summer sweater knit along - yarn shop hop!

 so we've had a post on choosing your yarns but what about buying them?  if any of you are like me yarn shopping is super fun but it can also be intimidating.  depending on the environment, the staff, the ambiance and of course the price all these things can affect what and how you choose your yarn.

in our ravelry group thread for the summer sweater knit along we've been discussing what our fave online shops are for picking up lovely & yummy yarns for great prices so we decided a fun post would be in order so we can all weigh in on our faves!

so my questions to all you folks are......

1)  what is your favorite online yarn shop to buy from?

2) do you buy from large online retailers or small etsy shops?

3) do you prefer to buy online or in a brick/mortar shop?

4) what is your favorite brick/mortar shop to splurge in?

5) where is your go to place for super deals on scrumptious yarns?

Source: via bprinz on Pinterest

i was going to do a poll up but it didn't work right for the questions so i thought you guys could leave me a comment answering the questions you would like to and i'll lovingly compile them all into a great post next week with resources for all our fave places to feed our habit :P

on a separate note i couldn't resist showing you all one of the first completed sweaters from our summer sweater knit along.  this one comes from the talented knitter & sewer - sandra from the blog three pumkins little.  you can see her post on her KAL project here and find her ravelry page here.  the sweater pattern she did was the gorgeous "narrangasett" by designer thea colman.  don't you think she did a fabulous job! so stunning!  i'm so in love with all the warm and cozy tones in her pics as well.  fabulous job sandra!  she's already on her 2nd sweater for the KAL! you go girl!

i don't know about you ladies but i'm always up for finding a new yarn let's get hopping and let's get shopping!!  

*all conversations about the KAL can be found in our luvinthemommyhood ravelry group thread here.  you can find all the previous KAL posts here.  it's never too late to join in!  you can also friend me on under luvinthemommyhooddon't forget to email me if you blog about your KAL project, i love seeing how yours is going.

and don't forget to show our lovely summer sweater knit along sponsors some love!!

the lovely elisa is offering all luvinthemommyhood readers 20% off in her gorgeous shop!! use code LTMH2011 at the checkout of her etsy shop.

Up your summer fun factor - the new mega issue of Action Pack is out!

school is out, summer is here (sort of weather wise) and we're all trying to figure out what the heck to do with our kids.  especially when they are older than toddlers & babies!  do you have a vacation planned?  road trip?  a break between summer camps?  well, look no further "action pack: a mini-mag for kids who want to do stuff " has their mega summer edition out!

a jumbo sized action pack filled with summer goodness and activities galore brought to you by the fabulously talented kathreen of  there's a great section on boredom busting games for those long car rides and bad weather days and check out these other great features as well:

- campfire recipes(yum!)

- weather experiments
- creative outdoor art projects
 and we can't forget about the crafts!  this super issue has bright, clear instructions for:

- a utility tool belt & bag perfect for your outdoor adventurer

- flower press & nature journal
- nature jewels & a woven fly swatter

and we all know that in the summer we all spend tons of time outdoors and this issue of action pack has a whole handy and resourceful section all on adventure & survival that includes super duper how to's to make your fishing rod & trap, how to safely light your own campfire & survival knot tying! !!  makes me want to go camping right now :P

how fun is that!!  seriously...i keep telling kathreen that i don't care that i'm not 7 years old, i want to do all the things in her awesome action packs!!! (you can find the other issues here) so fantastic!  so beat those summer boredom blues & get your copy of action pack today!  click here to go the shop - it's easy!  action pack is a downloadable e-zine that's available for the fabulously affordable price of $6!!!  hello!  $6 is a great price to pay for a jumbo mega-issue filled with activities, games, recipes & crafts for kids that may just help us mom's save our sanity and even enjoy an hour or two of peace and quiet :) so go have some fun! happy creating!!!

do you have a favorite summer craft or activity that you do with your kids?  what's your favorite boredom buster game for long car rides?  we all love tips to help make the summer that much more fun so share away folks!

braid it up buttercup - a round up of braids & other romantic hairstyles

pretty side french braid from

i have to admit that i have been a wee bit obsessed by braids and online hair tutorials lately.  i usually have a shorter hair style and have taken the leap to grow it back out for a while and it's finally getting long enough that a few of these may be an option.  also, the hairdresser in me just LOVES this stuff (for those of you who don't know i was hairdresser in my non bloggy life)!

