those  hopefully they will last at least a few months :P  so far harper hasn't noticed they are on there which is what i was going for.  a subtleness that mack would love and harper wouldn't pull  just perfect to be worn while dancing, singing and telling secrets to each other in.

and if you can believe it i had to show these pics of looks like she is sad/mad but nope, she's quite happy she's just busy  this is what she looks like when she is singing.  i swear the kid gets right into her music, she is giving it her all in these pics.  jer and i just die laughing everytime she gets in her "groove" - she even uses her hands.  so cute!

here's some shots of the dress up crowns....

my favorite part is the jewel in the princesses head wear.  i couldn't resist doing that and only did it on mackenzie's.  this was one fun project to make and the nice thing is the tutorial over on we wilsons also has many different templates you can use to make crowns...even boy ones!  i loved it!

are you into dress up crowns?  have you made any lately?  share some pics!  i'd love to see them!  i hope you all had a great weekend!  fill me in...whatcha been up to?

makin'it in the mommyhood - colds & crafts

it's done!  i finally got my deirdre shawl xmas pressie finished!  

i LOVE it.  so pretty and acutally quite a quick knit for lace.  my problem came with the blocking.  i really need to get myself some blocking wires.  i tried my best but the blocking could have been way better.  you live and learn though.  i still think it will look gorgeous on the recipeient and i cannot wait to see her in it!

pattern: deirdre by linden down
yarn: ella rae lace merino in teal (love this yarn!)
 i also couldn't resist sneaking a shot in here of the lovely and oh so yummy yarn that my fabulous pal hannah of ummashin's goodies (her shop is so great - go check it out, my girls wear their hats all the time) sent in the mail for me! what an awesome surprise! if my back hadn't been injured i would have done cartwheels.  i mean look at that color..and malabrigo...drool!!!!!!!!!  thank you so much hannah! and thank you mr. yarn for your awesome packaging! i love the sticker and clever!

QL Slouch by wooly wormhead
and here's another peek at another xmas pressie i finished and blocked.  love the way it turned out!

i also finished harper's quilt!!!!!!!!!!!  all bound, washed and dried!  love it! so comfy and cozy...i can't wait to curl up with it after xmas.  i'll post more pics of the whole quilt soon!  i also got a last minute gift done for both girls that allowed me to get on poppy the pfaff for a few minutes the other day and boy did it feel good!!! can't show you yet though, there are too many eyes around :)  i also am freakin' excited over a project i made for the hubs yesterday that he doesn't know about so i can't show you pics till after xmas but it's killing me.  i'm dying to show you all!

but in the meantime this is what we are up to.  kleenex, orange juice, coffee, halls, vicks, tv and knitting.  i'm just hoping the river that my nose has turned into goes away before christmas and that my little girls are both better soon too.

what are you all up to?  are you surviving?  what projects have you gotten done?  any left to finish?  show me your pics - i'd love to see :) 

makin'it in the mommyhood - we're getting close

we're busy crafting away over here today....stars for a mobile from some fun scrapbook paper...
(edited to add: here's the origami tute i used to make our stars -

and i'm madly trying to finish hand sewing the binding on harper's quilt for xmas. i have to tell you i've been having a love/hate relationship with sewing the binding on.  i only have to do one side as an awesome pal of mine machine stitched (cut & sewed my binding too) the other side on.  what i've learned is that i am not a great hand sewer (no surprise to me and that i really, really need a thimble.  any recommendations you guys? there are so many out there but i really want a good one for quilting with.  hopefully i'll have pics to show you soon of the quilt all washed, dried and crinkled up with love & quilty goodness.  i love that part :)

the back

 i could not resist trying out my machines alphabet sewing capabilities even though i didn't do a perfect was my first time doing it after all, i love that her name is on it :)  warms my heart.

i've also got to get a hat and shawl blocked and get the hubs hat on the go.  what are you all up to?  are you starting to get a little panicky like i am that xmas is only like 10 days away??? oh my! anyone else finishing up some handmade pressies? 

p.s. christmas knitting 911 will be up on a diff day this week :) and i'm super thrilled to be mentioned in the "knit and crochet now" christmas gift guide newsletter yesterday! what a thrill to see the mallory cowl in there i tell ya!  thank you knit and crochet now! if you haven't seen their show start watching - it's awesome. i mean how can you go wrong with a show all about knitting & crocheting? LOVE it! :)

makin'it in the mommyhood - dreaming & eye candy

All Amy Butler Lark Collection - 1. Charisma Midnight 2. Kasbah Midnight 3. Charisma Blush 4. Heirloom Blue Sky 5. Nanna Chic Cloud  All from
i got this lovely bundle in the mail the other day from my sponsor (all fabrics come pre-washed and pressed) and let me tell's been killing me not to cut into it.  i've been sitting on the couch just staring at it's loveliness dreaming up ideas and patterns.  i can't bear to put it away.  i have to admit i wasn't sure about amy butler's new line "lark".  i hadn't seen it in person and i have to admit it's hard sometimes to shop online when you can't see or touch the fabrics.  but wow...i took a chance on some of my faves and i love each of them.  so bright, fresh and colorful i will be ordering more.

i love the flower pattern on these two charisma prints below...i'm addicted to them at the moment...

but my favorite print is by far the kasbah midnight....i LOVE this one!

