moments in the mommyhood - daydreaming


i'm going to be busy daydreaming this week.  daydreaming about next week, daydreaming about spending more time with the hubs, daydreaming about how much stress will be lifted off of his and my shoulders, daydreaming about more family time, and daydreaming about more moments like the ones shown above. i love island life and boy do i love my little family.  i couldn't help but post these shots that so simply depict my fave part of the weekend.

can you hear the waves, can you smell the ocean breeze, and can you feel the suns rays trying with all their might to fight through those dark, deep green forest trees to soak you in all that is wonderful?  it's amazing how you can go from stress & worries and then sit down on our beautiful coastal island and just feel it melt away.  it's breathtaking and just one of those important places that reminds you not to sweat the small stuff and to just......well.....bask.  bask in the sound of the kids splashing in the surf while dad pretends to throw seaweed at them, bask in the sound of the birds, the freshness of the air, the feel of the sand and pebbles between your toes, the taste of a yummy pumpkin spice latte on your lips and cozy in your hands, the happiness of knowing you are holding a camera in your hand and that these little memories might just last that much longer if you can just catch them. snap. snap.....snap.

 see you all on wednesday <3

what are you daydreaming about this week?  what's it sound/feel/look like where you live?  i've got coffee and tea today...come join me :)

*all images luvinthemommyhood

weekend wishes

to drink a lot of lattes...

to hang out and knit here with my besties...

to make an origamied wall...

Source: via Jan on Pinterest

to give this fun diy a try...

that everyone believed this...

and to finally make some leg warmers this year.

i'm pooped.  i have to admit that i will be a way happier momma after next week is over.   with all we have going on in our little place i'm just not sleeping well.  i keep  having nightmares and am having such a hard time getting a good nights sleep lately.    i'm also excited because my baby sister is due to have her first baby any day now and i can't wait to meet the little one and get some new baby snuggles.  my folks and omi are also coming for a month long visit!!!! it will be our first thanksgiving with them for eons and eons.  we're very excited!

we'll also be adjusting to a new routine around our place with mackenzie starting kindergarten full time on monday.  she had her first day yesterday and did amazingly well.  she loved it so much and cannot wait to go back.  haper on the other hand did not take it so good.  i've never seen my baby girl cry like she did on thursday.  she must have wailed and sobbed her big sisters name for at least an hour.  she cried so hard she fell asleep when we got home all curled up in my lap holding on for dear life with her little fingers.  i think she thought we left mackenzie there.  no matter what we said she just seemed to think that we forgot her sister and was doing everything she could to get us to go back and get her.  it was heartbreaking and we both had a good cry together.  

the best part of the day was picking mackenzie up.  we were both so excited to see that twinkle in her eye and to hear her tell us all of her tales of her first day of kindergarten.  when we saw her little head pop into view i swear i thought my heart would burst.  harper starting screaming out her name and ran as fast as she could to grab her big sister and jump into the biggest set of hugs i have ever seen them give each other. i had to even wait a few minutes to get a hug....they just wouldn't let go of each other.  it was a moment i don't think i'll ever forget and i'm so happy to have seen that love between them.  it's such a special bond.  don't get me wrong though...they are fighting as i type  back to their old  my - my barbie...give me my barbie...MOMMMM!!! oh gotta luv'em.

wishing you a hugs and luvs filled weekend topped with pumpkin spice lattes, creative time, sunshine, smiles & lots of sleep.

what are your weekend wishes?  how did your wee one's first days of kindergarten go?  what are you up to this weekend?  pull up a chair and let's chat...i love hearing your weekend wishes <3

Petitie Kids Boutique Pattern Giveaway!

maia dress: 12mth-8yrs
it's back to school time and we've got a great giveaway for you all today.  petite kids boutique is offering up a lovely choice of fun patterns from her shop.  petite kids has everything from skirts to dresses and shorts.  all perfect for building that lovely handmade wardrobe for your wee one.

haven dress: 6mth-12yrs
petite kids boutique patterns are simple to follow and include clear, colored images.  you will find that most patterns are sized for 12M-8T and some even go as low as 6mths!  wowsa!  sew up a few!  i love it when i find sewing patterns that can grow with my child so you're not left only being able to make it once.  wong's patterns also feature step-by-step guides on making things like the fabric flowers or other accessories shown on the garment like the sasha jumper dress shown below. 

sasha jumper dress: 12mth-8t
i really love that petite kids boutique patterns also allow your fabric choice to stand out!  you all know how i love my fabrics and wong's patterns allow you to let those gorgeous prints shine along with the garment itself.  you can choose from retro to classic styles and all are fun and comfortable for your child to wear.  there are also patterns for all skill levels from beginner to advanced.  wong also even allows small quantities of your garment to be sold as well!  so if you're an etsy shop seller or someone looking to sell some adorable handmade goods at craft fairs this fall these would be an excellent choice.
you ready to find out what you can win?  yay!

- a bundle of any 3 patterns you would like from "petite kids boutique"! thanks wong!

- visit petite kids boutique and then come back and tell me which 3 patterns you would choose if you won.
- *bonus entry: like luvinthemommyhood and/or petite kids boutique on facebook and then come back and leave me another comment letting me know you did that.

- giveaway is open until wed, sept. 12, 2012, midnight, pacific standard time.
- you must leave a valid email address in your comment or you will be disqualified.
thanks for the giveaway wong and good luck to everyone! you can find petite kids boutique on facebook here and their etsy shop here.  happy sewing!!!

Seaming Video Tutorials with Guest Kelly of Celtic Cast On

we've got one of my fave knitty pals on the blog today.  kelly from the blog "celtic cast on" is here today to so sweetly talk to us about one of those things most of us knitters don't enjoy - seaming. thankfully she's got some skills when it comes to seaming (and to just about all knitting things) and she even filmed us videos!!! can i get a woot woot!!!  thank. you. kelly.  awesome! 

kelly's always knitting up the most gorgeous projects and her images are equally as lovely (isn't she so purdy? i couldn't resist embarrassing her with a collage of her cute self).  she's a big part of our knit alongs and also one of my trusted moderators in our ravelry group.  this gal has some serious knitting mojo.  you all ready to learn from her and tackle those seaming skills? i know a few of you made an pay attention :P

here's kelly..... 

inversion cardigan

It's one of those words a lot of knitters CRINGE over when they hear it...same as GAUGE and SWATCH.