3. Source: via Annie on Pinterest 4. Source: via Natalia on Pinterest

i've been drooling over romantic images of lovely girls with even lovelier braids and thought i would share some of my faves from pinterest (you can find my pinterest boards here).  i also have a few pals from knit night that are in need of some snazzy hair styles - one as a bridesmaid (jane) and one as the bride (mandy) and i bombarded them on saturday night with hair tutorial talk instead of knitting and they so nicely asked me to post about it.

 all hair tutorials above from one of my fave blogs "a cup of jo"

 whether it's a bun, side braid, milk maiden style, fish braid, french braid, loose braid, messy braid...i love them all!  now i just need to get my hair to grow faster or my 4 year old to let me practice on hers :p

so here ya go ladies...lots of inspiration for you to swoon over.  let's get braiding!

Source: via Emilia on Pinterest

and here's a few wedding ones for you mandy & all you other brides to be out there ;)

chestnut bun from "a cup of jo"

but let's not forget about the how to's!  below are some of my recent faves!

* the lovely blog cupcakes and cashmere has some lovely hair tutorials.  i heart this one!
* cheri from the crafty blog "i am momma hear me roar" had a hair week the other week that was filled with lots of hair goodness!i loved her waterfall braid tutorial.
* you can find a ton, and i mean a ton of romantic hairstyles & braids over on "hair romance".  you can even pick up an e-book filled with them!  check out one of her free hair tutorial videos here!
* i'm absolutely swooning over the new website "the beauty department" featuring the gorgeous lauren conrad (i admit i have a girl crush on her & yes, i was addicted to the hills). check out this pretty pinup girl tutorial.
* the uber stylish "from me to you" has this messy (in a good way) hair tute.
* you can find a ton of romantic and girly hairstyles over on "my yellow sandbox" as well.  she did a 30 days & 30 hairstyles that is awesome!!! i like this one!
* here's a boho holiday hairstyle.
* cute braided hairstyle for long hair.
* just in case you missed it above all the hair tutorials on "a cup of jo" are equally as fabulous as the next and i love all of them.
* and the newest one going around the blogoshpere like hot cakes that i couldn't resist featuring is the "how to get vintage style curls without heat".  i first spotted this on grosgrain.  i'm going to try it out this week (for those of you have seen it doesn't this girl have the best accent ever? she's so lovely).

* and last but not least here's a handy little braid chart i spotted on pinterest as well.

so get creative with your summer hair!  hope you guys had some hairtastic fun!  what's your fave hair tutorial online?  do you have a braid hair pic you love?  what's your fave way to style your hair in the summer that's not your average ponytail?  let's talk hair girls!

weekend wishes

to swim in a warm turquoise lake...

to definitely do this...

find & wear scarves more...

Source: via Joy on Pinterest

to lay on a hammock...

Source: via Cassie on Pinterest

to find time to do some yoga...

to sit on the beach and daydream...

to make sure to remember to relax...

Source: via Kat on Pinterest

to have a picnic...

and to work on my embroidery skills.

my weekend wishes have a bit of theme this week don't  looks like i need to seriously unwind, relax, destress, and take it easy.  all hard things for a mother to do right ladies?  i'm going to do my best though.  after the last few months of stress i'm ready for some easy days.  i'm wishing you all the same.

here's to long summer nights, sleeping children, time with our loved ones, warm lakes, breezy ocean beaches, lemonade, knitting in the sunshine, laughter, snuggles and the warmth of the sun.  see you all on monday!

what are your weekend wishes?  you doing anything relaxing?  if you could relax sans kids what would you choose to do?  share...share...i'm in the mood to gab :)

moments in the mommyhood - school's out & so are the teeth

school's out.  i'm  what the heck am i going to do with a 4 year old and a 1 year old to keep them busy for a whole summer?!!  eek!  something that's not too stressful (ie. going to the beach alone with 2 sandy/dirty children) or too exhausting (chasing wet babies and toddlers around a water park) and something that doesn't involve playgrounds everyday?? 

i have a secret to admit.  i hate playgrounds.  detest them.  when i was preggers with mackenzie i couldn't wait to hang at the playground.  moms, coffee, kids, sunshine & fun is what i thought it was.  now i find it boring, tedious, monotonous, stressful and just not my cup of or not.  some playgrounds i can handle and will go to regularly but mostly i avoid them and leave the playground times for the hubby.  i know it's weird, make fun of me all you want, but it's just how i am.