i forsee some lovely little goodies made from both of the prints below.  i've got a thing for the doily/lace edging of nana chic cloud and i'm just giddy over heirloom blue sky.  oh how it's killing me not to sew....really.  this has been the longest i will have to go without sewing since i started.  it's torture!

i've also had to put on a hold an upcoming ladies dress tutorial for celebrate color.  this lovely voile (shown below) was sent to me from one of my fave online fabric shops - hawthorne threads (thanks you guys - you rock!) and is from the heirloom collection by joel dewberry.  it's super soft, silky and just plain gorgeous! i cannot wait to share the pattern with you all in the new year!  you can also win some for yourself too! simply make sure to enter your project into the "wearables" section of celebrate color for your chance to win this very fabric and many other fabulous goodies!  november is the last month for celebrate color so get your entries in for yarn, quilting and embroidery!

joel dewberry heirloom collection in voile 1. ornate floral in amethyst 2. opal in fuschia
in the meantime though i've been knitting to keep my mind off of my longing for poppy the pfaff.  i ordered some knitpicks stroll tonal yarn in colorway gypsy and boy do i love it!  this lovely yarn is only $9.99per skein (462yards) and is a hand painted superwash merino blend - an awesome deal! i took a leap of faith ordering this as i needed a fingering weight to make the "audrey" cardigan by jane richmond and couldn't afford to use the yarn that i really wanted. 

it's been awesome to knit (very soft) with and the tones are subtle and very pretty.  the cardigan has a lovely, squishy drape just perfect for this pattern!  i'm super addicted to the audrey at the moment and can't bear to put mine down :)  i'm using 3.5mm needles so it's a labor of love i tell you.  see those rubbery purple things on the end of my needles?  best couple bucks i've spent in a long time.  they are the knitting needle point protectors from knit picks.  love them!  i have some other point protectors but they never fit my needles right and always slide off. these ones are super tight and rubbery and come in two sizes.  two thumbs up in my book!

the lovely  jane richmond herself came over last week to visit my poor self and to wind a whole whack load of yarn for me...all of which funnily enough were for patterns of hers.  i've got ready to go "joe" for the hubby for xmas and also yarn (cascade 220 heathers) for an upcoming release of jane's that i cannot wait for you all to see!  lots of fun!  i'm also still knitting away on the turquoise xmas pressie i've got going and another xmas pressie for my sister-in-law as well.  busy busy.  if you can't sew you might as well  so pick up those needles, grab your hooks and dust off your sewing machines...just get creating and just make sure to what you're making :)

you can find all my knitting projects and other miscellany on ravelry under "luvinthemommyhood". are you on there too?  make sure to share what you're working on in the comments below or in our flickr group.  we all love to see pics of your handiwork!  it's so fun!  so.....whatcha been making?  c'mon....spill the beans.....

makin'it in the mommyhood - oh baby...let's soak

pattern: puerperium cardigan by kelly brooker
yarn: berroco vintage dk in colorway 2134

i promise this is the last of the baby goodies...for  a friend of mine recently had a new baby girl - scarlett.  how could i resist knitting up a vibrant red sweater for a pretty, feminine, dark haired baby girl?  nope...couldn't do it.  red it had to be.  i spent a lot of time on ravelry over the last few weeks hunting down just the right pattern for baby scarlett.  as soon as i spotted the "puerperium cardigan" i knew it was the one.  i loved it's simple lines, the border of cute buttons and the varying sleeve styles and lengths.  it caught my eye right away.

it took me less than a week to finish this little cardi up and it was a fast and rewarding knit.  i had made it a few inches in and during my sleep deprived haze i thought i had made a boo boo and ripped it out and started over only to realize i hadn't made a mistake - oops!  you live and learn not to read patterns that take a bit of concentration when overtired or distracted.

i also couldn't resist whipping up another pair of rae's "basic newborn baby pant".  seriously you guys, these things are so cute and they are super fast to sew.  i think i got this pair done in 15mins! so quick.  i added an extra 1/2" to the pattern this time round so scarlett might be able to wear them for a few weeks longer.

a pretty little outfit for a pretty little girl :)

i also made my friend a key holder thingie...i know some people call them key fob holders but she doesn't have a key let's just call it  i have one that the lovely laura from "on the laundry line" sent me and i LOVE it.  my friend spotted it and asked me if i could make one for her too.  super fun and easy to make!  this is a great project for beginners to practice your top stitching skills.  i couldn't find a tutorial that i liked so i just winged it.  if anyone's interested in one let me know and i could put one together for you all.
i also have a little treat for you ladies!  i tweeted a few weeks ago asking for some recommendations for wool wash to help my handknits not stink so bad anymore.  i was finding that everytime i blocked something whoooeeeee...stinky!  nasty odor.  one of the first tweets i got back was from amanda of the fabulous blog "hey pork chop" (check it out - i'm an addicted reader) recommending "soak"