I used to cringe too...that is until I realized that the sweaters I had knit without swatching and getting gauge were complete flukes and would come back to haunt me.

The same can be said for seaming. I was one of those knitters who HATED seaming. I'd knit a sweater and then the pieces would sit in a basket forever just waiting to be seamed or I'd seam it up as quickly as I could not taking into consideration the best way to seam that part of the garment. I avoided it like the plague because I could never get my seams to look right and I was never fully happy with the knit.

1. gelsomina aran 2. aidez
Don't get me wrong I do absolutely love top down knitting, being able to try on as your go and adjust for a perfect fit is amazing but there are time's when you DO need seams to make a design hang and fit the right way.

1. fable cardigan 2. linney cardigan
 I"m going to show you the three seaming techniques I use most often, the invisible seam, the shoulder seam and joining a sleeve.

The easiest and probably my favourite is to seam the main body. Usually it's just matching up knit stitches and the work goes smoothly. Once you get used to this technique it becomes a great tv companion.


Invisible Seam 
NOTE: During all these seaming techniques take the time to straighten out your work every now and then to make sure one side isn't getting ahead of the other. It will save you from ripping back later when you come to the end and discover one side still has 2 inches of fabric left.... been there done that!
Now for the shoulder seam!

Shoulder Seam
Last but not least, the sometimes tricky one, joining the sleeves. This is actually a combination of the two techniques I have already shown you so once you master the previous two you will have no problem's joining a sleeve.

Seaming a Sleeve
If you plan on making garments you want that entire sweater, tank or tee to be a reflection of your knitting skills. Don't cop out on the most important parts of the process just so you can say it's finished. Take the time to learn the skill of seaming, practice and hone it so that when people look at it they say ""Wow that looks like its right out of a store!"

Now make yourself a cup of tea, grab that sweater that's been sitting in a basket forever waiting to be seamed and take the plunge!!

thank you so much for all those awesome videos kelly! you rock girl!  i don't know how many times i've gotten stumped over seaming. these will definitely be a huge resource for us!  you guys can check out all of kelly's awesome knitting and read more about her on her blog here and on her ravelry page here.

you can follow along with all things summer sweater knit along:

and a big thank you to our wonderful sponsors! thanks everyone!

additional sponsors:

join our linky party by linking up your "summer sweater kal" blog post!

moments in the mommyhood - big events

things may be a bit up and down around here for the next 2 weeks.  i've got my girlie starting kindergarten (wahhhh!) and the hubs writing the "big exam".  mack starts kindy on thursday and the hubs writes his exam next week.  yep, that's's here.  after 5 long years of endless studying the date is here.  we are so proud of him.  we're also proud of our little 5 year old who's about to embark on her own new journey.  so excited for her and i've managed to hold in my tears around her....for  the day of may be a different story :P

in the midst of all of this i've also been spending way too many late nights on the computer working away.  on what you may ask?  well, the sweetheart dress sewing pattern is almost ready to be released! can i get a woo woo!!!!!!  yes......!!!!!  it's going out to testers today and should be up for sale in about 2 weeks.  i'm so excited and also very proud of this wee pattern.  it's been a long process and a lot of learning and hard work.  i also had some awesome help from someone i'll fill you all in on later (thank you ld!).

but that's not it....i've also got my newest fat quarter gang tutorial coming up for art gallery fabrics, a new knitting pattern in the final stages of editing, and 2 new dress sewing patterns also primed to come out for sale as well!!!! can we say busy?  yep.  it's a bit of a gong show around here but worth all of it.  life is always fun (even when you're stressed) when you are doing what you absolutely love and i love what i do so it's a win win.

mackenzie doing her "model pose"!
i blame my busyness (is this a real word??) all on that darn creative process...  you all know what i mean right?  when you're a highly creative type it becomes almost like an addiction.  once you get the ball rolling a whole big world opens up and you just want to make and create all day.  you see it all around you where you never saw it before and your mind keeps processing/thinking/imagining all of the things you could be making.  it's amazing how things just seem so much more clearer and vivid once you get on a roll.  that's why i need a gazillion journals because once i get going i'm like a  it's a wonderful feeling.

this sea otter eating some fish drew a huge crowd to watch him chomp down last night. was quite the sight to see all these people pulling over and rushing to the beach all to get pics of a sea otter eating???!!!??? island life :P
it can make it hard to slow down though.  and slow down is what we did for a tiny bit yesterday.  we grabbed the kidlets and set out to soak in the sounds of the ocean and to skip some rocks (the girls love to throw rocks..honestly, they could do this for hours if we let them).  we haven't really had any beach days this year but that's because neither the hubs nor i have had any time off to really have them :)  so when we hit up the beach we go before/after dinner when it's quieter and we just chillax down there.  it's nice.  i like to try to photograph and just memorize those kinds of moments for when i'm at home and feeling a need for a brain buzz.  i'll pull up those images/memories and i swear i can feel the sun on my face as i cuddle the hubs, smell the ocean breeze, and hear the waves echoed by the sound of my children laughing.  feels good.

view from our balcony at sunrise
any of you going through any big changes right now?  i know there are a lot of you with wee ones starting kindergarten this month. let's console each other shall  who else has been on a creative surge lately?  coffee's a'brewin! come chat!