i like to chat with people.  when the kids are at the park you cannot chat, or you can't chat unless your child is old enough to do whatever they want at the park without injuring themselves. in this case mine is not.  she is accident prone (case point her recent black eye from a playground).  also, harper is now at the stage that she wants to try everything and is a walking danger zone as well.  my stress level is higher now at the playground than just with one as now i have to keep my worry wart eyes on both instead of just one.  does that leave a lot of room for convo when there are 10 other kids running amongst these ones?  nope. only time i enjoy the playground fully is when the hubs is with me & i can fully let go of the worry of at least one child and have some fun or on those rare occasions that our children actually behave, the babies nap and we can relax, sip our drinks and chat.  those are precious to me.

i'm trying to keep it real here folks.  life isn't always perfect.  my house is a mess (or a disaster as i like to call it), laundry has taken over, our list of to do's for when the hubs is done school is a mile long, i cry in the bathroom just like all of you, we're sleep deprived and i've got 2 kids to what's this momma to do?  well i've been planning outings and adventures.  little things that still involve things the kids love but that also keep momma happy.  library, toy store, museums, & coffee shop stops mixed with walks & short playground visits instead of half a day ones.  big open parks (not playgrounds) where bubbles, chalk drawing, knitting, snacking, coloring can ensue mixed with soccer and tag with no large metal contraptions to climb and get hurt

(this is what happens when i try to get a pic of the girls together)

basically we go around exploring and setting up our "living room" so to speak :)  crazy?  a little.  fun?  you bet!  especially when you have a soon to be 14mth old cutting like 4 teeth who won't nap and is incredibly crabby.  i will do anything to be out of the house, in the sunshine with both kids smiling.  we like to do the drive around parts of the island we live on and stare at the ocean pretending we are "flying" like my 4yr old says while momma sips starbucks and we listen to our fave tunes until both kidlets pass out for naps and this mommy can park, enjoy the view (see pic below), pick up her knitting and embroidery and have a great "quiet" hour or so.  blissful.

the hubby's got his big exam tomorrow so we are all on high stress here and just counting down the hours until we can finally have him home in the evenings and on the weekends again.  i'm super excited it almost feels like christmas!  now if we could all catch up on our sleep it will be a wonderful summer!  we've got lots of beach and day trips planned for this little family of ours :)

so what do you do when school's out, the teeth are too and you'll do anything to avoid a playground or any other stressful kid environment???  how's your week been?  our facebook page has been filled with lots of sleepless mommas so here's hoping all our little stubborn sleepers sleep long & peaceful tonight.  let's chat girls!

Summer Sweater Knit Along - sea of turquoise

i'm starting to feel like i'm swimming in a lovely sea of turquoise.  the waves, rolls and crescent falls of my cardi are so soothing.  do you see it or have i just got to the point of sleep deprivation and stress that the laundry piles and other inanimate objects in my house have metamorphosized into more soothing and peaceful images as a survival tactic???

i'm super excited that i've gotten as far as i have.  this is my very first adult women's sweater after all.  it's been a fun journey so far and the best part has been sharing it with all of you.  i love seeing you ladies all chatting along in our ravelry group!  does my heart good!  go knitters go!

i tried my cardigan on during knit night on saturday and voila - it fits!!!!!!!!  hallelujah!  i was scared.  i kept having nightmares about my gauge being off and it was really freaking me out.  i cannot explain how good it felt to put it on and it not be gargantuan or minuscule.  it was a huge relief.  i'm also really liking the fabric i'm getting - the drape seems really nice.  fyi - i'm knitting mine with berroco vintage dk and love how soft it is!

while i've been trucking along on my "effortless cardigan" (love this pattern btw) some of you ladies have finished your sweaters already!  wowsa!  huge shout out's to those peeps who are going to be moving onto summer sweater #2 cause you're having so much fun!  i've been trying to squeeze my knitting in between all the sewing & blogging i've got going on which pretty much leaves me car time.  when i'm waiting in the car for even a few minutes i whip out the knitting.  i try to do a row every night before bed (doesn't always happen) and then i try to knit my brains out at knit  i think it would be bad if the host of the KAL doesn't finish her sweater in time so I better get my butt in gear.

i've found the discussions of doing stockinette stitch (knit one row, purl the next) really fun in the ravelry thread.  there's been some chat of whether or not just straight stockinette is boring (and if so, how to beat the bores) or if it's relaxing and soothing.  i think i'm in the middle, leaning towards boring but trying to sway happily in between the two.  i like the knitting, i just hate the purl rows.  can't stand the purl rows.  i get excited when it's a knit row so that's something.  i'm used to cable knitting, lace knitting or even ribbing so a project just made of stockinette is something totally new for me. 

