snippets of sewing...& my thoughts

i attempted to get a lot of sewing done this weekend.  it didn't happen.  but what i did get done was fun and even though i had made a "to sew list" i got distracted and whipped up a partially finished new project for me!  but wouldn't ya know...right when i was getting some good sewing mojo on the hubs leaves the wee one with me napping and a few minutes after he walks out the door she wakes up. darn it.  sewing time over.  i'm already dreaming of next weekend.  those unfinished projects are already haunting me :)

because we rent and live in our condo i have what used to be our dining room for a sewing wall (first pic above) and the area (shown shown directly above) where our table now is as a makeshift workspace that i use only on saturdays when the hubs takes the kids out for a few hours so momma can work.  the ironing board monster is always looming and storing odds and ends, stacks of fabric, books, equipment, name it...the ironing board monster holds onto it.  all that stuff on the table there is usually on my ironing board and as you can see in the first pic of this post that ironing board is already quite full.  oh how i dream of a sewing room with real day, one day...but for's chaos in a somewhat organized fashion.  i just clean off the ironing board when i need to work and move it all onto the table.  not ideal but you gotta do what you gotta do. or as tim gunn says "make it work".

and speaking of project runway (my fave show), i've been hooked on project runway allstars and keep forgetting to show you all my autographed pic of mondo :P  yes, mondo guerra. i love mondo.  he's one of my fave project runway designers and when my pal alex was in the states last fall she saw him at macy's and even though she doesn't watch the show she stood in line to get this for me cause she knows how big a fan i am. so sweet!  thank you again alex...xoxox.  needless to say mondo is on my shelf right next to my sewing machine reminding me to think outside the box, be creative and stay true to myself.  i find him and his style very inspiring.  yes, again, i'm a 

remember last week when i told you a special parcel had arrived from a friend?  well let me tell you...what a wonderful surprise!!!  anna from the awesome blog noodlehead and i were chatting and we got to talking about fabrics and i was moaning and groaning about how i always have to order online for prints i like and never have a budget to buy any unless i know what the project is for and she said she was getting rid of scraps and would i like them?  heck ya i would!!!!

so i was expecting a wee envelope with..well, scraps.  what came was a big ol'box filled with fabric deliciousness.  seriously.  i'm still drooling.....i can't even put them away on my fabric shelf because they are all just too lovely to look at.  anna - i heart you and you are sooooooo awesome!!!! thank you soooooo much! sincerely and straight from the heart.  fabric makes me cry i love it so.  sometimes i don't even want to sew with it, i just want to look at it.  wanna see what she sent me?

and there was real scraps in there too!  i feel so blessed. that's not even all the little goodies she sent!  i now need to find time to sew with them all!  i've been struggling with  juggling everything the last few weeks and it's been weighing on my mind a lot lately.  how to fit it all in, find time to just be mommy, be a wife, clean the house, blog, write, design, sew, knit, keep projects organized...and the list goes on.

i think we all, as moms, and especially creative moms, find this especially difficult.  creative energy comes on even when you aren't asking for it.  i know for me it's strong and drives me nuts until i either make something, draw, sew, write it down, knit...whatever it hands will tingle with excitement until i...well....just create.  it may sound weird to some, but i've been like this my whole life.  i wake up in the night filled with ideas and thoughts and have to get up and jot them down.  i can be driving to preschool and feel a strong urge to pull over the car to take a pic or draw an idea of a new project out.  i love this about myself but i also sometimes find it very hard to control when life is busy or hectic.  i need to find time to push those thoughts further and allow them to become reality.  they can't always just sit on a page waiting or folded on my ironing board begging to be sewn...sometimes they just need "to be".  how to always find the time is my current dilemma.  the more i create the more thoughts i have and the more energy that i need to get out.  it just takes over.

it's tough leaving most of it for saturday and then when saturday comes to not be able to finish...aiyahahaa..then it leave me here writing to all of you about  i used to sew at night but man, when i get to 8 or 9pm i haven't even started blogging yet and the house needs tidying and i find if i sew tired (which i always am at this time) i just mess it up.  i used to sew when it was nap time but now my oldest daughter wants my full on attention during the babies nap time so that makes it hard to sew then too.  i also get really distracted and cannot focus when the wee ones are running under foot when i'm trying to sew during the day so that brings me back to saturdays which is a new work in progress in our house.  but then isn't life a work in progress? i'm sure i'll find some semblance of an answer soon but in the meantime i thought it would be fun to hear your thoughts on the subject.

do any of you have the same issue? what do you do to help fit that time in to create?  time blocking helps me but i feel like i need to start doing more than that. let's chat, i think this is a topic that a lot of you deal with daily and i'm sure we all have some tidbits of wisdom to share with each other.  coffee's on :)

winner of the make it sew modern giveaway

we've got a winner for the wonderful new sewing book "make it sew modern" by the lovely vanessa christenson of v and co!!!  was it you?  here's the winner...............

Entry #213 - Sharon Troia of the blog "knits are for kids"!!!

congratulations sharon!!!!  hope you enjoy the book, i'll be in touch soon to get your addy.

a big thank you to vanessa for the giveaway, i love this book and wish you so much success m'dear! so proud of you! you can find all things vanessa christenson here:

blog  |  book  shopfacebook twitter  |  pinterest

weekend wishes

to have popcorn at the movies...

image src: amy atlas
to get my hands on some cute washi tape...

to work on my quilt...

to figure out why finding pyrex has alluded me for months...

image src: erinink
to stay very caffeinated...

image src: artsyville
and to embrace the calm when i can find it...

image src: ana cole
wow...what a week.  i'm pooped.  i have to admit it's been one of those weeks that i'm just plain worn  i keep trying to get on top of things but alas no success.  hopefully the weekend will help me get back on track again.  i'm hoping to take my wee ones (and maybe the hubs) to the movies (when did they get so expensive - holy cow!).  we are super excited to go see "the lorax" and i have to admit i'm in the perfect mood to go see a flick and indulge in some movie theatre popcorn :)  i've also got knit night, and hopefully some time to get caught up on some work and a few deadlines.

in between all that i really think i need some time to make some lists.  i love me a good list.  when i start feeling overwhelmed, which i am, i make lists.  i need to break it all down and prioritize it all and then work my way down the list.  instead of being swallowed alive by it all it gives me a sense of accomplishment and shows me that all my hard work is going somewhere.  so bring on the lists, meal plan lists, chore lists, organizing lists, sewing list, knitting list, blogging list...hahahaha, and the list goes on.  sorry, couldn't help

what are you up to this weekend?  are you crafting?  making lists too?  is going to the movies a special treat for your family too?  has your week been a tough one? wishing you a restful, funfilled, coffee drinking, craft making, family snuggling kinda weekend.  pull up a chair, let's chat my friends <3

don't forget you can vote everyday for lil'ol me for the circle of moms top 25 creative mom blogs!  thanks for all your votes so far - you guys rock!  the voting runs until march 15th - vote for me here.

noodlehead pattern review - the envelope clutch

i got to sew a little something for myself on the weekend and boy did it feel really good.  i haven't sewn something just for me in a long time.  it always seems to be for the kids or a gift for someone, so when my pal anna of the awesome blog noodlehead asked me to pattern test her newest pattern i said heck ya!  her newest pattern is coming out very, very soon and it's called the "envelope clutch pattern".  i <3 it!