My Best Friend Series - Guest Post on Sew Together

Poppy the Pfaff and I
I was so excited when Maryanne and Caroline asked me to be part of their fun new series "my best friend" where they have invited guests to come on and chat about their sewing "best friends"! Can be a what or a who.  Such a great idea!  When it came time to write my post I had originally intended to talk about the people in my life who have had a huge influence on me when it came to sewing but I just kept coming back to one of my fave things in life - my sewing machine Poppy.  Yep, that's right.  She's got a name.  Poppy the Pfaff is one of my best buds.  I spend all my spare time with her, tell her all my secrets, cry with her, laugh with her, cheer with her, get angry at her, and just plain love the buckets outta her.  She's my sewing machine.

Wanna know more?  Pop on over to "Sew Together" and check out my whole post about Poppy and I's relationship and my tumultuous journey before I met her.   

So...who/what is your best sewing friend? An indispensable tool? A machine like me? A family member or friend? C'mon...join in! it's fun!

P.S. I'm taking the day off on Monday for the long weekend :)  I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing long weekend and I'll see you on Tuesday <3

Fat Quarter Shop Giveaway - Bella by Lotta Jansdotter Winner!

ohhhh...i so wish i could win this one ladies!  but it's not me....who's it gonna be? drumroll please......the winner of the fat quarter shop giveaway for the lovely layer cake of lotta jansdotter's new line "bella" is:

commenter #196 - michelle (

congratulations michelle!!!!!! can't wait to see what you do with this fabric line!  so excited for you!  we'll be in touch soon.

a big thank you to fat quarter shop for the fabulous and generous giveaway!  you can find all things fat quarter shop here:

Mallory Cowl Pattern - The Updated Version!

mallory cowl pattern by me, yarn: knit picks swish worsted in colorway allspice
guess what's just around the corner?  fall! yahoo!  don't get me wrong, i'm basking in the last of the summer rays but i'm also itching for the loveliness of fall.  i'm also missing my cowls.  you all know how i love me a cowl.  i figured since we are only a few days away from september that i could share some upcoming news with ya.

see that lovely cowl in these pics knit up in that yummy "perfect for fall" color?  well that's the mallory cowl.  i heart the mallory cowl.  it's seriously the bounciest & squishiest cowl i have ever made.  since last year i've made a few of these to go along with mackenzie's child version and this one has to be my favorite one of all of them.  wanna know why?  well i adore the yarn it was made with.

the yarn used to knit this cowl is knit picks "swish worsted" in colorway allspice.  yep, it's as good as it's name.  how could i not knit my bouncy cowl pattern up in a yarn called "swish"? it's like a match made in heaven!!!!  best part of it all is you can now buy the mallory pattern and matching yarn on the knit picks website as part of their independent designer program!! woot woot!  how cool is that!  you could pick up your pattern and choose the color that suits you right in one shopping cart! now that's what i call efficiency :)


swish worsted comes in tons of gorgeous colors too and the price is oh, so affordable.  heck make one for your kidlet and one for you so you can match!  so fun!  each skein of swish worsted is $4.49 - $4.69 a ball and at 110yds/50g a ball you only need (2) to make a child's mallory or (4) for the adult one!  wowsa!  swish worsted is 100% superwash merino wool too! which means it's soft (great for baby & kid's clothes) and is machine washable!

the mallory cowl pattern has been updated and rewritten to include both the childs and adult pattern in one handy pdf with more concise instructions including 2 new gauges.  this pattern is great for beginners and/or anyone looking to try knitting in the round.  it's a quick project that knits up easily.  perfect for a "treat myself" or "christmas pressie" kind of project.

you can purchase the mallory pattern at the following online shops:

and on
knit picks!!! wahoo!!!

so watcha think?  you ready to see those leaves change color, to feel a crispness to the air, and go for a lovely pre-fall stroll with me sporting our matching mallorys?  i know i am!  bring on the pumpkin spice lattes and knitted cowls people!  

a huge thank you to the lovely rebecca (nook) for being my pattern model.  i love taking pics of her and she is so sweet to happily let me go all paparazzi on  and also thanks to the equally as lovely jane ( for letting me snap some shots of her as well.  don't they look gorgeous?  thanks m'dears! luv ya both..xoxoxo.

have you made a mallory cowl yet?  if so i'd love to see your pics!!!!  make sure you add them to our flickr group or post them up in ravelry for all to see.  or you could just email them to me or comment below.  it really is fun for me to see them so share away :)  anyone else dying for pumpkin spice lattes already?

Summer Sweater Knit Along - Knit Pockets Tutorial Roundup

campus jacket pattern by amy christoffers, image by mamatronic - this is her finished sweater for our summer sweater knit along
i love pockets.  i love any kind of pocket.  big. small.  in between.  cozy.  warm.  floating.  patch.  side.  you name it - i love it.  when it comes to knitting pockets though i just don't think enough people make them.  i mean how much yummier can a knitted garment get?  you're already wearing something so awesome you might as well take it to intergalactic level of awesomeness and add some rockin' pockets to it! 

manu by kate davies
i love how a knit pocket can just add something super special to a garment.  you just up that comfy factor by a zillion.  who doesn't want to curl up inside with a cup of tea and a good book with their yummy pockets?  go for a walk in the crisp fall weather with somewhere convenient to warm up your fingers?  they also make a great place to put things :)

1. snowbird 2. linney cardigan 3. shellseeker 4. something silver
since i'm at the point where i am about to seam down my pockets for my summer sweater kal project i decided to do a little research into the best way to get a nice flat and straight pocket.  while i was doing this i thought you all might look up the same things to which then led me to compiling a handy little list of some fab tutorials on all kinds of pockets.  yep, that's right - there is way more than just one way to make a knitted pocket.  they all are fun though!  i can't wait to try a few of them!  who would have thought the idea of cutting a line through your stitches could be so exhilarating, exciting and! amaze me.