i went right away to check out their site and found myself really excited to find a creative array of products but also that they are canadian! woot woot! go canada.....i digress :P  they so sweetly sent me some samples to try out and i've used soak on 3 projects now and man is it great stuff.  my knitted items smell better, block good and are way softer than they started.  i'm a very happy knitter! and because soak wash is so fabulous they are giving all you awesome luvinthemommyhood readers a 10% discount using the code "LMH10" good till november 28th, 2011!  wow..thanks soak!
i know i'll be ordering at least one bottle.  they carry everything from heel cream, awesome temporary knitting tattoos, labels for your handknits, basins & soak in seven fun scents!  soak is perfect for use with any fine fibers from your knitting to your lingerie.  i'm going to be ordering some of "unleash" which is inspired by ravelry.  fun! their website also has some great tips for blocking as well as videos to help on their youtube channel.  find all things soak here:

 so happy soaking and happy halloween!  i hope you all have a wonderful, fun-filled and safe halloween!  i've got a princess and a cute piggie just dying to trick or treat!  have you used soak before?  what do you use when you wash your handknits?  what do you think of my baby goodies?  you likey?  what did you work on this weekend?  let's chit chat :)

makin'it in the mommyhood - baby shower pressies!

baby goodies time!  i went to a baby shower on the weekend for my friend alex and could not resist whipping up some baby goodies for her soon to be little boy.  i will openly admit it was sooooo much fun to make boy stuff!  i  had a great time choosing the pressies to make and of course i had to make at least one thing in my fave color turquoise

burp cloths  
i whipped up a few of my favorite burp cloths.  i love giving these to new moms.  super soft, easy to clean and you can  never have enough of them.  i then paired them up with an adorable pair of "basic newborn pants" from the talented rae of "made by rae".  these are so simple to make (a great beginner project for all you new sewers out there) and seriously adorable.  i know the baby will prolly wear them for all of like a week but the size.....oh my gosh....for a moment they made me want another one....for a moment that is :P  the fabric is called robots and it's by david walker and i got it from one of my fave fabric suppliers - stitch simple where all your goodies come pre-washed and pressed.

made by rae's basic newborn pants
i then had to make something that i also think every mom cannot have enough of...bibs!  fun, stylish ways to catch all that spit up, food, drool and baby vomit...yes...gross...but moms, we all know that we, and our children, get covered in it daily for at least a year.

i had to throw in a pattern i've been dying to make for a few months now the bapron from the lovely jess of craftiness is not optional.  i LOOOOVE this bib! seriously...i think it rocks all bibs.  it's super fast to make, easy and a great way to show off some fun fabric. i plan on making a pile more of these.

bapron from craftiness is not optional

i then paired it up with an adorable drool kerchief from one of my fave sewing books "simple sewing for baby" by lotta jansdotter.  i highly recommend this book for anyone looking for an awesome collection of usable baby items that are modern and fabric focused.  it's one of my most used books.  the fabric used for these is one that i actually got accidentally shipped to me instead of what i ordered and it's called pirate pups in light blue from alexander henry and let me tell you i was not sure what the heck to do with is so saved it in the hopes that someone i know would have a boy.

drool kerchief from "sewing for baby" by lotta jansdotter in alexander henry pirate pups in light blue
and last but not least, my fave out of all the goodies - a little hand knit vest for the little man to sport.  adorable. i love it.  so friggin adorable and i can say that because i have a few pals whose little ones wear these and each time you see them you cannot help but go "awwwwwwwww".  yep, it's one of those kinda gifts.
pebble (henry's manly cobblestone inspired baby vest) by nikol lohr
the vest is called "pebble (henry's manly cobbleston inspired baby vest) by nikol lohr.  i knitted mine up in what i think would be a 6-12mths size.  it's made in 100% wool and it's super soft, squishy and oh so warm.  i finished this vest in one weekend from one skein of yarn and it was a fun and interesting knit.  plus i love items with buttons so this was a fun one for me.  the baby's name is going to be oliver and i didn't realize it until after i made it that i picked an olive green color :P

best part is if you don't knit and want one of these cuties you can also pick them up from my pal rebecca's etsy shop "nook".  they come in all sorts of bright and fun colors and an array of sizes.  she's busy whipping up a ton for an xmas market so they aren't all listed right now but if you convo her i'm sure she'd love to do any custom orders.  these are great for girls and boys.

i heart making baby pressies and couldn't resist showing you all what i've been working on.  i cannot wait to see baby oliver sporting these in a few months. it makes me wish harper was tiny again cause i really slacked on making items for her in baby sizes.  i think i made one  embarrassing.  oh well, i have lots of time to make up for it now when the sizes can actually be worn longer than a month or  stay tuned tomorrow...there's a tutorial coming your way....

have you made any baby gifts lately?  do you sew or knit baby gifts?  what baby goodies are you planning on making for gifts this holiday season?  link up! i love seeing your projects!  come share :)

makin'it in the mommyhood - simple skirt & a pretty new dress

so excited to share this little dress with you guys.  it was a labor of love.  something i've had brewing in my mind for a little while now that i just hadn't had time to make.  with the end of summer upon us i figured i better get cracking otherwise this little dress would quickly become a tunic over a long sleeve top for the winter...and although that is adorable i really wanted to see it out and about in the warm sunshine.