what i do love about it is the ease of being able to work on it.  i can do it on the beach, in the car, with the kids, while chatting at knit night and not worry about making boo boo's (well...most of the time..haha).  it is soothing in that way but when i can pay attention i miss the patterns, it almost feels like drawing with yarn to me sometimes.  the design that comes with the movement of stitches is so fun!  i think this pattern is interesting to me because i've never made a seamless top down sweater before so the construction part of this sweater is what has me amazed and intrigued :)

which side of the boat are you on - boring or exciting?  or are you floating in the middle with your life jacket on like me??  c'mon...let's chat knitting!  my hump day could use some excitement (tee hee i used the word or as my mom used to say "ssdd" - same sh*t different day.  i love that one.  it sums up my "mommy" week just perfectly.  sometimes i feel like the days are all the same and meld together.  any of you got that going on too? 

*all conversations about the KAL can be found in our luvinthemommyhood ravelry group thread here.  you can find all the previous KAL posts here.  it's never too late to join in!  you can also friend me on under luvinthemommyhooddon't forget to email me if you blog about your KAL project, i love seeing how yours is going.

a big thank you to all our summer sweater knit along sponsors!!!

the lovely elisa is offering all luvinthemommyhood readers 20% off in her gorgeous shop!! use code LTMH2011 at the checkout of her etsy shop.

makin'it in the mommyhood - beach robe & an oopsie!

this is a post about what happens when a sewing project goes wrong.  we all know it's happened to each of us, c'mon...admit, we all have our oopsies!  also my daughter is adamant that hers is a bath robe, not a beach robe and wants to wear it when she get's out of the bath.  when i told her it was a beach robe she laughed her cute little butt off at me and said "mom, kids don't wear robes at the beach they wear bathing suits!".  oh my.  no point arguing with a 4 year old right :P

i recently got to pattern test for the lovely dana of made for her new pattern for an adorable beach robe made from super cute beach towels and bias tape.  i was sooooo excited to be asked by my pal dana and even more excited to make some for the girls.

dana's pattern is awesome!  a great project for beginners and if you're looking to get some experience with bias tape this is it!  her patterns include lots of great instructions, helpful tips, pattern pieces and colorful and bright photos to help you through the process of sewing your own beach robe masterpiece.  there are a ton of sizes included and also, true to dana's other patterns, lots of room for options and customizations that she shows and gives instructions for!  i love that about her!  she did a great job and i know i'll be making more of these in the future. 

so why did i have an oopsie?  well, let's just say that a specific store in the city i live in that sells tons of fabric that i DETEST shopping at that starts with an F (the same one that tried to sell me fabric with 2 large holes in it!!!)  did not have the size bias tape i needed in the perfect shade of pink that my daughter so desperately wanted.  so being a silly sewing mama i bought the smaller size anyways thinking i could make it work.  well tim gunn, i couldn't.  i should have gone back to the store and bought another color or gone to a different store and looked for more pink but with 2 kids shopping in fabric stores is not fun and very stressful so i was determined to push on as i had already dragged them all over town trying to find beach towels.  you know the nice soft thin ones?  think i could find any of those either?  nope.  i ended up buying some thinner towels from zellers of all places and let me just say - don't buy towels there...not a good investment of your  i'm glad these are just for beach robes and not for towels cause i would be a mad about that too.

once i got my pieces cut out i started sewing, let's just say the "old" sewing machine i had basically said some not so nice words at me and then spit everything out refusing to sew it.  did i stop?  heck no, i wanted my beach robes!  so i pressed on, making my machine angrier and angrier but eventually she gave in and stitched away.  i mean hello shannon.....i think the towels were too thick for the machine??? duh!  anyways, once the robe was done i had to add the bias tape.  muahahahaha!  what a nightmare.  this should have been the easiest part and poor dana, i kept writing her saying it's coming,  i'll be done soon i promise, but then every time i tried getting that darn bias tape on the machine spit it out, ripped it up, chewed it up, ripped out the bobbin, and many other messes that i had to unpick and fix.  note to self...always use the size of bias tape suggested for the pattern or you'll end up in a situation like mine.  small bias tape and thick towel are not friends.  they don't like each other :P

it's finally done though.  not perfectly.  there are rough spots, ugly little bias tape spots but we can ignore them :)  i have to do a bit of hand stitching at the top of the bias tape at the bottom of the hood still as i didn't have enough bias tape to do the whole hood.  i instead top stitched mine and i think it's cute like that too.