1. idlewood 2. praline 3. levenwick
and as per normal with my roundups be sure to add your fave pocket tutorial in the comments below and i'll add them to the list :)  i want to make sure we have a well rounded list and your input is important.  you ready to whip up some pockets?  great!

|  HOW TO'S  |

- Afterthought Pocket from "Knitting Without Tears" by Elizabeth Zimmerman

- Fun With Pockets Tutorial from Lori Times Five

- Great overall pocket tutorial from Knit Picks

- Sewing Down Pocket Linings from Cocoknits

- Floating Pocket Tutorial by Jan Cullen

- Fab pocket how to from Tin Can Knits

- Pocket tutorials by Studio Knits

- Patch pocket how to's from Knit Simple Magazine
1.tourist sweater 2. pepper 3. flyaway hoodie
fun right!  alrighty up those blog posts!  i wanna see how you're summer sweater knit along projects are doing this week!  i know more than a few of you finished your sweaters this week so let's see some pics!  add your blog posts to the linky party below.  thanks for knitting with me!

you can follow along with all things summer sweater knit along:

and a big thank you to our wonderful sponsors! thanks everyone!

additional sponsors:

join our linky party by linking up your "summer sweater kal" blog post!

Simpatico Pillow Tutorial & Baby Pressies

my baby sister is about to have her first baby any day now and for her baby shower pressie i decided to make the baby a duvet cover along with a matching pillow using one of my fave lines of the year "simpatico".  i also made her a boobie pillow.  yes, i call it a boobie pillow...that's what it is so lovingly referred to in our home...lmao.  anyone else call it that?? if not - you should :p  I'm determined to start a new trend.

on point and straws in colorway minty from simpatico by cloud 9 fabrics
i was over the moon when i spotted that the new line "simpatico" from cloud 9 fabrics was being released a few months ago and my sister and i had been anxiously awaiting it's arrival ever since so i could make the baby's bedding.  we knew the colors and print would be perfect for her nursery.  after making the pressies for her i'm now dying to do my own bedding with simpatico.  such a fabulous line of fabrics and oh so soft. cloud 9 fabrics are all organic and i swear this baby is going to be sleeping and eating in style :)  i'm a tad bit envious of it  we used the  prints "straw" and "on point" bedding in colorway minty for the bedding.

pearl bracelet in turquoise from outfoxed by lizzy house
for the duvet cover i simply did a zip closure on one end so she could pull it on and off for easy washing.  i made the booby pillow out of one of my fave prints - pearl bracelet in turquoise from the line "outfoxed" by lizzy house.  i can never have enough pearl bracelet in my house.  love it!  i used the pattern from lotta jansdotter's book "simple sewing for babies" to make the actual booby pillow.  this book is one of my all time faves and i use it constantly for baby gifts. i highly recommend it.

since my sister leans toward very simple and minimal designs for her fabrics the duvet cover was "on point " for the front and "straws" for the backing.  when she said i could surprise her with the pillow i have to admit it was hard for me.  i wanted to go nuts with this fabric and have some fun with it but i had to reign myself in and try to stay true to my taste but also hers as well.  i think i pulled off a happy balance.  it has a pop of fun on the front but it's still clean and simple.  i love it and thought you might all love it too.

i know a lot of you are just learning how to piece things and to customize things for your home and your clothing.  this is a fun little tutorial showing you how to piece your pillow front together based on the size of your pillow.  easy for customization and fun on style.  it's a quick sew and finishes really nicely with a few little touches.


Copyright 2012  All rights reserved.  For personal use only unless prior permission has been given.


- (1) piece of fabric (I used quilting cotton but you could use any type of light-med-home dec weight you would like) for the back of pillowcase the size of your pillow form + 1/2" for your seam allowance for your height and width.  My pillow form was 16" x 16" so I cut my back 16 1/2" x 16 1/2".
- (2) pieces of fabric for the outer columns of your front pillow case.  My pillow form was 16" x 16" so I cut my pieces to  6 1/4"W x 16 1/2"H to accommodate for seam allowances.
- (1) piece of fabric for the center column of your front pillow case cut to 5"W x 16 1/2"H
When you front piece is assembled your center strip will measure 4 1/2"W and your two outer strips will measure 6"W.
 - Scissors or rotary cutter/mat
- Co-ordinating thread
- Hand sewing needle
- Pillow form
- *Optional: light to medium weight interfacing if desired.

*How to calculate your measurements for a different sized pillow form:

The formula for calculating your measurements for a different sized pillow case would be to start by  taking your pillow form size which would be "A" and add you seam allowances to it which would be "B" and "C".  So:

A + B + C = D  so for my pillow my calculation was 16" + 1/4" + 1/4" = 16 1/2"  So my D (my overall width) is 16 1/2".

Next decide how wide you would like your finished columns to be keeping in my mind that they  have to equal your calculation for D when sewn.  My columns were to be 2 @ 6"W and 1 @ 4 1/2"W.

Now you have add your seam allowances again for the assembly of your front.  Your wider columns will be called "E", and your seam allowance "F".  To calculate how wide to cut your wider columns.  We would use the following calculation:

E + F= G so mine was 6" + 1/4"= 6 1/4"  This is how wide our outer columns will be.

To calculate our middle column you would simply take your desired finished width and add your seam allowance.  So "H" is your column and "I" & "J" are your seam allowances.

H + I + J = K so mine was 4 1/2" + 1/4" + 1/4" = 5".  I would cut my center column to be 5" wide.

Now let's check our math....

6 1/4" x 6 1/4" + 5" = 17 1/2"

which means once we sew those strips together with 1/4" seam allowances your total width would equal 16 1/2"! Yay! We did it!  You can  now apply this to any pillow form and also play around with it and have some fun.  You could easily add another column or change your widths around.



Cut and prep your fabric pieces.  If you would like a sturdier feel to your pillow & you are using quilting cotton feel free to use a light-medium weight interfacing on your fabrics for the pillow.  If you are using a medium/home dec weight you should be fine.  I used a quilting cotton and did not interface it as it was for bedding and I wanted a very soft drape for mine instead of your normal throw pillow.