it's a stylish envelope style clutch with lots of different options:  two sizes, two flap styles, two strap styles - you name it, anna shows you how to do it.  don't you just love when someone focuses on the tiny details that make something as important as a bag look so professional?  i love me some topstitching and swear it makes any sewn item look very professionally finished.  doesn't my wrist strap look purdy?  i was super happy when i showed the clutch to my sister and she asked right away "how did you make the strap?", she thought it was leather and from far away it does look like that so score for momma. 

see the topstitching along the back of the clutch?  fave part of the whole bag.  two rows...all nice.  just adds that special touch to the clutch.

i also loved the way anna constructed the clutch and because i don't make bags very often i learned a lot.  i found her instructions and pictures super easy to follow and her steps were very organic.  it just flowed and i naturally knew where she was headed next but was also excited to see how the whole thing came together.  it was fun.  i especially was pleased with how the envelope flap is joined to the clutch leaving you with a full bag edge that is finished (see where i'm lifting) and the flap comes out from the back area.  i got a kick out of this and really enjoyed it.  i know, again, i'm a dork ;P

i got to do some firsts with this clutch too.  first time using magnetic snaps. i always seem to use regular snaps but these puppies have fast become my new friends :)  i also got to sew my second zipper in and it was also my first zippered pocket evah!  wanna see?

woweee!! i love the love, love, love it.  so proud of myself. i know i sound like a geek but seriously those zippers are like being in the olympics for me.  my old fear was so bad, and i'm getting over it, but every time i do one i feel like i need a medal and a celebration. i had no errors this time round and am super excited about! i keep opening and closing, and showing just about anyone who asks me "where did you get your bag?". anna's zipper installation was the easiest i have ever seen and i mean easy. i wish it had been my first zipper it was sooooo easy.  loved it.  the inside of my pocket is also that yummy deep mustard color as well for a hidden zip of va voom!

there's lots of room for credit cards, cell phones and other goodies in this clutch too.  don't be fooled, this bad boy has got some room to it.  i made the larger version and i think it's the perfect size for me to chuck a few odds and ends in when taking the kidlets out on a quick outing.  two thumbs up in my book.  the other size called for a fat quarter but i have a lot of stuff so i figured it was safer for me to go with the large one.  i also went with the wrist strap over the shoulder strap but i think both are equally as stylish.

all in all i loved this pattern, but then i always love anna's patterns - she rocks people!  go show her some love k?  my only critique was that i thought it was going to take me 2 hours to make and it took me all day.  but like i said, i don't make bags very often and it took me quite a bit of time to get everything cut out, assembled and lined.  also, the pattern called for canvas and interfacing and in some spots i used a stiff (heavy) interfacing instead of canvas and light weight interfacing together.  i like the way it turned out and it's got a good structure without being too stiff or too soft.

uh oh...i think someone else likes it too!  hahaha, hands off my bag lady!  i'm sure this is one that's going to get a lot of usage in our house.  one tip i do have to share is don't be silly and make a dumb oopsie like i did.  i had this lovely print that i wanted to use but only a tiny amount and was desperate to fit the bag pieces on it.  when i was cutting the bag out i got so excited i could just fit it on that i didn't even think to look if my tree lines were lined up when i cut out the bag.  silly mistake.  darn prints.  so don't rush folks, take your time and line it all up.  i got to the end and went to put the whole bag together and there are parts that i thought were crooked but really it's the tree print that is crooked - not my sewing :(  darn me and my cutting skills...lmao. i wish i wasn't such a perfectionist and i could just let it, but i just can't. 

so admire my new bag...but just don't look too closely :) want to make an envelope clutch of your own?  anna's "envelope clutch pattern" will be out in the next few days so pop on over and get sewing one of your own :) thanks anna...xoxoxoxoxo  luv ya and congrats on another awesome pattern!

you can find anna's sneak peek at her clutch here and all other things noodlehead here:

blog  facebook shop  |  flickr  |  pinterest

what kind of purse do you like to sew?  are you a topstitch addict too?  what fabric would you use for your clutch?  let's chat purses know we all love a good bag :)

moments in the mommyhood - adventures with daddy

i had one of those nights last night where i felt like my home had just overwhelmed me.  a case of the laundry has beaten me down into a corner, the carpet is about to take life, the bathrooms are a no man's land and so know the kind of nights where you wish to god a maid would come miraculously to your house and help you or you wake up the next morning a la martha stewart and have the newfound talent to just do it all.  ha.  didn't happen.  the maid didn't come and i'm not martha

so instead of the crafty post i had planned today i cheered myself up by plugging in the camera and taking a look at what the hubs got up to with the kidlets on sunday while i was at sewing group.  it was hilarious.  the pictures themselves aren't funny but i can read the back story and hear their narrative.  they had a good time and i just love idea of the shots mixing my little girls bright pink ensemble with flowered boots against a grey, snowy day (yes it snowed later) and a national historic site called fort rodd hill.  i mean bombs, cannons, weapons, lighthouses, military stuff all juxtapositioned against my glowing little kiddos.  only my hubby would think of that :)

needless to say it cheered me up and the house doesn't seem so bad this morning....maybe i will kick it's butt after all or at least make it till bedtime without crying about  any of you sometimes just feel plain overwhelmed by it all?  i know, i know, i should just do one chore at a time, or do something nice to cheer myself up, and i will, but sometimes a girls just gotta whine a tad and see if she's the only one going to bed at night cowering under the blanket so she doesn't have to fall asleep staring at 4 loads of laundry waiting....just waiting.....whispering.."you should fold should fold me..." and then the bathroom chimes in..."you should clean should clean me...".  lmao.  ok, i haven't had coffee yet.  don't judge me :)

what do you do to stay on top of things? do you have the feeling that sometimes you just can't do it all & something's gotta give?  is it your home that sometimes falls to the bottom of the list?  let's cheer each other up ladies.  i'm off to get starbucks...want one?

quilting 911 - sewing the zigs and the zags

i've started sewing the zigs and the zags!  weeee! i was so happy to finally have some time to work on my zig zag quilt at my modern sewing group on sunday.  what i wasn't happy to find out was that it was going to take me soooooo long to trim the corners of my hst's. wowsa! massively time consuming, or at least it was for

these are the parts i don't enjoy about quilting but then you all know how crappy i am with a rotary cutter and that cutting is my least favorite part of any  i literally got only 3 rows all stitched up at the group and attached the 4th row this morning.  it took me way longer than i thought. 

i LOVE the sewing of the quilt though.  i really enjoy sitting down at the machine with a big stack of squares and sewing them all together.  it's methodical, rewarding and so much fun.  i'm addicted.  i just don't like doing the grunt work that leads up to it - i need the fairy craft mother to come in and do all my cutting for me.  the step that i'm most excited about is the quilting.  i'm dying to put that quilt sandwich together and give er'!!!

i'm planning, for the moment, on doing 1/2" lines following the zig zags on either side of the seam.  i've seen a few done like this online and love the look that it created on the front and back of the quilt.  so purdy.  one thing i am pondering right now is the color to do that and also if i should add a border to the quilt.  now that my rows are stitched up i realized that the quilt may be too small for my liking.  my only worry is that the border would detract from the style of the zig zags. what do you guys think?  would you add a border?  what color would you quilt in? or leave it be?  my backing fabric has a print that i think would not look good on the front as well.  wouldn't like it. 