the special thing about this dress to me is the bodice.  the way the back/front, straps, and faux button placket all fit together like puzzle pieces around and into each other.  it may just be the trickiest thing i've made from scratch yet.  it was so fun to take something i had in my mind and make it an actual dress.  something that wasn't just a basic a-line.  a lot of this dress is owed to polly the pfaff (polly is a pfaff ambition 1.0).  without my new machine (whom i love) this dress would look like a pile of dog sheat..haha.  messy stitches and wonky bits all over.  with polly...the stitches are smooth, even and sewed like butter no matter how many layers i throwed at her :)

and you all know i could not resist a covered button right?  lindsay from the cottage home has gotten me hopelessly addicted to them (giant congrats her way as well! she had an adorable baby boy cute!).  really, i think i am a goner.   i'm about to order a big bag 

i am so in love with this dress and have plans to make one for mackenzie too.  my question to all you lovely ladies is would you like to make this?  would this be something you would be willing to buy as a pattern?  i've really been toying with making a few e-patterns lately.  the dress would be customizable to be made in all sizes including a ladies tunic/dress.  i had at first intended on making a tutorial but then quickly realized how much work is involved and making my own patterns for you all has been a goal of mine for a while.  so what do you say?  anyone interested?

after i made the dress i realized i couldn't leave mackenzie out so when i asked her what she wanted she quickly replied a new skirt.  she chose her fabric for the skirt and asked for a pocket to match.  so i headed on over to "made" to whip up dana's fab "simple skirt tutorial".  so easy and so fast! i was done the skirt, pocket in all in under an hour!  it was fabulous! i added two rows of top stitching to the hem and also top stitching on the top and bottom of the waistband and also some lace trim to the pocket just for some extra pizazz.

i think one in my size may just be in order :)   i've got a thing for pockets.

i gotta tell ya it sure warms the heart to see my two cutie pies playing in the grass wearing clothes made with love and by my own two hands.  it's so fun to think back to just over a year ago when all i could do was sew a straight line.  i can't wait to see what next year brings!

i'd love to hear your thoughts on the prospect of an e-pattern :)  please leave me a comment and let me know what you think.  what have you been making in the mommyhood this week?  any lovelies for your kidlets?  any goodies for yourself?  

fabric details:
harper's dress - willow grove pink/red in the kitchen by alexander henry from (all fabrics come pre-washed & pressed! love it!)
mackenzie's skirt - just stay little in turquoise - children at play by sarah jane for michael miller from

makin'it in the mommyhood - beach robe & an oopsie!

this is a post about what happens when a sewing project goes wrong.  we all know it's happened to each of us, c'mon...admit, we all have our oopsies!  also my daughter is adamant that hers is a bath robe, not a beach robe and wants to wear it when she get's out of the bath.  when i told her it was a beach robe she laughed her cute little butt off at me and said "mom, kids don't wear robes at the beach they wear bathing suits!".  oh my.  no point arguing with a 4 year old right :P

i recently got to pattern test for the lovely dana of made for her new pattern for an adorable beach robe made from super cute beach towels and bias tape.  i was sooooo excited to be asked by my pal dana and even more excited to make some for the girls.

dana's pattern is awesome!  a great project for beginners and if you're looking to get some experience with bias tape this is it!  her patterns include lots of great instructions, helpful tips, pattern pieces and colorful and bright photos to help you through the process of sewing your own beach robe masterpiece.  there are a ton of sizes included and also, true to dana's other patterns, lots of room for options and customizations that she shows and gives instructions for!  i love that about her!  she did a great job and i know i'll be making more of these in the future. 

so why did i have an oopsie?  well, let's just say that a specific store in the city i live in that sells tons of fabric that i DETEST shopping at that starts with an F (the same one that tried to sell me fabric with 2 large holes in it!!!)  did not have the size bias tape i needed in the perfect shade of pink that my daughter so desperately wanted.  so being a silly sewing mama i bought the smaller size anyways thinking i could make it work.  well tim gunn, i couldn't.  i should have gone back to the store and bought another color or gone to a different store and looked for more pink but with 2 kids shopping in fabric stores is not fun and very stressful so i was determined to push on as i had already dragged them all over town trying to find beach towels.  you know the nice soft thin ones?  think i could find any of those either?  nope.  i ended up buying some thinner towels from zellers of all places and let me just say - don't buy towels there...not a good investment of your  i'm glad these are just for beach robes and not for towels cause i would be a mad about that too.

once i got my pieces cut out i started sewing, let's just say the "old" sewing machine i had basically said some not so nice words at me and then spit everything out refusing to sew it.  did i stop?  heck no, i wanted my beach robes!  so i pressed on, making my machine angrier and angrier but eventually she gave in and stitched away.  i mean hello shannon.....i think the towels were too thick for the machine??? duh!  anyways, once the robe was done i had to add the bias tape.  muahahahaha!  what a nightmare.  this should have been the easiest part and poor dana, i kept writing her saying it's coming,  i'll be done soon i promise, but then every time i tried getting that darn bias tape on the machine spit it out, ripped it up, chewed it up, ripped out the bobbin, and many other messes that i had to unpick and fix.  note to self...always use the size of bias tape suggested for the pattern or you'll end up in a situation like mine.  small bias tape and thick towel are not friends.  they don't like each other :P

it's finally done though.  not perfectly.  there are rough spots, ugly little bias tape spots but we can ignore them :)  i have to do a bit of hand stitching at the top of the bias tape at the bottom of the hood still as i didn't have enough bias tape to do the whole hood.  i instead top stitched mine and i think it's cute like that too.