Place your center strip right sides facing each other onto one of your side strips with the long edges matched up.  Stitch along your long edge with a 1/4" seam allowance.  *See diagram above.  If you aren't using a serger finish your seam off by either zig zag stitching your seam or trimming with pinking shears.  Press your seam allowance towards the darker color.  Now place the other long edge of your center strip right sides facing each other onto your other side strip lining up your long edges. Stitch along your long edge with a 1/4" seam allowance.  Finish this seam off as well.  Press your seam allowance towards the darker color.

With your pillow front right side facing up edgestitch down the outer long edge of your center strip as close to your seam as possible.  Press for a nice clean finish. *See diagram above.

Now place your front and back pillow pieces together, right sides facing each other.  *See diagram above. Pin around your entire pillow making sure to also mark where to leave yourself a 6"+ opening to put your pillow form in.  Sew along all 4 sides (but not closing your marked opening) with a 1/4" seam allowance.  *See diagram below. Finish off your seam allowances and trim your corners. 

Turn your pillowcase right side out.  Put your pillow form inside your pillow case and hand stitch your opening closed with an invisible stitch.  You're done! Great job!!!

There are lots of options for closures here as well.  You could easily add in a zipper closure if you wanted as well.  I originally intended to have a zipper closure but didn't have the right size left in my stash :(  Luckily my sister's pillow form is easily washable and she can throw the whole pillow in the wash.

HAPPY SEWING! Be sure to add your Simpatico Pillows to our Flickr Group here! I'd love to see what you make!!!  Feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

what's your favorite baby pressie to make?  have any of you made any projects with simpatico?  Aare you a lizzy house addict as well? let's chat ladies! it's monday and i've got sewing on the

weekend wishes

that i remember to do this in order to survive september...

that my house wouldn't shock mrs. hughes with it's disorderliness...

image via b-side blog
to finish getting the kid fall wardrobes ready for school...

to get my new quilt and pillows done for our sofa...

to try making these...

to pick up some mason jars so i can actually use my new awesome "cuppow"!

heck ya it's the weekend!  i've got lots of crafty goodies going on this weekend.  sewing and knitting...yah, yah! i love those kind of weekends.  we're also going to be busy getting the kids ready for fall and for mack to start kindergarten!  she's so excited!  i'm still having mixed emotions about my first kiddo going to kindergarten but i'm also super happy for her and know she will love it!

i've been busy working on a few new tutorials and upcoming sewing and knitting patterns! can't wait to reveal them all too.  i'm also hoping to get the leftover goodies from fibrations up in the etsy shop next week.  i shipped out a few orders already but there are some rockin' commuter cowls, reversible sock bags, zippered pouches and needlebooks left in case anyone is interested.  they are cute, cute, cute!  i'm half tempted to just keep em'for

we're hoping to have some family time tomorrow and maybe hit up a pool or beach before the summer has passed us by :)  wishing you all a cuppow sipping kind of weekend filled with sunshine (but not sunburns..wink wink), cuddles, laughs, nice seams and good stitches :)  see ya on monday m'dears <3

what are you up to?  any big crafting or back to school plans going on?  what are you doing to soak up the last rays of summer fun?  chat....i swear i have enough coffee and tea for all of us...

Winner of Lunden Designs & Birch Organic Fabrics Giveaway!

lunden designs sewing patterns
we've got a lucky winner for our fabulous lunden designs sewing patterns and birch organic fabrics giveaway!!!!!!!!!!! someone is a lucky lady!!!! drooling over this prize big time!  do you want to know who won?  ready?  drum roll please...........................and the winner is......

commenter #138 - brooke crook (oliver's fancy)!!!!  yay!!!!!!!!!!!

congratulations brooke!!!!!  you will receive a copy of "star gazer" and "by sea or by land" quilt patterns as well as the following fabrics:

* six - 1/4  yards of storyboek II prints (either in boy or girl colorway) from birch organic fabric
* nine - 1/3 yards of scamper prints from birch organic fabric

 i'll be in touch soon about your prize brooke!

1. storyboek two 2. scamper
thank you again to melissa of lunden designs & cynthia of birch organic fabrics for their generosity and oodles of inspiration they provide!  you can find more on birch fabrics and lunden designs below:

wiksten tanks and rocky coast cardis

i've been way behind on my fo shots lately.  i decided to try to get a few snaps of my rocky coast cardigan that i finished eons ago and also a newly sewn wiksten tank. *edited to add: can you believe i took these first 2 shots by balancing my camera on my ample cleavage? how's that for putting "the girls" to good use...muahah!

the wiksten tank is tank #2.  i made  my first one with fabric i wouldn't be sad to use if it didn't work out and i liked how it turned out but only wear it with a cardi because i definitely suffer from the side boob peekaboo and a way too big back neck opening.  not a good fit.  thankfully my lovely friend rae (from made by rae) had a tiny bit of the same issue with her neck and i took her cue with my 2nd attempt and took about 1" or so off the top half of the pattern along the folded edge when you lay out your pattern piece before cutting.  you can see how rae did it here.  the tank fits like a dream now (or at least i think so) and it's been in very heavy rotation ever since i finished it last week.  covers all my wobbly bits but isn't so loose and baggy that it makes me look preggers. 

1. wiksten tank in cotton lawn 2. rocky coast cardigan by hannah fettig in quince & co. lark in colorway frost
please excuse the very windy shots...we were right beside a very windy ocean just before sunset and i was right in the line of fire for ocean winds.  i swear this tank drapes  the fabric is a cotton lawn i got on sale for a good deal.  like a $4.98/yd kinda deal :)  i also picked up two diff voile's to see how i liked the tank in them and also to make a wiksten tova tunic for the fall.  i can't wait to sew those bad boys up.

i've also been anxiously awaiting the mail carrier each day (what else is new right?!) for a yummy order from fabricworm that i placed to make a washi dress and tunic for myself.  so excited!  i decided after a year of selfish knitting it was time to do some selfish sewing.  this momma needs some new clothes and i'm so excited to make some new lovelies that i can fit just for my body shape.  fun!!!