doesn't it look like a stained glass window in the sunlight?  sorry....couldn't resist the pic....caught my eye while and i thought it was cool.

now don't judge me on my ironing.  the rows are not pressed perfectly yet.  i got a tad lazy at the very end and haven't pressed them all perfectly after i sewed the rows together so everything is slightly poofy still.  i did good with my ironing for everything else.  it was nice being able to work on this in a big space with room to move and lots of equipment.  i just don't seem to work on my quilts at home due to lack of space etc. it makes it even more time consuming.  i just don't know where i would fit myself in my condo while working on it.

so i've got 6 rows left to do and in those six rows i still have to trim the hst squares :(  but then i get to sew! yippee! and that part goes fast and then i'll have a quilt top! yeehaw!!!! so excited!  and you know what comes after this quilt is done? one for me!!!  yay!!! this one is for my daughter but momma's gotta have a quilt for herself too right? i'm dying to get mine started. it's been waiting for almost 2 years now.  so the faster i get this one done the faster i get to work on a big one for momma.

you can read the two other posts on my zig zag quilt here:

1st post  |  2nd post

what quilty goodies have you guys been working on?  do you love hst's too?  any tips on how to trim the squares really quickly?  i could use them :)  what color would you quilt this in? white?

sneak peeks

phew..this weekend was a busy one.  a super fun one, but a busy one. i'm  i couldn't resist coming on and showing you all some pics today of what i got up to & a few sneak peeks.  i got a lovely package on friday from an awesome pal that i can't wait to show all this week and those zippers above were in there and let me tell you their prettiness is sure helping me get over my fear of zippers.  aren't they lovely on a rainy day?  so cheerful.  especially when we got hit with some snow yesterday! yuck!! :(

my weekend had coffee drinking, a bit of magazine/book reading - i am months behind on some of my fave mags, along with some knitting....oh yeah....bring on the knitting.  i had a scare on the weekend because i'm such a clumsy fool that i hurt my hand on friday night and even though it's getting better i nearly freaked out as it was my right hand and i couldn't move it! how the heck was i gonna knit, sew and type to all of you? that's all i could think about. such a dork i am. the hubs is still razzing me about how clumsy i am but in all honestly i think it was his elbows fault and not my hands :P you see i tripped and fell in the hallway to our condo door and he made fun of me so i got up and went to playfully whack him in the arm but instead of hitting his arm i hit his elbow bone full on with the top of my hand. can we say ouch!  and can we say clumsy?  but it was his elbow's fault right? not my hands...c'mon ladies...side with girl's gotta stick together.

audrey cardigan in knitpicks stroll tonal - colorway gypsy
saturday is my sewing day so i got to sew like a mad woman and then hit the pub for knit night.  yes, drinking and knitting do  and boy oh boy was it fun! definitely a good time.  but what happens at knit night - stays at knit night!  i picked up some bright pink yummy yarn from a lys (boutique de laine) on friday to make myself a mallory cowl of my own (shown below).  i don't have one and have been dying to find the time to whip one up so i thought mallory would be the perfect project to work on while sipping martinis and sure enough...i'm almost done. i think i was the last one knitting and no errors - i was sure i would mess something up.  i did overcompensate on my long tail cast on and ended up with a giant pool of yarn on the floor but i was sober when i did that so it doesn't count :P  i also have been sneaking in my audrey cardigan (shown above) here and there - isn't she a pretty garter stitch? love the color & can't wait to get my rocky coast cardigan done so i can finish my audrey up.

mallory cowl - cascade 220, colorway

speaking of my rocky coast cardigan here's a shot of the never ending sleeve. i definitely have a full blown case of sleevitis.  darn sleeves.  takes me forever.  i just want to wear the darn thing and i'm only on sleeve more to go and then i have to pick up the whole front and neckline and rib my brains  soon though, soon i will be wearing it.  in between all the knitting i got to do some sewing.  i was excited to do some pattern testing for a bloggy pal that hopefully i will be able to show you this week and it just happened to be a little project for me that matches perfectly with another wee project i've been working on :)  so many's killing me lately.  secret kal's, secret patterns, secret projects...i'm gonna burst with it  i promise to fill you all in soon.

i've also been doing some sewing with the new line of birch fabrics - commute.  love it!!!! this line is 100% organic and so soft with such a great drape.  the new pattern i'm working on (due to come out next week) will feature one print and this lovely item below will be showcasing another 2 prints.  i can't wait to show you all.  so purdy!!!!

birch fabrics - commute, dandi flight
i also had my modern sewing group meetup yesterday and worked hard on my zig zag quilt.  i'm hoping to show pics of that this week as well but in the meantime before i forget to ask - if any of you have made a mallory cowl and don't have pics up on ravelry yet could you email them to me ( or add them to our flickr group?  i'm putting together a little post and would love to see your finished cowls.  also, the mallory cowl (both youth and adult) are both available for purchase now on craftsy (this site is awesome - go check it out) as well as on ravelry for 2 for 1 - only $1.99!

 what did you all get up to on the weekend?  were you knitting, sewing, crochet, baking?  fill me in...i love hearing about what crafty goodness you are all up to! let's sip coffee and chit chat :)  happy monday m'dears!

weekend wishes

to look this fabulous while out in a rain storm...

image src: rasberry and red
that my gold card gets here sooner than excited...

Source: via Mia on Pinterest

to get a good chunk of my quilt done at sewing group...

image Src: SweetEventide
to have a good laugh...

image src: colton witt photography
to say thanks to you all for being such awesome pals...

image src: lunacabco
and to not mess up my knitting at pub knit night tomorrow...

image src: made by koning
tgif! yipeee!  it's been a long week.  a fun one but a long one.  we've got a busy weekend coming our way.  it's my fave time of the month!  i've got knit night on saturday and it's our pub knit night. that's right...we go to a pub and knit.  cool - i know :P  i just hope i don't get so tipsy i wreck my knitting..muahaha..i'm a little scared.  i'm not a big drinker and since i've just finished weaning a few days ago i really haven't had anything to drink in like 2 years.  the one time i did i had half a glass of wine and was, drunk.  it was humiliating and embarrassing to say the least.  thankfully i was just at home with the hubs so nobody else witnessed it.  so knit night i have a 1 drink limit :)

i also don't want to be hungover for sunday.  it's our modern sewing group meetup on sunday and i've got some serious plans to make a good sized dent in my zig zag quilt.  i'm hoping to square up my hst's before going so that all i have to do when i am there is sew up the quilt front.  fun, fun, fun! i cannot wait! it's been so busy around here my poor quilt is still pinned to the wall waiting for me to show it some luv.  it tortures me that i haven't had a chance to get to it yet.  my ironing board monster is also growling my way a lot lately.  it seems like no matter how much i clean it up and get my projects in order it crawls back out and snarls at me with it's ugly teeth laughing. damn you ironing board monster..go bug someone  oh, and yes, i talk to inanimate objects..lmao.  especially ones who take over my sewing wall and make it impossible for me to sew anything.

in between all the crafty goodness this weekend i'll be coloring with my girls, playing some video games with the hubs and working on my newest pattern.  i also hope to squeeze a movie or two in there with the hubs.  i need some cuddle time :)

what are you ladies up to?  any crafty plans this weekend?  are you being bombarded by a rain storm today too?  share, share...i love hearing what you are all up to!  wishing you a stylish, laughter filled, coffee indulging, cozy, kinda weekend!