i still have plans to make harper's.  it's got the same lining fabric, but the towel is light baby blue.  i'm not making it though until i have the right size bias tape.  oh and just in case you all ask me, i didn't have enough of the lining fabric or a coordinating one at home to make my own bias tape.  i order most of my fabrics online so i keep a small stash and usually buy fabric as i need it to cut down on costs.  sacrifice i have to make when living on a sewing budget :)

so if you can ignore my oopsies and instead look at the cute robe and the fun design go grab the pattern and make some of your own over here on made.  you won't be disappointed!  i give this pattern a two thumbs up!  i give my silly sewing stubbornness two thumbs down..haha.  and dana, please forgive me for my oopsies...i hope you will have me as a pattern tester again...i promise to buy the right stuff next time..wink wink!  luv ya!

have you made dana's beach robe yet?  how fun are they!  i love the way you can coordinate all sorts of colors, prints, short sleeves, long sleeves, long tie, short tie and the list goes on!  go brighten up your summer folks!  what sewing oopsies have you made lately?  i can't be the only one......

*edited to add: that is not makeup on my kidlets eye.  i haven't gone all toddlers & tiaras on, she hit her head at the playground on the weekend and gave herself a black eye.  yep...she's clumsy like her momma :P

makin'it in the mommyhood - peekaboo bonnet

oh my gosh ladies, i love this pattern...just sayin.  there is something so irresistible about a little girl in a bonnet.  never mind an adorable and reversible peekaboo bonnet.

when you add some piping....

fun fabrics...

and might i say a cute as a button toddler or baby....i mean can you resist this???  she knows she's

and you've got a winner in my book!  my fabulously talented, funny and oh so sweet bloggy pal rae of "made by rae" is the creator of this awesome pattern and i give it two thumbs up.  the possibilities of this hat are endless too.  the instructions were clear, concise and easy to follow.  the pattern also covers sizes newborn all the way till a size Child Large which I'm guess is 6/7!!  mackenzie wants one now too!

i don't recommend making it when extremely sleep deprived though..hahaha, i don't know how many times i mixed my fabrics up but this one shown today is my 2nd bonnet i've made (i made another one in the 0-3mths size as a baby gift - friggin adorable when so tiny!) and i think i'll be making a lot more in my future.

you can get your hands on a copy of the peekaboo bonnet here over on made by rae.  tell rae i sent ya :)

thank you for all the kind bday wishes you have all been sending me today.  you guys are the best!!!  luv ya!!!  you guys are soooooo sweet.  i really do appreciate you thinking of me so thank you again :)

i'm going sewing machine shopping today so hopefully i'll be bringing home a new baby today!  i'm leaning towards a pfaff at the moment but i'm nervous though, it's rather silly but it's a lot of moula and i always get really nervous when i have to spend a lot of money.  i'll be sure to keep you all posted.

what have you been making lately that you loved?  have you made a bonnet too?  what's your fave baby hat pattern to make?

P.s. fabric was from on our my fab sponsors - Crafty Girls Workshop.  Check them out!

makin'it in the mommyhood - summer vacation dress!

we've got a birthday party coming up this weekend and i thought what better gift to give a pretty, fun loving 6 year old to be girl than the perfect summer dress? 

i've been waiting since last year to have a go at the summer vacation dress pattern by the insanely talented blogger pal of mine - dana of "made".  i've had the elastic thread just sitting in my sewing desk drawer calling out my name since then.

i have to admit i was a bit fearful of using it.  not of the thread but of what my crabby sewing machine would do the garment i would try to sew with it. 

i finally sucked it up, wound my bobbin with the elastic thread by hand and had a go at it.  boy am i happy i did!  love it!  can we say easy peasy?!  i see a ton more of this in our future. 

the pattern was fast, easy and there were a lot of versions that allow you to change up the look or customize it.  i had planned on adding the bow in front and the pockets that dana shows for the version i made but after seeing the dress with the bottom print on it i didn't think it needed anymore embellishment and left it to speak for itself.

i love the way the little cap ruffle strap seems dainty yet playful at the same time.  i can't stop thinking of places to add straps now with elastic thread sewn in!

i think it balanced out the bottom border just right.  i think my little one likes it

in fact, she's pretty upset that momma is giving this one away.  i almost decided to keep it for her, but then realized there is no more orange polka dot print left to make another one and also i have no time to make another one this week :( 

i think i'll make it up to her by letting her choose the fabric for her own version.  she loves being involved in my sewing and picking out colors for my projects.  in fact, i always ask her opinion on things i'm making for kids because...well....i want the kids to like it and be attracted to it too!  sometimes what i think is fun for a child she hates so i always test run things by her now.

i hope the bday girl likes it as much as mack does and this dress gets it's fair share of play time, summer fun, beach romping, backyard butterfly chasing and trips to the ice cream shop.

in fact....i think i want one too!   thank you dana for making such a fantabulous pattern and for also allowing it to be made for an adult too!!!  you rock girl!! so if you've been wanting to try to use elastic thread but have been a bit hesitant - go for it!  it's fun!  do a practice swatch first and then sew it up ladies!

have any of you made the summer vacation dress?  which version did you make?  what's your go to birthday party dress for little girls?  any faves you'd love to share?  i'd love to see & hear about them so let's chat :)