after all...i need some purdy things to wear with my rocky coast cardigan this fall.  thought you were gonna see my badly sunburned nose didn't ya...nope....i hid that bad boy.  i didn't want to scare you and your

i love this cardigan so much.  it's easy to wear, super comfy and oh so warm and is the loveliest shade of grey.  it's gorgeous.  the yarn is quince and co. lark in colorway frost and it's one of my fave yarns to knit with.  so yummy and squishy!  a big thank you again to my parents who spoiled me rotten with the yarn for this cardi for xmas last year!  best pressie!

see those cables?  aren't they mesmerizing?  i really enjoyed the outcome of this pattern even though i made a colossal boo boo 3/4 of the way through my back that had me ripping all the way back to my armholes!!! EEEEEEK! i cried real tears over that one.  luckily the cables are a fun knit and go quite quickly.  this cardi makes me want to live right beside the ocean. i can see myself strolling the beach each night and sitting on my cozy deck knitting with a yummy cup of tea.  it's that kind of cardi folks.  but even though i don't live right next to the ocean i can still get the ocean quite easily.  so when the hubs suggested we go down and check out the sunset last night i knew i had to get some shots of the rocky coast cardigan in it's home - the coast.  doesn't it look purdy?

yep, this is why we live where we live.  gorgeous and breathtaking views every single day.  can't beat that.  it just inspires you to create so much more.  unfortunately the kidlets didn't enjoy the view and the cold breeze as much as the hubs and i

we did manage to get some pretty shots and the hubby (who loves outdoor/landscape photography) got some gorgeous ones of the sunset.  you can never have too many pictures of breathtaking sunsets and sunrises.  at least that's what we think in our wee house.  reminds me to stop and breathe ya know?  life gets busy and crazy and little things become way more important than they need to be and when i'm standing next to the ocean watching something so breathtaking the world just seems to stand still.  i feel like i can breathe and all my worries disappear for just that brief moment.  i'm so glad my hubby loves them just as much as i do.  he will sniff out a sunset pic no matter where we are and on more days than not i wake up to his tales of sunrise shots he took and it's just the way i like it.

what projects have you all finished lately?  are you any of you planning do start doing any selfish sewing/knitting?  have you made a wiksten tank or a washi dress yet? c'mon ladies...chit coffee cup is lonely and could use the company :)

The Source of Inspiration by Guest Annie Claire

we've got a lovely guest poster today!  one of my fave rav buddies & summer sweater knit along sponsor - the lovely annie claire of "by annie claire".  this talented gal originally from england now lives with her hubby where they are both goat dairy farmers!  can you imagine!  she knits, spins, designs, weaves, felts, dyes....and more!  she has a gorgeous line of patterns and even more scrumptious hand dyed & spun yarns!  annie's here to talk to us today about her sources of inspiration when it comes to knitting.

now let's here from annie...

Inspiration, sometimes hard to find, but constantly all around us, is the spark at the beginning of our journey as a knitter of taking a really really long piece of string and turning it into something beautiful.

aria cardi by cecily glowik macdonald
I don't know about you, but there are many places from which I find those tiny sparks. One of the biggest, which I'm sure you'll agree, is other people's work. Just trawling through ravelry and the many knitting blogs out there I will stumble across FO's and new patterns that just leap out at me. Patterns that I just have to knit, and right now. Naturally a great photograph is key, and there are some fantastic people out there producing so many wonderful patterns and capturing them in perfect settings that its no wonder my queue is exploding. Gorgeous close ups of squishy garter and the simple fabric of stockinette stitch exploding with the beautiful tones of hand painted yarn.... OK, I'm drooling.

fortune bay by mercedes tarasovich-clark
For me, being a girl that spends most of her day outside, I am a sucker for a shot that is in the great outdoors, full of motion and life. There is something that makes a hand knit more practical, tangible and easy to imagine in my wardrobe when photographed outside of the studio and in natural light.

1. champagne by thea colman 2. tundra kristen tendyke 3. winnowing by bristol ivy
 In fact, the fellow knitter, local yarn stores, books, magazines, yarn, anything fiber related... brushing against any or all of these will encourage me along my knitterly way.... Oh, and you can't forget fiber focused shows and events - a whole weekend of knitting and all things sheep? Inspiration overload!! I'm sure the above is not unfamiliar to you, us knitters and be pretty predictable at times, but when you go a little deeper and start designing your own hand knit patterns, I've found that inspiration can come from all sorts of places.

jaavesi by annie claire
I have always tried to do things my way. Ask anyone who knows me. I don't mean in an aggressive way, I just like to experience things and to figure them out for myself. I'm a do-er. So as you might expect, when I learned to knit one cold cold winter in Finland I was quickly moving onto adjusting patterns and eventually writing my own. When asked where I find my inspiration my answer can be different each time. I design with my naturally dyed yarns which immediately connects me to my surroundings. As I gather and harvest the dye plant material from around the farm and my home, I'm constantly finding shapes, patterns and tones that can spur on different thoughts and ideas.

1. jig 2. hoops 3. seedling 4. buddleia all by annie claire
I love how all colour can be found naturally [I'm not kidding] which encourages my thinking that you can never become to far from being inspired if you stay close to the outdoors. A walk through the fields or a stroll on the beach can usually spark up my creativity.  I cannot say if it is the yarn colour that inspires me, or the fiber blend, or a special garment idea which gets new designs going, or, I could say that it is all three. Each pattern's journey is different. I have before now started working a striped a scarf only to end up with a fingerless mittens, and lately, a cowl turned sweater. I find it healthier to not have any limits when it comes to my knitting, I like to allow things to develop as they need.

images by annie claire
Ultimately, considering all my knitting endeavors as one, it is the challenge that keeps me most inspired. Whether learning a new finishing technique, a different heal turn, steeking, you name it - if it's a challenge, I'm all in. Wonder why I chose Umbrellas as my Summer Sweater KAL project? I think you now understand...

images by annie claire
So as I take my yarn and my designs into the fall I am taking on the challenge of designing sweaters and cardigans, and all that comes with it. Luckily I'm no stranger to math, ripping back hours of work, and long evenings wondering where the heck I lost those two stitches, and so far the journey is just as exciting as I had hoped. It's a leap, but sometimes you have to go there to find out... I'll see you on the other side!

images by annie claire
thanks so much annie m'dear!  you are a source of inspiration yourself hun!  i swear one day you are going to wake up one morning to find us all knocking on your door to come hang out and knit :) so purdy!

what are your sources of inspiration?  do you have a fave place or thing that you turn to when you need to get inspired?  i love this topic so come chat peeps!  and don't forget to link up your posts below!

you can find all things by annie claire here:

you can follow along with all things summer sweater knit along:

and a big thank you to our wonderful sponsors! thanks everyone!

additional sponsors:

join our linky party by linking up your "summer sweater kal" blog post!