i still have plans to make harper's.  it's got the same lining fabric, but the towel is light baby blue.  i'm not making it though until i have the right size bias tape.  oh and just in case you all ask me, i didn't have enough of the lining fabric or a coordinating one at home to make my own bias tape.  i order most of my fabrics online so i keep a small stash and usually buy fabric as i need it to cut down on costs.  sacrifice i have to make when living on a sewing budget :)

so if you can ignore my oopsies and instead look at the cute robe and the fun design go grab the pattern and make some of your own over here on made.  you won't be disappointed!  i give this pattern a two thumbs up!  i give my silly sewing stubbornness two thumbs down..haha.  and dana, please forgive me for my oopsies...i hope you will have me as a pattern tester again...i promise to buy the right stuff next time..wink wink!  luv ya!

have you made dana's beach robe yet?  how fun are they!  i love the way you can coordinate all sorts of colors, prints, short sleeves, long sleeves, long tie, short tie and the list goes on!  go brighten up your summer folks!  what sewing oopsies have you made lately?  i can't be the only one......

*edited to add: that is not makeup on my kidlets eye.  i haven't gone all toddlers & tiaras on, she hit her head at the playground on the weekend and gave herself a black eye.  yep...she's clumsy like her momma :P

moments in the mommyhood - goofiness all around

here's to long weekends both in the US and in Canada and to lots of laughs, bubbles, sunshine, fun, yummy coffee, crafty goodness, wonderful friends & family.  wishing you all a wonderful long weekend.  i'm not sure if i will pop in tomorrow as it's Canada day here in my neck of the woods and it's also a holiday on monday for our fellow neighbours in the US so i may just be a naughty girl and take friday and monday off!!!!  oh my!!!  a 4 day weekend?  wowsa!  i feel so  i plan on getting on that darn sewing machine if it kills me and also to get some progress made on my summer sweater knit along project.  i ran into a little hoopla with too many increases in one part..must have made an oopsie even though i was being super meticulous but thanks to a good pal i managed to fix my ways and can now start going again.

alrighty, back to the dirty diapers, my 4 loads of never ending laundry, icky kitchen floor, full dishwasher, crabby/grumpy toddler, crumb covered carpet and the many other duties us mom's have. ahhhh the joys of motherhood, i'm sure you can all relate :)

what are you all up to for the long weekend?  any special projects you finished for canada day or for the 4th of july?  whatever it is you are doing i hope you all enjoy yourself and have lots and lots of fun!  chat with you all next week....or maybe sooner cause i'll prolly miss all of you.

*p.s. no babies were injured in the making of this post. daddies were there to catch them :P


ahhhhh stitches.  what would knitting be without our stitches and our friends of course :)  i know, i know we've got the basics knit and purl.  the good ol standby's but what do you use to add some pizazz to those two lovely loops?  how do you decrease and increase?  how do you add some textures?  well...they come from stitches.  we all have our faves and we all have our hates.  let's go over some of the common ones.

i'll be referring as i go throughout this post to one of my fave knitting sites for help - for good diagrams and videos for more info you can get to teach and learn stitches.  but you can also find lots of great help online on,, and many, many others.

M1L and M1R - make 1 left and make 1 right, the cleanest of the increases but also, to some folks, the most annoying.  me especially.  i have a love/hate relationship with M1L.  i just can't seem to ever remember it when i have to do both and i mix them up horribly.  so under the guidance of my knitting group i decided to just do all the increases in my pattern i'm making as M1R.  it may not be as 100% perfect looking but it's close enough and it's way more relaxing for me to just knit now.  i'm not constantly looking down at my notes to make sure i'm doing the right one.  this increase is done by knitting the bar between the two stitches to make a new stitch.  the difference between the two is from which direction you insert your needle and from which side of your work you knit on. 

KFB -  knit through front and back. this sneaky little increase can also be called a bar increase or can be abbreviated as K1F&B.  a simple increase that is used often.  you simply knit a stitch and then instead of slipping it off the needle you knit another stitch into the back loop of it.  not too hard right?

YO - yarn over...ahhh, the good ol' standby.  this is the easiest, simplest and most basic of the increases but it also will leave you with a little hole saying hello!  so don't use this increase if you want your increases to be as unnoticeable as possible.  this is a great increase if you are using the holes as a pretty detail and it's very commonly used in lace knitting!  love!  yarn over is simply what it says it yarn over.  instead of placing your needle into the next stitch to knit you simply wrap your yarn over the working needle knit wise and then continue knitting as normal.  that's it!