P.s. - i was super excited to find out i was nominated for the circle of moms "top 25 creative mom blogs" contest! so awesome! if you could be so kind as to go and vote for lil'ol me that would be so sweet!  you can see all the nominees here and vote for me here :) thanks everyone!

playing hookie...& some blog housekeeping

i'm taking a wee bit of a break today to go rock my new bangs...i'm feelin' it  what do you think? keeping in line with the "i'm pampering myself to try to forget all the concussion, back injury, stomach bugs and lady probs that i've been dealing with since october" i got my hair cut the other night and asked my amazing hairdresser (who's leaving me to go on a 6mth sabbatical across france..wahhhhh!!!) to give me some rockin' mom hair and she sure did.  i love it.  i'm also playing a bit of hookie today to do a fun photoshoot for my upcoming sewing pattern/tutorial that i'm biting the bullet and releasing for sale! i'm excited and nervous all at the same time. ohhhhh...i cannot wait for you all to see it!  my lovely pal jane richmond is modelling for me again and she's just gonna look so stylin' in it!  for all you awesome ladies who so kindly offered to pattern test for me it's coming. i'm hoping to have it out to you today so get those sewing machines ready :)

i also figured that since our knit alongs are just so awesomely (word?) fun that i better make it a bit easier for you peeps to find them (and me too)!  it sure was fun for me to look back and see all the knitting that has gone on since june of last year! wowsa how time flies!!!  if you look on the sidebar now you will find a "luvinthemommyhood knit alongs" button that you can click on that will take you to the post that i give you a sneak peek of above.  please feel free to comment and let me know if i'm missing anything you'd like to see added to the list.  it's a work in progress and sort of a hub for our kal's so i'm always open for input.

what have you all been up to this week?  i love the feeling after a new haircut...i just wish i really could sleep upright without moving so i could keep my awesome haircut in immaculate condition.  anyone else recently made a "hair change"?  what are you crafting this week?  share, share...i'm dying to hear what's been going on.  happy thursday!  that means it's almost friday..woot woot!

warm up to winter knit along - the winners!

image src: the glitter guide 
 we've got some winners!!!!!  today is the official last day of the warm up to winter knit along.  i'm super sad that it is ending but really excited for the next one.  these knit alongs are so rewarding and such a wonderful source of inspiration and fun for me. so thank you all for joining in and knitting along with me <3

ready to hear who won?  i am!!! congratulations to.....

img src
winner #1 - 
Cindy Mousseau (More Like June) - Commenter #60

you've won the following:
- 5 patterns of their choice from jane richmond!!! hello!  awesome!
- a copy of the star crossed mitts pattern from nice and knit.  love this pattern!
- and a copy of the entire season 3 of knit and crochet now!  woo hoo!  now you can knit and watch knitting! how perfect is that?!

winner #2 - 
Ciaran Blumenfeld (Momfluential) - Commenter #40

you've won the following:
- 1 pattern of their choice from jane richmond.
- 1 copy of the star crossed mitts pattern from nice and knit.
- and a copy of the entire 3rd season of knit and crochet now.

i'll be in touch with you both soon to get your information! congratulations!!!

a big thank to our "warm up to winter knit along" prize sponsors! you guys are awesome! 

i hope you all had as much fun as i did!  here's to the next one! congrats on all your wonderful new projects. happy knitting ladies!!!! and thanks to my pal rebecca for being my partner in crime. what was your favorite part of the kal?  what do you enjoy the most about our knit alongs? anything fun you'd like to see me add next time round? i'd love your feedback :)

p.s. in case you missed it or want to catch up on all our other kal's you can find all the posts here and the thread for the knit alongs can be found in the luvinthemommyhood ravelry group here! you can also friend me on ravlery under the name luvinthemommyhood.

make it sew modern book review & giveaway!

you guys in the mood for a giveaway today? i am!  woot woot!  i was so excited and over the moon when i found a while ago that my bloggy pal vanessa christenson of "v and co." had a book coming out!  she was one of the first people i started chatting with in this bloggy world and she was also one of our "moms in the mommyhood" so i am super proud of her and so excited to have her book "make it sew modern" on the blog today as a prize and as a new addition to my own collection!  congrats vanessa!!!

vanessa's new book is filled with eye candy and sewing goodness galore.  staying true to what makes us all love her blog and shop her impeccable sense of style just oozes off the pages.  you can see vanessa everywhere and i just love it when a book stays true to the artist who wrote it.  it's her mojo of sorts.  from the color palette of her projects to the attention to details for each project in the book vanessa has put together a modern and very fresh collection of sewing projects.

the book "make it sew modern" is separated into 4 sections: gather, twist, pleat and texture, and the book covers everything from jewelry, accessories, home decor clothing and bags!  wowsa!  the projects are perfect for every skill level with a budget in mind.  vanessa's signature love of pillows and flowers resonates throughout as well. i love all the pillows vanessa makes and thankfully there are at least 4 pillows in this book my fave being the chic modern pillow.  along with pillows you can find effortless scarves, rings, totes and bracelets!

1. chic modern pillow 2. cascading spring scarf 3. market/beach tote
and let's not forget the quilts!!! i'm just dying over the applique doily quilt shown below! you know how i love me a doily!!!

the book has project geared to every skill level as well so don't be nervous or timid if you are a beginner sewer.  vanessa's instructions and the accompanying illustrations for each project are clear, concise and well laid out.  her section on tips, terms and techniques covers everything from applique stitches, binding, to machine ruffles and gathers, pillow corners and straps.

1. all season scarf  2. picture perfect dress 3. decorative balls 4. throw pillow with frosting
i think "make it sew modern" would be a wonderful addition to any sewers bookshelf that is looking for a variety of projects that are fun, gorgeous and stylish to boot!  you likey?  you ready to win one too?

- one lucky winner will win a coy of "make it sew modern: gather, twist, pleat, texture" by vanessa christenson of v and co. thanks so much vanessa!