Fat Quarter Shop Giveaway - Bella by Lotta Jansdotter!!!

to say that i am excited about today's giveaway is an understatement.  i bit the bullet and pre-ordered yardage of bella by the amazingly talented lotta jansdotter a few weeks ago and have been stalking my mailbox ever since.  it was simply a no brainer.  i'm a HUGE fan of hers and loved her previous line echo.  i decided that you all should have some bella too! my awesome sponsor fat quarter shop has generously offered up some of this gorgeous new line for a giveaway today! thank you fat quarter shop <3

images via lotta jansdotter
if you are new to the world of lotta jansdotter go check out her work.  she's got books, fabrics, papergoods and more. the talents of lotta have no end.  i always find myself anxiously awaiting to see what she is going to do next.  i'm hopelessly addicted to the color palette and the natural, modern & organic designs she comes up with.  just popping over to her website gets me inspired and antsy to sew and draw.  i think that is my favorite thing about lotta's work.  i want to create when i see her work.  it's not intimidating or overwhelming...just simply inspiring.  there's a freedom to imagine and just simply make when i look at her work.  it's addicting and i love that i can let my mind wander and go on a little journey when playing with her fabrics.  if you're interested in lotta and how she works and designs check out these two posts that i found interesting here and here.

the new line bella doesn't disappoint either.  with fresh colors, a touch of whimsy and some great  new staples i will definitely be using this collection in everything.  i had a very, very hard time deciding what color and what prints to order first. i wish i could have bought the whole line in yardage but this momma is on a budget peeps :P  i can easily see these prints lending themselves from quilts, home decor to clothing.  it's going to be so fun to play with them!  and i can't wait for you to play with them too!  are you ready to see what you could win?? yay!

images via lotta jansdotter
- one lucky winner will receive a layer cake (42 - 10" x 10" squares) of the new fabric line "bella" by lotta jansdotter from fat quarter shop. wahoo!!!

- simply leave a comment below telling me what you would make if you won the layer cake of bella.
- bonus entry* follow luvinthemommyhood and/or fat quarter shop on facebook and leave a seperate comment telling me you did that too.

- you must leave a valid email address in your comment or you will be disqualified.
- giveaway ends august 27th, 2012 at midnight (PST).

good luck everyone and happy sewing!!!!! a big thank you to fat quarter shop for the awesome giveaway and for having such a wonderful & inspiring shop! head on over to the fat quarter shop and show them some love ladies!  you can find all things fat quarter shop here:

weekend wishes

this weekend i'm wishing that i get to see some of your lovely faces at fibrations fibre festival on sunday!  i've been busy working away on my little half table.  that's right! eeeee!  i'm going to be selling goodies & patterns at fibrations.  i thought it would be fun to be a vendor there and besides my sewing & knitting patterns i really wanted to have some fun accessories for knitters & sewers for sale.  i've got totes & reversible totes, sock knitting project bags (and jumbo ones too), plus commuter cowls & my fave - needlebooks! 

so if you are in victoria or in the mood for a day trip on vancouver island come swing by fibrations.  it's held in the gorgeous orchard of st.anne's academy on sunday, august 19th from 10am - 4pm.  hope to see you there!!!

you can find more info about fibrations below:

blog  |  facebook

wishing you all a yummy, sunny, fun, fibre filled kinda weekend!  have you ever sold at a market before?  any tips you'd love to share to help us newbies out?  i'd love to hear them!

p.s. don't forget to get your entry in for the amazing lunden designs & birch organic fabrics giveaway!!!  this is a prize you don't want to miss!!!

Summer Sweater Knit Along - Bound Off!

yarn: yellow label dk by tanis fiber arts in colorway pink grapefruit pattern: something silver by veera valimaki
i got to bind off my sweater for the summer sweater knit along on the weekend!!!!!! it felt soooooo good to get that garter finished. i love garter but for some reason the garter on my cardi felt like it was taking me forever to get through it.  it's all done now though and the sweater is fitting perfectly!  i cannot wait to get it done now to wear. it's for sure going to be my staple cardigan for the fall/winter and the color....don't even get me started on how much i love the color. yum!

i am equally in love with my delectable bind off.  not tooting my own horn or, but i was very nervous to get a nice even edge for the garter and the cardigan ( i hate wonky hems) and took my sweet time binding off as neatly as i could and boy does it look fab!!! i keep pulling it out to look at how nice it is.  it sure pays to be patient and not rush this step.  it's worth it to finish your garments nicely and evenly to get a professional finish.

i also am really excited to get my rockin' pockets done! i love pockets on everything and these are in the best spot and look fab! i can't wait to knit and stitch a little pocket luv to my cardi.

wanna see me with it on?  i knew you would....

here's a shot of the back of  my "something silver" that jane snapped of me last night.  we all headed out with the kids for a bbq and a concert in the park.  it was so fun to listen to some awesome music, dance with the kiddos and hang with my knitty pals (jane, rebecca, mandy, amy) and of course, try on and show off our knitty goodies!!!

how's your project coming along this week?  are you on your first project or number 3?? seriously - some of you are on #3...i know it :)  so awesome! do you have a favorite bind off method? link up your posts, share your pics, come chat on ravelry - i want to hear from ya!  happy knitting!!!

you can follow along with all things summer sweater knit along:

and a big thank you to our wonderful sponsors! thanks everyone!

additional sponsors:

join our linky party by linking up your "summer sweater kal" blog post!