M1 -  there are a few versions of this but i find elizabeth zimmerman's my fave and the simplest.  it simply involves making a backwards loop on your right hand needle and when you get to that "fake stitch" on the next row  just treat it as any normal stitch.  oh, elizabeth how i love thee :)

there are other increases that can be used as well.  you can see some of them and their videos here.  i chose the ones above as they are my faves and the ones i most commonly use.

K2tog & K2togtbl - knit two together (right slanting) and knit two together through back loop (left slanting) are 2 of the most popular decreases.  their ease of use is one of the reasons they are so very popular.  this stitch simply involves inserting your needle into 2 stitches instead of 1 and knitting them together thus decreasing 1 stitch.  easy right?  the k2togbl is the same basic idea of k2tog but instead of inserting your needle as you normally would to knit you insert your needle through the back loops and then knit. (these can both also be done purl wise)

SSK - slip, slip, knit slipped stitches together is another popular left slanting way to decrease.  this one happens to be my fave.  not sure why i just like it.  there's something a bit fun about slipping stitches to the next needle that makes me feel a bit daring..haha. this decrease is a bit self explanatory but just in case i'll send you here to learn how.

SK2P -  slip one knit two together pass slipped stitch over is one of my fave double decreases and i find it lots of fun to do.  again, it's one of those stitches that's very daring in a weird way.  i have a thing for anything out of the ordinary when it comes to knitting.  i like to break up the flow of just straight knitting sometimes :) 

again there other ways of decreasing and to see some more common ones and their videos click here.


stockinette stitch (aka stocking stitch) - knit one row, purl the next.  a little mix of this and a little mix of that :)

garter stitch - knit every row.  can't get easier than this!

seed stitch (aka moss stitch) - Row 1: knit 1, purl 1.  Row 2: purl 1, knit 1.  then you just repeat those 2 rows.  i like it :)

ribbing - a commonly used technique that draws the fabric in and gives a fun texture and definition.  this is used a ton on cuffs and edges of garments.  it's most commonly done by doing the following: Row 1: knit 2, purl 2. Row 2: purl 2, knit 2.  again repeating these 2 rows.  the number of the stitches can be used in any denomination you would like to achieve the look you want.  so for instance you could do a combo of k3 p2 or k3, p3. 


cable knitting - this is my absolute fave! i love it!  i get a kick out of cable knitting.  it's like a fun surprise just waiting to happen when you're knitting.  there is something so exciting about doing the cable knit row that i just can't wait for the next one.  cable knitting is simply crossing one group of stitches over another in a particular direction or denomination.  you use a nifty little notion called a cable needle you slip a few stitches on it and either hold them to the front or back of your knitting while you keep going along to the next stitches and then the fun part is you bring the stitches on your cable needle back out and let them join the party by knitting from your cable needle.  this allows your stitches to be twisted (cabled) and raised above the rest of your knitting.  it sounds way more complicated than it is and it's very addictive for those of you looking for a bit more of a challenge then a basic knit / purl sweater.  here's a great explanation of cable knitting that will give you a better idea of what i'm rambling on

you can find some more decorative stitches like bobbles and such at the bottom of this link. feeling inspired?  did you learn a new stitch?  do you have a fave that you love?  which stitch do you love to hate?  how's your KAL going?  let's talk knitting ladies!

*all conversations about the KAL can be found in our luvinthemommyhood ravelry group thread here.  you can find all the previous KAL posts here.  it's never too late to join in!  you can also friend me on under luvinthemommyhood.

a big thank you to all our summer sweater knit along sponsors!!!

the lovely elisa is offering all luvinthemommyhood readers 20% off in her gorgeous shop!! use code LTMH2011 at the checkout of her etsy shop.

lovely clusters - the pretty blog

are you looking for a blog to get lost in with soothing images, pretty lovelies and beautiful handmade goodies galore?  well let me just say that when i'm having one of "those days" and i feel the need for some soothing and relaxing eye candy i pop over to lovely clusters.  rachel's blog and shop is filled with the most gorgeous pictures, mood boards, color inspirations and dreamy images.  i love to get lost there.

one of my favorite parts of lovely clusters is the ability to search for pretty things based on your color preference.  i mean hello....i can search under teal & turquoise!  love it! and then voila! lots of pretty things to buy in my fave colors!