- i'm trying out a new way of entering giveaways. i've decided to have you guys enter your name/email in a google doc form instead.  when you enter your info you are designated a number by google doc based on when you enter.  this will be the number i use to correlate to your name when the winner is chosen.  make sense?  if you have any questions just ask me below in the comments.  click below to enter the giveaway:

- giveaway is open until february 26th, 2011, midnight PST (pacific standard time).
- you must have a valid email address or you will be disqualified.

flower ring
good luck everyone!  and thanks again to vanessa for the lovely book and the giveaway!  so excited and proud of you!!!! you can find all things vanessa christenson here:

blog  |  book  shopfacebook twitter  |  pinterest

are you a fan of vanessa's?  do you love her style?  have you gotten your hands on a copy of "make it sew modern?  what did you think?  what was your fave project in it? let's chat books ladies...i know i'm not the only crafty bookworm out there :)

moments in the mommyhood - some cheering up

i had to have some not so pleasant lady experiences at the end of last week that were not so fun.  as some of you may know that are long time readers on this blog i suffer from endometriosis and it ain't fun :(  anyhoo, i've been feeling pretty crappy and thought i deserved some cheering up :)  the shoes above found their way home to me as well as a new matching nail polish - you likey?  i also got 2 new bras to hold my now weaning girls up.

we're on day 4 of the weaning and boy has it been rough.  i don't remember it being so hard with mack.  she seemed to be so proud of herself and told everyone she was a big girl now and didn't need boobie anymore.  harper - not so much.  she's taken the angry road.  on saturday if i came anywhere near her all she did was scream her brains out and literally would not let my husband put her down.  i couldn't touch her or even talk to her.  i cried and she cried.  it's hard for me to wean this's my last baby and i really feel super emotional about it.  i've always loved breastfeeding and her reacting so aggressively has made me even more emotional.  i keep thinking maybe she isn't ready but i know deep down we both are.

she will be 2 in may and i wish i could slow down time for my little baby.  she's smart as a whip this one, a quiet thinker with a playful soul.  i just want to hold onto her in this stage for a bit longer.  i feel like the end of breastfeeding is the end of the baby phase and then's all about daddy.  they don't need me  stupid hey?  oh well.  the tricks mom brain plays on us.  i'll get over it but in the meantime bear with me if i moan and groan a bit about the return of my boobs and the loss of the baby phase.  thankfully the new bras cheered me up.  at least "the girls" are up where the sun shines and not drooping sadly towards my belly filled with  tmi? ladies with big jungas will know what i'm talking

we've had hints of spring mixed in with our chilly weather here.  plants are sprouting up and even some of the flowers on my deck are starting to poke their weary heads above soil.  the hubs and i got to go on our first date together in like 2 years.  yes, it's been that long.  it's horrible.  we use to go once a month but somehow it's just gotten the best of us.  it was sooooo nice to go out without the kiddos (thanks cami) and to have an actual adult conversation.  we have a rule on our dates - no kid talk.  we try not to discuss the kids or chat about them directly.  we do that enough at  we like to make it all about us.  it was a lovely few hours of bliss that we definitely needed especially now that the hubs has started overtime again for work.  tax season is just around the corner - yuck!  

i've been working away on my rocky coast cardigan but in my obsessed state decided to work on my sleeve after a procedure on friday and needless to say it probably wasn't a good idea...a bit of drugs can alter your knitting state.  i messed up my sleeve and now have to rip back a few inches.  darn it  i wish i wasn't so picky about these things cause i would be done the stupid cardigan by now...haha.  but i love it too much to not make it as perfect as i can do it.

i feel like i'm floating in a sea of cables....see what i mean?

aren't they purdy??  i'm also working on a new sewing pattern for you guys using this lovely and oh so darling print from birch fabric from their new line - commute.  this print is called by bike and it's designed by jay-cyn for birch fabrics.  you pick up some of this awesome new line at birch fabric creator cynthia's fabric shop - fabricworm.  it's 100% organic and super soft!  i'm loving it and i cannot wait to release the pattern asap.  i also realize in this picture that my iron is in need of a serious  crappy ironing job iron.  i'm all out of linen spray and am really missing it.  i think i've been using it so long my iron is going through withdrawal.  it doesn't know how to function without it now.  what kind do you guys use?  anyone recommend a fave?  i really need to get some and don't feel like making it myself.  would love any tips :)

by bike from commute by jay-cyn for birch fabrics
what are you guys working on?  how was your weekend?  any crafty mishaps happen at your house too?  did you catch the season finale of downton abbey?  i just have the xmas special left and let me tell you i'm dying to watch it! the hubs has decided he doesn't like the show so i after i watched the last regular episode i didn't have a chance to sneak it in on the weekend. soon though...soon...i must know what happens with lady mary....ohhhh, the romance of it all!

Charm Stitch Fabric Giveaway Winner!

the winner of the charm stitch fabric giveaway is..................

Commenter #106 - Adrienne Spornitz!

congratulations adrienne!!! i'll be in touch soon about your prize!  a big thank you to all of you for entering and also to charm stitch for the generous giveaway!  you can find all things charm stitch here:

website shop  |  blog facebook  twitter  |  flickr

happy sewing everyone!

A little slice of a dream come true - Mollie Makes


if you're crafty and love eye candy like me you may have heard of one of the newest and coolest lifestlye & craft mags out there - mollie makes!  i've been drooling and coveting this mag since it first premiered in may of 2011.  i've been reading their blog and daydreaming over getting my hands on every issue.  so when i opened my inbox last month and found an email from them i just about peed my pants!  can you believe it! i'm still shocked!
remember this pic?  this was a photo i shot of my pal rebecca's (nook) jardain coaster tutorial that she did for versus in the summer.  they asked if they could use my photo in mollie makes as a full page!!! what!!!!!!!!!!! holy cow batman!!!! i swear i'm still in shock.  i can't wait to hold a hardcopy of it in my hands.  i already told the hubs i'm framing it and hanging it on the wall as proof that dreams can come true.  my oh my.  sometimes even a little slice of a dream come true can be enough to keep ya truckin' i tell ya.  one of my new year's resolutions this year was to get in a magazine.  that was fast.  lol...if only the lose 35 pounds one was equally as quick...muahaha.

here's what the inset says:

"When Rebecca of fame was invited by Shannon Cook to share her crochet love on the Versus blog (, she revealed how to make these super spiralled Jardain coasters with pretty petals.  All you need is a little bit of yarn and a little bit of time and whole set will be yours!  Found out more about Shannon and her inspirations at"  

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! and my fave the bottom left corner it says - photographer: shannon cook!  oh awesome!  i'm in no way trying to toot my own horn here people, i'm just so excited!  you guys are such a huge and influential part of my life how could i not share something so fun with you all!  it's been killing me not to be able to tell you all until now :)  this little blog of mine is such a dream for me.  it's a dream to be able to write every day, to get to sew, knit and design and share it with you all, to chat and form such special friendships - it's all amazing and so worth all the very looooong hours that it takes to keep this blog of mine going.  so something like this little slice of a dream come true of mine is so rewarding!  so thank you all for reading and for sharing in this wonderful journey right alongside with me.  i <3 you guys..xoxox!

now head on over to mollie makes and show them some luv ladies!!!  if you're in the us/canada you can find hard copies of where the mags are sold here:
The US: Barnes & Noble, JoAnns
Canada: Chapter, Coles
and you guys can subscribe to mollie makes through this link:
and download the iPad version here:
also don't miss out on the latest news from mollie makes either - sign up for their newsletter at the top of the page, here.

a huge thank you to mollie makes!  you guys rock!!!  thanks for making one of my dreams come true :)  you can find all things mollie makes here:

have you had any of your new year's resolutions become reality yet?  what's on your dream list?  it's friday m'dears and i'm super excited for the weekend!!!

weekend wishes

to finally allow myself to watch the season 2 finale...

illustration by: kelsey garrity-riley
to look this glamorous when i knit...

to sip some tea alongside a good book...

diy hand painted mug from wit & whistle
 to rock this outfit...

kendie everyday

to get some shots of an upcoming pattern..weee...