Book Review - Little Things to Sew

sunshine, sunshine, come our way!  we've got our hats on & we're ready to play!  sorry...couldn't help myself!  i recently got my hands on a copy of the FABULOUS book "little things to sew: 20 classic accessories and toys for children" by oliver + s designer liesl gibson and it just makes me happy!!!  that sunshine and skipping kind of happy.  so excited and so in love with this book!  it's gorgeous!  the photography is stunning, the patterns are fun and scream liesl with the finishing and attention to tiny details.  you won't be disappointed.

there are projects in the book for every level of sewer and for every season of the year.  from mitts and hats to vests, tutus and smocks!  there's even a puppet theatre and bento box!  hello!!!!!!! so fun!!!!

i think mackenzie looked at the book just as much as i did.  she loved it and chose the reversible bucket hat as our first project. 

the instructions were clear, concise and easy to follow.  the hat turned out great and i think she looks pretty darn cute in it!  you always know when something is good when it passes the "kid test".  sometimes i love things and she doesn't and she loves this hat.  she happily modeled it for me even picking out a bright yellow outfit (skirt and shirt) to match!  don't you just love a 4 year olds fashion fun!  they have no fear.

perfect for sunny days, beaches, parks and outdoor fun!  i love that it's reversible!  i've got a problem choosing fabric for projects because i love so many so having reversible projects are always my fave!  the best of both worlds!  a little peek here, a little peek there.  i even smacked my label on the brim of one side too :)

i can't wait to make more of liesl's patterns!  check these out!

this bag even comes in adult size!  oh my, mackenzie and i could have matching bags!!!!! count me in!!!!!!!

you know i love me a simple and modern quilt.  so fresh!

heck even the appendix is gorgeous in this book!  i love the style and vibe of the book as well.  it's fresh and feels new and modern.  the appendix has helpful information and is easy to understand for even a beginner sewer.  the pattern pieces weren't overwhelming and i didn't hyperventilate when seeing them.  yes, i freak out when things look wayyyyyyy too complicated.  i'm still learning here folks!  i'm always happy to find a book that is accessible and filled with projects that challenge me in a positive way, not in a way that makes me want to quit the project and cry.

if you're looking for some year long inspiration and a beautiful handy and resourceful sewing book to add to your collection make sure to check out "little things to sew" by liesl gibson.  beware may end up with a child that looks like the pic above :P  happy sewing!

you can find lots more info on "little things to sew" here at oliver + s, a fun youtube video here, and all things liesl gibson - liesl & co. and oliver + s here:

watch for liesl's fabric line "modern workshop" out now as well! and if you haven't seen her line of women's sewing patterns - lisette, go check them out now. so pretty!

are you a fan of liesl's work?  what is your fave oliver + s pattern?  fave project in the book? 

P.s. fabric was from on our my fab sponsors - Crafty Girls Workshop.  Check them out! 

makin'it in the mommyhood - carefree

a little girl needed a new dress for her 4th bday and she wanted to be able to run, play, skip and jump in it. so i decided to make a pattern from a book of mine "carefree clothes for girls: 20 patterns for outdoor frocks, playdate dresses, and more" by junko okawa. i love the simplicity of the designs in this book and thought they fit perfectly for my taste and what mackenzie wanted.

i decided to try my hand at the pattern "dress with lace doily". instead of making the dress in a natural cotton like i had intended i decided to use a print i picked up from ikea and omitted the doily...i know...i omitted a doily - crazy hey! it was too busy for the dress. i also decided to add the bias trim to finish the dress instead of following the pattern instructions for a more unfinished look. most of making this dress went smoothly but i did have a few oopsies. i forgot to add the seam allowance myself when cutting/tracing the pattern which ended up ok due to how tiny my girl is and i also changed a few of the finishing instructions half way through as i preferred to finish my seams a different way so half of the dress sort of bugs me where you can see the zig zag stitching.

overall though i love the dress. my favorite part is the button and the button loop. i used this fab tutorial from the oh so talented ysolda tseague to sew up the pretty closure. i love it! i'll definitely be using this more often!

the best part about sewing this dress - she loves it and it's proven to be the perfect dress to twirl in, jump in, play in and just be an active 4 year old girl in.

what have you all been making lately? any patterns you've tried and loved? i haven't forgotten to show pics of the dress i made for mack's friends bday but i'm waiting to get pics done still. any patterns you've been dying to make and haven't had a chance yet? let's talk sewing ladies!

makin'it in the mommyhood - baby shower goodness part two

so you guys got a peek at the crafty baby shower i helped plan on the weekend on monday's post now here's the part where i show you what i made! yippee! rebecca and i wanted to give our guests a little gift to take home as a thank you for coming. my pal amy loves her tea and coffee and i came up with the idea to give everyone a few bags of one of her fave flavours of tea - peach! yummy! i knew i wanted to come up with a cute and crafty way to give them the tea so i thought why not sew up a pretty tea envelope to put the tea in?! fun right?

well let me tell you these little guys are very addicting!!! i had to stop myself from making like a hundred of them and adorning them with lace and trim and ric rac...ohhh, so many possibilities! i decided to keep them nice and simple and use my crafting scissors to make a pretty scallop edge for the flap and label. i used twine for the string and used my scissors again to make the scallop on the edge of each tag. the back of each tag and a hand printed thank you on them. i printed out the labels on the computer to use as a seal to close the envelope. i fit 3 large tea bags into each envelope and used the sewing machine to sew it all together! i love them! aren't they cute?