don't get me wrong, i'm a pinterest addict - proud of it too, but before pinterest came along and even now it's here i still visit lovely clusters.

rachel even has catalogs now!  lovely free emags filled with lots of inspiration.  you can find the spring/summer and fall/winter issues here.

so go get inspired or how about some shopping...go treat yourself to something handmade and pretty from the one of the many gorgeous shops featured on lovely clusters.  

after drooling over all of the good stuff rachel puts together over on lovely clusters i knew when doing my research for the luvinthemommyhood blog redesign the other month that she was the girl for the job.  who else better than to help give you guys your "brain latte" than rachel.  yep, that's right, she's a graphic designer as well.  you can find her shop here on ironwood design studio.  i don't want to embarrass her too much but I do have to say that rachel - you are ahhhhhmmmmazing!  i love the blog and you seriously rock!  thank you for doing such a wonderful job and for putting up with all my crazy ideas. giant hugs and thank you, thank you, thank you!

you are sure to find something you love over on lovely clusters:

are you on pinterest?  are you a fan of lovely clusters?  do you sell on lovely clusters?  where do you go for inspiration online?  you can follow me on pinterest here :)

feeling inspired by...

the orchid my baby sis got me for my birthday...

Source: None via MorgenStern on Pinterest

creative stillness...

Source: via Mochi on Pinterest

quiet time...

being able to find time to sketch again...

Source: via Vicky on Pinterest



and friends :)

things may be a bit quiet off and on around here this week.  the hubs is still sick, i'm a bit under the weather with my ol'pal (endometriosis), the baby has decided that 4am is her new wake time and it's been hectic around here.  i still haven't been able to use the new sewing machine yet and it's killing  i hope to post everyday this week but if i'm a no show one day you know where i am :)

i hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are feeling inspired too.  in fact i'd love to know what's inspiring you this week.  leave me a comment below or even better, why not post about what's inspiring you too and then link to it below so we can all see. happy creating!

weekend wishes

to make some yummy soup that's gluten free (& dairy free)...

to find some more shelving for my kitchen...

to put this stool in my living room...

to save my hanging baskets that seem to have decided they don't like me...

that you can all relate to this...

to find & relish in some quiet time...

and to finish reading the juicy novel i'm in the middle of.

the hubs is going to be at school all weekend so this mama is going to be in need of a break come monday...eeek!  i tell you this turning another year older made me sooooo sleepy this week.  i'm exhausted.  i think the excitement of buying Poppy the Pfaff wore me out!  then to stare at her all wrapped up all week and not have the time to open and sew with her has seriously been keeping me up at night.  i know, weird right?  but seriously, i'm dying to just spend a whole day, uninterrupted, to just sew and get to know her.  a girl can dream right?

i'll also be working on a few new tutorials, my summer sweater knit along project - you guys are doing awesome by the way, sorry for the lack of knitting posts this week there will be some more knitting love next week, and also some gluten free cooking.  i'm on a hunt to stock my pantry and try my hand at some yummy gluten free baking and cooking cause i am STARVING!

i hope you all have a wonderful weekend filled with yummy food, sleep, coffee, laughs, cuddles and crafty goodness!

what are your plans this weekend?  any crafting?  did you make anything fun this week?  do you have a great gluten free resource/recipe to share?

sewing 911 - the new baby is home

most of you know that i've been in the market for a loooooong time for my new baby..aka...the sewing machine.  i've saved all my little pennies and got spoiled by my lovely family for my bday and was finally, finally able to go pick up my machine of choice.   isn't she pretty???  that's her in her  so cute and just waiting to be opened up & coddled at home..... 

with her new mama.  i'm going to love her a lot and i'm hoping we're going to get along reeeaaalll great.  oh and yes, i am that dork who poses with an inanimate object in a public place...haha, i couldn't help myself guys.  before i tell you all about her i wanted to share a little happy dance with ya...yes, i do that too and i didn't think it fair to try to capture my excitement without showing it to you in full shantastic style!!!  so here's my shanny happy dance!!!

ok, so before you all laugh at me and think i'm off my rocker i'll tell you a bit about my new baby.  she's a pfaff ambition 1.0.  this machine was just released recently by pfaff.  there is the 1.0 and the 1.5 in the ambition series.  i received a press release and some info on this new line from pfaff's publicity department and let me just say as soon as that puppy popped up in my inbox i knew it was the one for me.  i kept researching other machines but i knew my heart was already set on it.  the only thing that wasn't working for me was the price.  i had set a strict budget for myself (being thrifty and all) and was trying to find a way to swing the 1.0.