Source: via Sara on Pinterest

and to go for a lovely walk with my wee ones & hubs.

img src:liivias via susan b. anderson (pinterest)

if you have become a fan of downton abbey like me you must check out this post on sfgirlbybay - super fun and oh so stylish! and this one..oh funny!!!!  i'm clearly obsessed and hooked with this soap operaesque drama...just can't get enough :P

i'm planning on hopefully getting some pics of a new pattern i will have out for sale excited about this one ladies and it's sewn! yipee!  thanks to all of you who responded for being a pattern tester - i will be in touch soon if all goes well this weekend.

i'm also hoping to get outside for some fresh air and exercise.  now that my back is getting better (slowly but surely) i'm trying to get back being active again.  life is busy though and it's been a juggling act to fit it in that's for  i'm also going to enjoy my knit night on saturday.  i'm on the sleeve of my rocky coast cardigan and refuse to work on anything else until i get this cardi done and can wear it.  i'm possessed.  lol.  of course in the middle of all that i'm gonna steal my hubby for some good ol' cuddles and some play time with my wee ones.

what are you guys up to?  what crafty goodness did you get into this week?  any plans this weekend?  you sipping your coffee yet?  wanna chat?  wishing you all a fresh, fun, crafty, humerous, and restful weekend :)


aw shucks, you guys know i'm a softie for simple patterns where i can just go wild with my fabric choices.  i have a big soft spot for colors and modern prints and love to cover my kids in them :)  the other week i was part of "new year's resewlutions" over on "me sew crazy" where we were to guest post about one of our sewing resolutions and mine was the buttonhole.  my post was initially intended to be a coat tutorial but i had an overwhelming feeling to write a post called "how to conquer your sewing fears" instead and the tutorial that was supposed to go up is today's keaton coat.

this was my first buttonhole peeps! can you believe it! took me long enough right?  i did a butthonhole and my very first zipper in one week.  it was stressful but oh so rewarding.  i had been daydreaming about a fun little spring coat for harper for a few weeks and knew that i wanted something that was simple and quick to make that allowed me to go wild with fabric or choose to simplify it with a solid without losing style. the coat is lined throughout the body but not the sleeves - so nope, it's not reversible.  i decided to keep it nice and easy for you all.  sometimes i think it's fun to just sew something with a basic shape and construction and let my mind go wild with the print and button combo. i spent days pondering that one and changed my mind more than a few times due to loving too many of my fabrics at the moment.  then the button...oh the button...i have a thing for buttons and it takes me eons to choose the right one for any garment.  i actually found the yellow button before deciding on my print and knew that this amy butler print - midwest modern martini from my sponsor stitch simple was the perfect companion to that funky yellow button. 

the keaton coat features topstitching throughout for a more professional finish (i heart topstitching) and a slightly gathered sleeve for a touch of feminine detail.  the inner corners of the fronts are curved also playing with the idea of feminine softness with a mod vibe :) the keaton coat is also easy for our wee ones and for us parents to get on/off squirmy little ones and my girlie just loves hers!

this project would also give you a great base to work with if you are a more advanced sewer allowing you to customize and add some personal flair to your keaton coat.  add more buttons, shorten the sleeves, add some trim - just have fun with it!

now let's get sewing!  you ready? yippee!

The Keaton Coat Pattern - Size 2-3yrs
*Copyright 2011  All rights reserved. For personal use only. Please do not sell items made from this tutorial unless permission has been given.

- one yard fabric (I used quilting cotton)for outer
- button (med-large size)
- 3/4 yard fabric (I used quilting cotton) for inner
- sewing machine
- fabric marker (optional)

*Please note that all seam allowances are 1/4" unless otherwise stated.
1) Print out and cut your pattern pieces.  You can print/download the pattern by clicking on the link below:
2) Using your pattern pieces cut out your fabric for your outer coat and inner coat fronts and back.  Your front pattern piece is used to cut out both fronts.  Simply flip the pattern piece over (take care that your fabric print is still going in the right direction to match the rest of your coat) to cut out the opposite side of the front jacket piece.  You will cut out the following pieces:
Back - 1 Outer & 1 Lining
Front - 2 Outer (Left and Right) & 2 Lining (Left & Right)
Sleeves - 2 Outer
Separate your outer pieces and your inner lining pieces into 2 different piles.  Starting with your outer pieces lay your back right side facing up and pin your left front and right front sides to the back with right sides facing down.  Sew your side seams up with a 1/4" seam allowance.  Press.  Finish your seams by either pinking, zig zag stitching or using a serger. Repeat these steps for your lining coat as well.

3) Pin the shoulder seams together on your outer coat and sew.  Repeat for the inner coat. Press your seams and finish off your seams for both jackets. Place your outer jacket laying down right side facing you and lay the inner jacket on top wrong side facing you (so both right sides are facing each other).  Pin the outer to the inner.  Starting at the top left front stitch down the jacket across the bottom and back up the right front ending at the top of the right front.  Pin down the neckline.  Do the same for the entire neckline.  Press.  Finish off your seams then turn jacket right side out pulling through armhole and press entire jacket.  Topstitch the entire perimeter of the jacket excluding the armholes but including the neckline. Nice work ladies!

4. Grab your sleeves.  With your machine set to do a basting stitch baste-sew along the top part of sleeve from one marking to the next.  Slightly ruffle the sleeve by pulling on your bobbin thread gently.

5.  Fold cuff of sleeve under 1/4" towards the wrong side of fabric and press, fold over another 1/2" and press again.  Topstitch along the hem to form your cuff.  Turn sleeve wrong side out and match long sides together. Pin along long seam and sew.  Finish seams and press.

6.  With jacket wrong side out and sleeve right side out place the sleeve inside the armhole with the sleeve inside the jacket and the armholes aligned.  Pin sleeve to armhole and tighten/loosen gathers to fit armhole.  Making sure to start sewing from your underarm seam so both the sleeve and side seam match up sew armhole to sleeve.  Finish seam.  Turn jacket right side out and press.

7. Try the jacket on the child if possible and mark where your preferred location for the buttonhole/button would be on the jacket with your fabric marker.  Following your machine instructions make your buttonhole.  *I tried a few practice buttonholes on some scrap pieces of fabric before making my buttonhole.  This helped me out a lot to get it just right. Don't be can do it!  After the first time it's really not that hard. I promise :)  Close jacket and double check where to sew your button.  Stitch your button to your jacket.

8.  Put that adorable coat on your wee one and have some fun in the warm spring sunshine that will hopefully be heading our way sooner than later :)

happy sewing everyone! and make sure you add your project pics to our flickr group so we can all see your lovely work!  i'm planning on making a few more of these for harper and may even make some for mack as well so a size 4/5T may be in the works :)  i hope you all like it!  what fabric would you use to make yours?

warm up to winter knit along - prizes time!!!