if anyone's interested i'd be more than happy to do up a tiny tutorial with a template that you can print out. it's pretty simple though so i wasn't sure any of you would even need it :) i'd love to hear your thoughts on it though.

i also wanted to give each guest a card i but didn't want it to be a card they just went home and recycled. i wanted it to be a card that they could give and pass on to someone else. i heart the idea of sewing on paper and try to make cards whenever i can this way. i had spotted some cards online that used ruffles and decided to have a go at making some. i used some natural art paper (not sure what it is...watercolor maybe?) that had been gifted to me and then used an old gift card as a template for sizing. i then cut out the fabric strips, ruffled them on the machine and then stitched them on the card using the sewing machine as well. easy peasy.

i think they look natural and oh, so pretty. again, these are addicting so be warned....there are also lots of options to customize these for your own taste as well. we used the tea envelopes and the blank cards for the table settings along with ribbon tied napkins to set the table for our guests.

now on to the gifts for the birthday boy! i decided that it was the perfect time to make dana's knee pad pants! i used a pair of harper's jeans as a template for the pattern and then whipped him up the cutest pair of pants using an old pair of my maternity jeans! nice and stretchy!!! i then repurposed a soft shirt of the hubs to make the knee pads with. adorable! the pics don't do the jeans justice. i squealed when i tried them on harper but my monkey wouldn't stay still long enough to get a decent shot.

i also had been dying to try my hand at making one of those super cute stuffed owls that have been floating around for ages. i couldn't find the exact one i wanted so i combined a few pics i saw of owl stuffies and winged it. i again repurposed my maternity jeans and jer's shirt for the owl. the jeans made up the body on the front and the hub's shirt makes a soft, snuggly back. the side fabric is from the "it's a hoot" line from moda and was scraps from harper's quilt. the polka dot was from my stash of scraps as well. gotta love scraps!

so what do you think??? you likey?? i'm so excited to finally show you all what i have been up to! it's been so fun. share your thoughts :) what have you been making? come add your pics to our flickr group!

I Made Shoes....and the Sweet Pea Patterns Giveaway Winner!!!

i made shoes!!!!!! i can't believe it. i've never made shoes before and this whole process sort of freaked me out and made me so nervous i was going to screw them up. i'm happy to report though that they are not screwed up...not perfect...but not screwed up. cheri from sweet pea patterns instructions and photos were easy to follow and i found my nerves easing once i dived into the project.

whatcha think? you likie? i do. i made the 9-12months size and harper has a bit of room to grow into them but they look adorable on her. sorry no pics of her in them, she decided it was nap time during our photo shoot. are you interested in trying to make your own shoes but are feeling a bit hesitant? here are some tips for sewing sweet pea patterns "little london loafers" that i had:

- iron...a lot! i ironed everything over and over and over. it helped with the pinning and keeping everything lined up and on track. i love my iron and find it does wonders for me when i'm sewing. i didn't have fabric glue handy so the extra pinning and ironing allowed me to still make the shoes.

- the step where you are sewing the shoe together i also recommend a lot of pinning. pin till you can't pin no more. no pleats and my edges stayed lined up thanks to the tons of pinning.

- read the instructions through a few times before starting. i made an oopsie with the cutting of the pieces at the start because i got all gung ho and jumped ahead thinking i knew what to cut out. not fun. luckily i had just enough fabric left to recut.

- use the right needle for your machine and material. cheri shares this tip in the pattern but i wanted to stress this. it's always important to use a new needle for a new project and one that is for the kind of fabric you are working with.

shoe face...hahaha. couldn't resist posting that pic. mackenzie came over as i was shooting my pics and declared she wanted watermelon in the picture. i think the kid has a good eye..haha. she spotted those dots and thought they looked like eyes.

i had so much fun making these and know they will not be my last pair. next up...mackenie and then me. you can find patterns for your wee ones at sweet pea patterns, for your kidlets at sweet pea kids and for you at shoeology. cheri also sells waterproof soling material now so you can wear your fab shoes outside without ruining them! cheri - you rock girl! love you for making this so easy! and now on to the winner!!!!!

felicia - you're the winner! congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait for you to whip some shoes up for your little ones! i'll be forwarding your info to cheri and she'll be in touch soon.

here's a pic of from one of our fave long time readers - buffy. this is her daughter wearing a pair of boots made from the super slouchy boot pattern from sweet pea patterns. aren't they adorable? i love seeing what you guys are all making so come join our flickr group to show off your sewing goodies!

happy shoe making everyone and thanks again for all the entries! have you tried out making your own shoes recently? do you have any tips to share with us?

quilting 911 - i need help martha!

i finally got my butt in gear to start making harper's quilt. i made mackenzie a quilt (my first) when she was little and we call it her love quilt. when she goes to bed at night the quilt will protect her from bad dreams cause it's filled with mommy's love. when she spotted me making harper's she asked me if it was going to be a love quilt and when i said yes, she said "how do you get the love in there mommy?". how cute is that? so sweet. the fabric i'm using has been calling my name and even though i have a lot of other unfinished projects i felt like i needed a brain break to make something fun. needless to say i forgot that i am "cutting challenged". i really need help. i don't think there is anyone worse at cutting fabrics than me..haha. seriously.