Lunden Designs Sewing Patterns & Birch Organic Fabrics Giveaway!!!

a few weeks ago i spotted the new quilt patterns from melissa of lunden designs sewing patterns.  i fell instantly in love.  what can i say?  curves, curves, curves and of course, birch fabrics!  a win/win in my book people!

you all know i'm a huge fan of birch organic fabrics (the patterns were inspired by them) and i adore sewing curves.  so when melissa generously offered up a chance for me to review her newest patterns & for you to win them i, of course, willingly obliged. could i say no right?

i mean look at this quilt?  it's been fixated in my mind for weeks.  i kept staring at it on my pinterest board and drooling over that yummy block.  i looooove it.  i can definitely see this quilt, which is called "star gazer", being made in our house sooner than later.

but let's not forget "by sea or by land" either!  i adore this one as well!  both quilts are fun, modern and great for showcasing your fave fabric lines.  both of melissa's patterns are suitable for anyone looking to try out a quilt with curves so don't be scared.  it really is easier than you think it is and melissa walks you through each step.

lunden designs sewing patterns are very clear, well written and include full size pattern pieces and diagrams/illustrations along with each pattern.  she explains each step in a way that makes it accessible and easy to follow as well as includes helpful tips and hints to make the process as simple as possible.
lunden designs quilt patterns
the construction is fun & creative for each quilt.  i can't wait to try them both out!  both of these patterns use the lovely 100% organic fabrics from birch organic fabric and were inspired by them.  i've had the pleasure of sewing with these fabrics more than a few times and they have a lovely hand and are a super soft.  a perfect combination for a gorgeous quilt!  the modern, retro & whimsical designs that birch organic fabric is known for pair well with melissa's fabulous quilt patterns.

are you ready to find out what you could win?  yay!  so excited!

1. storyboek two 2. scamper
 *this giveaway is now closed*

- one lucky winner will receive a copy of "star gazer" and "by sea or by land" quilt patterns as well as the following fabrics:

* six - 1/4  yards of storyboek II prints (either in boy or girl colorway) from birch organic fabric
* nine - 1/3 yards of scamper prints from birch organic fabric

wowsa!!!! what an awesome prize!!!! someone is gonna be one lucky winner! thank you melissa & cynthia!


- simply leave me a comment below telling me which quilt pattern of lunden designs sewing patterns you would make first.
- *bonus entry: follow luvinthemommyhood and/or birch fabrics on facebook and come back and leave a separate comment telling me you did so.


- you must leave a valid email in your comment or you will be disqualified.
- giveaway is open until august 20, 2012, midnight PST.

you can find more on birch fabrics and lunden designs below:

good luck everyone!  i cannot wait to see who wins!  a big thank you as well to melissa of lunden designs and also to cynthia of birch organic fabric for the generous and awesome prizes!

crafts are for sharing!

i couldn't resist sharing a wee bit of exciting news with you all!  i've been eagerly anticipating the september issue of the fab mag "canadian living".  the lovely austen (senior editor, crafts & food) wrote to me and a few crafty pals a few months ago and asked us what our fave journals are to use.  i was thrilled to be asked and let me tell you it sure was exciting to see my name in print in this iconic canadian magazine.  i grew up reading this canadian staple - crafts, cooking,'s got it all. 

i'm going to frame it!  yes...i am that kind of!  the article included the awesome jane richmond (knitting designer), holly broadland (president, vancouver modern quilt guild), tanis lavallee (yarn dyer, tanis fiber arts), amy singer (of knitty), tina anson mine (executive editor, food & books) & austen gilliland too!  it was so fun to see what journals everyone chose and i thought it was pretty cool that tanis and i both have a soft spot for eco-jot journalsyou can read more about my affection for eco-jot in this post here.

i find it so interesting to find out how other creatives work, their processes and what accessories/tools they use to aid the process.  i have an addiction to journals and have way too many. in fact i have so many that i write in that i lose drawings/notes because i can't remember which journal i wrote/sketched them in! oops! i never leave the house without one. they are in my purse, knitting bags, kids bags, the car, beside the  but you know what's funny?  sometimes i still don't have one when i need it.  do you guys know what i mean?  you carry them around all the time and then the one time i'm without my supply - bam! - i need one and it's not there.  maybe that's why i keep buying them????  sounds like a good excuse to buy some more right...wink wink!

so....spill the beans....what's your favorite journal to use? do you have a fave brand of notebook/journal that you love?  share! i'd love to see/hear what you are all using <3

thank you so much austen & canadian living for making one of this canadian gal's dreams come true! you can find more canadian living here:

weekend wishes

that you all have a wonderful, awesome & super duper fab weekend!

it's a short one this week.  i know....poor weekend wishes right?  i don't have any excuses except for the fact that i'm way behind in my sewing for fibrations next weekend and i want to spend some time with my little family today.  the hubs is home today so we're going to make the most of it, or at least attempt to.  they have been up to nothing but mischief, fighting, yelling and all sorts of behaviour today which is just yet another sign they need some quality time from the two of us.  so i'll be back next week.  in the meantime i'm wishing you all a sewing/knitting/crocheting/quilting...heck any kind of creative crafting kind of weekend topped with friends, laughs, sunshine & cuddles.

what are you up to this weekend? what are your weekend wishes?  any craft projects you have plans to work on?  share, share...weekend wishes isn't any fun if i'm the only one wishing :)

p.s. in case you're wondering fibrations is a fibre festival here in lovely victoria, bc situated in a gorgeous orchard!! it's fun and such a lovely setting!  i'll be selling my patterns and handmade goodies so if you are in town pop by my table and come say hi! i would LOVE to see you :)