16 cable hat from 3pumpkinslittle
woot's the "warm up to winter knit along" giveaway time!!! i figured you all deserve a little prize action for all the hard work you've been doing. honestly...i think there are peeps who are on their 11th or 12th item! seriously! they are mavens of the needles! their needles are on fire! you ladies know who you are..wink wink...we all think you knit in your sleep :P you can see some of their handiwork here in my "starring you" post but wowsa..even since then there have been soooo many more lovely items made that i had to show some more off in this post too :)

missy miss-matched mitts from susieq1202
it's been so amazing to watch you all chat and inspire each other (myself included) and it simply warms my heart to see the little plan i had for a wee knit along grow into this wonderful, supportive and caring group of talented women. whether you are just learning to knit or are an old pro - knit alongs are super fun and a great place to chat & make friends with other knitters, to find encouragement, a caring virtual shoulder to cry on when a project isn't working (i know this first hand), a wealth of knowledge when you have questions, a cheering squad when they turn out better than you imagined and a wonderful sense of community. i strongly believe that is something we all could use more of in our lives :)  you can read all of the conversations that took place for this kal here in our luvinthemommyhood ravelry group and now a wee bit more..starring you!

i heart cables from knittingmommee

but wait...where are my mitts?  well i'm sad to say my 2nd mitt is not done :( will you forgive me? with the stomach bug that went round our house combined with my complete obsession with finishing up my rocky coast cardigan sooner than later my 2nd mitt hasn't made it yet but i will get it done sooner than later and when i do i'll be showing them off on here :)  i am happy to say i did make a hat for this kal and LOVE it. i wear it almost everyday..seriously. even at home where nobody sees me but the kidlets. it loves my head and i love it :)

and now for our prize sponsors!  

we've got patterns up for grabs from one of our kal's most popular knitting designers - jane richmond!

1. audrey 2. the classic raglan pullover 3. rae 4. kathleen
1. shannon 2. elizabeth 3. bailey 4. red is best

and we've also got a pattern from the lovely duo of sisters behind "nice and knit" who's star crossed mitten pattern was inspired by our "warm up to winter knit along"! how awesome is that!
star crossed mitts from nice and knit
and we've got one of my fave knitting/crocheting shows around - "knit and crochet now" giving away some copies of their season 3 dvd's! yay!!! i seriously dig this show and i love catching it on tv whenever i get a chance.

wanna know the deets?

our first place winner will receive the following:
- 5 patterns of their choice from jane richmond!!! hello!  awesome!
- a copy of the star crossed mitts pattern from nice and knit.  love this pattern!
- and a copy of the entire season 3 of knit and crochet now!  woo hoo!  now you can knit and watch knitting! how perfect is that?!

and our second place winner will receive:
- 1 pattern of their choice from jane richmond.
- 1 copy of the star crossed mitts pattern from nice and knit.
- and a copy of the entire 3rd season of knit and crochet now.

excited?  i am and i can't even win  want to know how to enter? 
make sure you are signed up for the "warm up to winter knit along" and have actually started a project.  i will be using the number that google docs assigns you to correlate with the number that chooses for the winner and you must have at least begun a project to join in :)  easy peasy right?  you betcha!

if you haven't already entered the knit along you can here:
all posts can be found here and the thread for the knit along can be found in the luvinthemommyhood ravelry group here!

you can enter to be part of this giveaway until sunday, february 19th and midnight pst (pacific standard time).

when you are done your hats and/or mitts please post your finished pics in either our ravelry group thread or our flickr group so we can drool over your fab work! also make sure to pop on over to "nook" later today to see what my partner in crime rebecca has been up to for her kal projects :)

good luck everyone and thanks for joining in and making this such a fun kal! you guys rock! stay tuned the next one is coming up asap!  i'm giving you a few weeks off and then we're gearing up again hopefully end of march beginning of april and we've been excited about this one since before's gonna be a goodie..but don't be sad...there is a surprise planned in between :)

did you join in the kal?  what was your fave pattern you made?  did you step outside your comfort zone or stick to a tried and true pattern?  i'd love to see and hear what you made so chat away m'dears!

twisted slouch hat pattern

a big hello to all of you coming over from the kniterviews & knits stretch yourself series over on made by rae! such a great series!  we love sewing with knits over here on luvinthemommyhood so when the fabulous rae asked me to join in i just knew i had to get a slouch hat idea that i had been working on since xmas finished.  i am a die hard knitter and love to mix elements & techniques, so for this hat i wanted to replicate the movement and texture that i love out of my knitted slouch hats and incorporate them into an actual sewn hat.  i also wanted a hat to wear during the warmer and cooler months.  a lightweight, stylish slouch that has a bit of flair and personality. my favorite part of this hat is the construction. i made test hat after test hat to get this just right for you folks.  it's super easy, fast, and simple to customize and even more fabulous to wear!!  it's also awesome when you can get one of your pals, who happens to be a super awesome knitting designer ( to model/photograph the hat for you too!  thanks jane!!!!  you're the best hun!
the best part of this hat is that it is made all in one piece!  what?!  yep, that's right - just one pattern piece!  there is literally only two side seams to sew and a topstitch around the hat.  how awesome is that?  the rest is some fun hand stitching and customization done to your taste!  the twisted cable is actually part of the hat and not an additional piece that is sewn on! i hate bulky ends to hat and the construction of this hat allows for a softer drape for a sewn garment without the weight and bulk from seam construction.  the small side bows add a feminine and whimsical touch that slim the cheekbones draw your eye up and away for a slimming effect instead of adding bulk and width to the face.  if you've never been able to wear a bulky slouch hat before this may be the time for you try out the slouch style without the added bulk.  made with a soft, thin stretch it's light weight, soft and comfortable to wear! 
the twisted slouch hat is also a great way for you to practice your sewing with knits skills.  using a lighter weight stretch can sometimes be challenging but the look of this hat changes quickly if you add too much sturdiness to the fabric.  i would stick with a soft drape to retain the feel of the hat.  make sure to read your machines manual for sewing with stretch and if your machine isn't set up with stretch stitches whip up a practice me :)  just like with knitting it's always handy to do a test swatch to double check the drape and look of your sewn garment.  practice the right stitch, machine settings and needle for your machine to get the best look for your hat.  i recommend ball point needles and/or using a zig zag or sometimes even a triple straight stitch works great for sewing with stretch.  it's all about your machine though and matching it to the fabric you are using.
this hat is a great beginner stretch project as your twist going down the side could hide any uneven stitches or "oopsies" if you do have an issue.  the only place your machine sewing shows is along your brim.  if you aren't looking for a zig zag stitch here set your machine to the right straight stitch to use for stretch and pull the hat stretched as you sew to get the right diameter to give your head room to stretch the head out without breaking the seam of the hat.  i promise it's easier than it all sounds and once you jump into sewing with knits you'll wonder what all the fuss was about and why it took you so long.  there's no seams to finish and it's fast and fun to sew with!  you ready to get sewing?  woot woot! let's go ladies!  happy sewing!

Twisted Slouch Hat Pattern
Copyright 2012 All rights reserved.  For personal use only.  Please do not sell any items made from this pattern unless permission has been given.

- ½ yard of stretch fabric of your choice (i recommend a light weight drape stretch) - coordinating thread  - sewing machine  - suitable needle for sewing machine for sewing with stretch  - hand sewing needle  - scissors  - fabric marker  - pins

*All seam allowances are 1/2" unless otherwise stated.
1. Download & print out hat pattern with no automatic sizing/no scaling selected.

2. Fold fabric in half with main stretch going left to right right sides acing out.  Then fold in half again from left to right.  

3. Place hat pattern piece on top of fabric with top of hat on first fold of fabric and side of hat on 2nd fold of fabric.  The pattern piece is the size of half of the hat so after you are done cutting when you open up your fold it will be full size and you will be left with an actual fold still at the top of your hat.