the pattern i am making is from the lovely blog "the polka dot chair". it's called the snuggly bricks quilt tutorial. it's easy, quick and perfect for the amount of time i have to spend on it right now...or so i thought. all i had to do is cut out rectangles. straight lines. easy right? i guess not for me. i got out my rotary cutter, my mat, made a template and got out my ruler. do you think they were straight? nope. did my rotary cutter behave? nope. by the end of one hour i had a whole whack of rectangles cut, one not usable (too small) and man was it a b&^ch to get that amount done. i am starting to think i should just stick with sewing clothes..haha.

i'm going to be using the prints above from moda by momo called "it's a hoot". i love it. any suggestions from you guys on how to quilt this when it's pieced? i've never quilted a brick pattern. would you just do stitch in the ditch? also what color do you think would work best for the binding and backing? i'm a new quilter and any tips are greatly appreciated :)

and of course, let's not forget my cutting question to you on this is are...what are your cutting tips? am i the only one cutting challenged? is there some weird part of my brain that refuses to cut with a rotary cutter? can martha stewart invent a chip to implant into my brain to fix it?

bring it on my friends. i could use your help :)

makin'it in the mommyhood - drool catchers

are you a baby wearer? do you carry your wee one in a baby carrier that's got straps within chewing reach of your baby? does that baby drool a lot and i mean a lot? i got super excited when i spotted a tutorial the other week for drool catchers from lu bird baby for my ergo baby carrier.

i quickly grabbed some fabric leftover from mackenzie's new backpack and whipped those drool catchers up. now instead of chewing on the hard, black straps, harper can suck to her heart's content on some pretty fabric and ribbon. it's soft, absorbent and she just leaves to touch it. i also think it just adds some personality to my carrier. a little pizazz. the tutorial is easy to follow and it's a great project for an newbie sewer.

i like to use my ergo when i'm out and about town. i pretty much wear harper whenever we are out and i like to rotate between my sling and my ergo. i love both and i'm a big advocate of baby wearing. i couldn't imagine not wearing either of my kids, there's just something special about having them close and seeing the world through their eyes.

do you have a drooling baby that could use some drool catchers? do you baby wear? what's your fave carrier?

makin'it in the mommyhood - back to school & some pressies

my little girl started preschool this week. yes, before you even ask, i was a wreck. i hid it well though. she never saw me cry. the drop off and class went great, i couldn't have asked for a better experience for her, but i was still sad. i don't know how all these firsts get easier as they get older as they all have to do with them spending more time away from us and becoming more independent. the funny thing is i was looking forward to having a break, but once she was gone i felt like one of my arms was missing. aw shucks...ok, i'm not going to tear up while writing this and so i'm moving on.

since school was starting i decided to make mackenzie a new backpack to go with her reuseable snack bags. she picked out the fabric herself! so adorable. i used the backpack pattern from indie tutes. you can find it here. it was pretty simple to make but i did have to read through it more than a few times to figure out what the heck she did at certain points. i also made a few changes. i didn't want the inside of the backpack to just be interfacing (her tute doesn't have lining) so i added it myself. instead of making a bag inside of a bag i simply cut double the pieces (ironed interfacing to the outer pieces) and then sewed them together then followed the pattern as shown. i also made a boo boo half way through and thought i was supposed to attach the straps on to a different piece/part of the pattern and messed up and missed the step. in the end it was fine though, i actually like it better this way. i can always adjust it and make it longer if need be. i simply sewed mine on directly to the back of the backpack with a top stitch. easy peasy.

it was fun to make and mack loves it! we planned on doing a photo shoot for you all, but the weather has been miserable and i sure as heck wasn't dragging both kids out into the rain to get pics. have any of you been making backpacks? i heart the made by rae one as well, but thought i would give this one a shot first as i'm still learning to sew and thought hers may be a tad complicated for me to start with.

ok, sorry, can't resist inserting some serious harper cuteness....can you believe she's already 4 months old??? i can't stop crying about it.

i've also been working on a baby gift for a friend of mine. i'm hooked on making burp cloths at the moment, firstly because i needed some more and also because i became spoiled by the cuteness of the ones the sweet maggie from the addictive blog "smashed peas & carrots" sent me as a baby gift (thanks again mags!) and you can get some of your very own as well right here in her equally cute etsy shop. maggie also sent me the cutest stuffed owl and some precious onesies and hats for harper. don't worry, i plan on showing off pics but i have to wait until i could put the little one in them to show her off :)

i didn't follow a pattern for my burp cloths, just cut out a piece of paper the size i wanted and used it as a template when cutting out all the pieces. sewed the 4 sides together, right sides facing each other leaving an opening big enough to turn right side out. once you've got it turned right side out, push out your corners then top stitch around the burp cloth making sure to sew up the opening you left. that's it. super simple to change up on your own and customize however you like. i had so much fun adding my labels on.

so cute......

super soft............

and perfect for wiping baby's delicate cheeks.

did any of you make anything for your kids for back to school? how have you been adjusting if your child started preschool or kindergarten for the first time? i could use some tips or a shoulder to woe is me on...haha.

*all images copyright luvinthemommyhood