4. Weight down pattern piece and cut hat out taking care not to pull or stretch out your fabric.

5. Measure in 1.5” from the outer edge of your hat.  Taking your fabric marker and using the existing hat as a guideline draw out another hat but this time 1.5” in from the outer edge *taking care to stop ¼” from the top of the hat on either side of the hat.  Please note I have a smaller sized head and if you are concerned you may have a larger sized head circumference please pin the sides up on the hat as if you were cutting and try hat on to check the sizing.  If you need more room cut the into the sides at a smaller amount..for ex. 1" instead of 1 1/2".  *See illustrations above.

  6. Turn fabric inside out (right sides facing each other).  Carefully pull your dangling edge on one side insde the two pieces of your hat as straight and flat to the opposite direction as possible without pulling the hat form.  Use your finger and feel if the strand is out of your sewing path.  Pin down along the side of the hat.  Sew down this side of the hat with a ½” seam allowance starting from the top stitching downwards.  Note: my head is on the smaller size if you have a larger head use a 1/4" seam allowance.  *See illustration to the left.

7. Repeat step 6 but on the opposite side again taking care to make sure your strand is flat and out of the way of your stitching.  

8. Turn hat right side out and try on.  Fold the bottom of the hat under approximately 2 inches or desired size (make sure to leave your strands out of the brim).  Using a pin or fabric marker mark where you would like your brim to end if you need to make any changes to fit the size of your head and desired amount of slouch for your hat.

9. Turn hat inside out again (right sides facing) and pim your soon to be brim down properly.  Stitch down using a straight stitch set for sewing knits on your machine.  I found this looks the best but not all machines will be able to do this.  Since you aren't top stitching (you could if you would like to though) make sure your bobbin color is the color you want showing on the right side of your hat :)  Mine works fine if I stretch the fabric out as I go while stitching on a good tension for sewing with knits but it’s totally up to you the style you would like for your hat.  If a zig zag or a different seam work best for knits on your machine and it's the look you are going for than go try it out.

10. Turn hat right side out again.  We're going to cut into those funky strands now.  Simply cut the strand in half all the way up until almost the top.  Once you are done cutting them you can simply twist them in your preferable style.  I wanted to replicate a cable that you would knit on a hat so I did a simple layered twist alternating which strand was on top and kept it loose and wide.  Once you are done twisting, pin the strand down over your side seams of your hat.  Bye, bye ugly seam - hello fun cable!

11. Hand stitch your twisted strands down onto your hat using an invisible stitch until you reach about ¼” above the start of your brim.  Tie your strands into a knot then simply fold each end under in the shape of a bow and pin.  Hand stitch the bow down.  Repeat for the other side of your hat.

12. Put that hat on and go rock it all year round! The breathable light weight stretch will be stylish for the warmer weather without overheating your head but still warm enough to wear in the winter as well.  Say good by to those bad hair days!

happy hat making ladies!  have fun and i cannot wait to see you all sporting your twisted slouch hats! so awesome!  make sure you add your project pics to our flickr group so we can all see your lovely work!  i've got at least 2 more of these in the works in some other colors. can't wait to add them to my wardrobe :)

a big thank you to rae for having me on the blog - luv ya hun!  make sure you all check out the rest of  "the kniterview series and the knits stretch yourself"  on made by rae for lots of tips, tricks, how to's, tutorials and interviews! it's awesome!  so get trying sewing with knits! i promise it's fun & very addiciting!

moments in the mommyhood - truckin' along

happy monday everyone! how are you?  hope you all had great weekends :)  it's been so busy around here on the blog that i realized i haven't posted any pics of the fam lately.  of course the kids and i all getting hit with a stomach bug didn't help  so here's some pics of what we've been up to lately when we haven't been ill.  lots of rain, lots of boots, some snow, some beach fun, some outdoor good times and some...well...i'll let you check it out for yourself :)

a majority of the pics were ones i just recently found on our camera courtesy of the hubs and his "moments in the daddyhood".  if you are a reader of the blog you know that's a common thing that happens in our house.  my hubs takes the girls out on little adventures and takes pics that i don't know about.  then when i go to upload the pics the next time i do a shoot i find all sorts of wild photos of them gallivanting all over

i'm starting to feel a bit better now but still really tired.  we've been busy getting my oldest registered for kindergarten and learning to deal with all the emotions, as a parent, that you go through knowing your first born is going into kindergarten.  where we live kindergarten is 5 days a week for full days.  i'm gonna miss my little mischief maker but also know she is more than ready to go to kindergarten.  i'm also getting excited for march.  a few girlies from my knit night and i are all heading on a wee adventure over to vancouver for fibres west.  yarn, the city, good friends, a hotel stay (weeee!!), shopping, meals out and just being in my old stomping grounds is going to be such a fun treat.  it's also going to be my first time away from my kids for a night!  i'll prolly bawl my eyes out but at the same time this momma is really looking forward to a little getaway - especially one filled with yarn!!!

what have you been up to?  how was your weekend?  do you go on any little getaways with your girl friends?  any yarn events you know of british columbia that are worth checking out?  let's chat...coffees on <3

p.s. tomorrow i've got a brand new sewing pattern for you all!!!  it's something special i've been working on since xmas that i hope you are all gonna love so stay tuned!

weekend wishes

that i could convince my hubby to believe in valentine's day :P...
img src: honestly wtf via a cup of jo
to get the back of my cardigan done...
img src: scandinavian retreat
that my house does not end up like this one day...
img src: lolgallery
to float in the ocean...
img src: 21 sailors
and that this nasty stomach bug leaves our home once and for all.

so sorry for the quiet week this week. this darn stomach bug that has invaded our little house has really taken a toll on this mama.  2 upcoming tutorials have been put on hold amongst a few other projects i have on the go.  the worst thing for me when i'm ill (besides trying to take care of the kidlets & of course, being ill) is knowing i can't work on them.  i swear i hear them calling to me.  i live in a condo so i can't escape quilt is on the wall begging to be squared up and sewn, i've got two patterns to finish drafting that are almost sewn, 3 sweaters & a pair of mitts to finish knitting, among a gazillion other goodies i have to get done.  any of you get the same longings when you're sick?

this weekend i plan on resting, resting and more resting (i've been in bed before 9 every night-it's a record in this house).  mixed in with finishing up those 2 tutorials for next week, hanging out with my knit night gals for some good laughs, cuddling with my hubs and playing a fun filled match of junior monopoly with my wee ones.  oh how we love junior monopoly in this house.  it's so fun to be able to play one of my fave games with my oldest now.  it's great for their math skills and boy oh boy do we get competitive in our house. it's a good time. 

i'll be catching up on my inbox soon so for those of you awaiting emails from me i'm so sorry that i'm so far behind.  it's gotten the best of me while i've been under the weather.  i'm wishing you all a sunny, fun, game & crafty projects filled, cuddles galore kind of weekend.  thank you for all of your kind messages and emails this week.  i <3 you guys.

what are your weekend plans?  what crafty projects are you trying to finish up?  what is one of your favorite board games to play with your wee ones?

p.s. don't forget to get your entries in for the charmstitch fabric giveaway - some lovely fabric goodies to be won!