then the day before my birthday i got an email from victoria's best sewing machine dealer - sawyer's sewing center, with a new sale on and low and behold there was my pfaff just smiling at me on the cover!  needless to say i went in and brought her home the next day.  it was fate if you ask me.

i knew if i could get my hands on a pfaff at a price that i could afford i was going for it.  i haven't heard one bad thing about the brand during all my posts and fb/twitter mentions.  overall consensus - you all love pfaff.  the pfaff ambition 1.0 also fit all my sewing needs.  i work through a lot of layers a fair amount, i quilt (and modern quilting was very important to me), and i sew everyday - i needed a workhorse with a lot of room, space, strength and an engine that could!  the built in walking foot on this puppy had me sold at hello!  never mind all the perks she has as well.  she met everything on my list and more.  when i got home and saw in the stitches that come with the machine that there were 2 different houses that look like my watermark i just about died.  it was meant to be.  now when i quilt i can stitch my little house and name on eyes are tearing up as i type this..haha...that is how attached i am to it already and i haven't even used it yet.

here were the things i went in to the sewing store on my must haves list:

- drop in bobbin  - one step buttonhole (a rarity for pfaff but mine had it!)  - automatic needle threader  - auto tension  - a whole whack of cool stitch patterns (overlocks important)  - free arm  - lots of feet  - adjustable stitch length & width  - large plate  - built in walking foot  - adjustable needle positions (left to right)  - stop/start button

and these were the things on my wish list:

- drop feed for free motion sewing  - heavy metal frame for no movement while sewing  - push button stitch selection  - mirror stitch   - automatic needle down for free motion quilting

the pfaff ambition 1.0 had everything on my list except for the automatic thread cutter but it had a built in walking foot which trumped the cutter if you ask me!  here's all the perks and bells and whistles of the new pfaff line!  check out the video..isn't she so  pfaff created the ambition line to allow sewers access to all the pfaff technology (pfaff® idt (integrated dual feed) feature) at a more affordable price range.  can we say awesome!  with it's large, hi-res touch screen with built in alphabet and 136 stitches, 200mm sewing space and more i was excited!

and guess what, when i went in to sawyer's sewing centre i brought with me a big ol list of all the above info like a complete dork.  yes, i made a fool of myself.  i don't think i have been that nervous to make a purchase in a very, very long time.  i felt like i was going to throw up before i went in i was so nervous..haha.  i felt bad that the poor salesgirl (jaime) had to try to understand me when i was so obviously not able to articulate myself properly.  if i remember correctly i literally ran in like a crazy person.  inside i was like a little girl on xmas morning dying to run around the store screaming with joy!  loooooossser...haha.  oh well.  we're not all cool and suave are we? i'm sure not.  i'm a clumsy goof who felt like she had won the lottery when really she was just buying a sewing machine :P

Sewing Machine Checklist

(this is for personal use only)

so to help you be just a tad cooler than i was when i went in i put together a cute little sewing machine checklist that you can slip in your purse when you go machine shopping for your new baby.  i even drew ya a little sewing machine on there to keep your eye on the  i'm a list addict.  i write and make lists all day and am obsessed with those magnetic ones you can buy at micheal's for a $1.50.  i stock up whenever i get my hands on them so i thought it was about time i made my own custom list!  so here ya go!  click on the box on the bottom bar of the preview above to download your free copy and she's all yours! (here's the direct link in case the preview isn't working)

i was very happy with the service given to me at sawyer's sewing centre and my machine came with as many free lessons as i need to feel comfortable sewing on my new baby.  jamie was super patient with me, put up with my giddy blathering and helped me to rationalize my purchase and do a comparison between the pfaff and a very tempting janome at the same price.  if you live anywhere on vancouver island and need an awesome dealer to purchase your next sewing machine from i highly recommend checking out sawyer's.  they've been around forever, they deal and repair all the top brands and no matter who i asked about purchasing a machine in town they all told me without a doubt to go to sawyer's.  you guys also said that when purchasing a new machine the best place to purchase was from your local dealer.  you had all received great customer service, lessons and assistance from knowledgeable staff.  i'm so happy i guys are so wise :)

i've been busy reading and rereading my manual and drooling over my new baby but i have yet to use her.  i think i am going to wait for my lesson or for at least a quiet time in my house to play with it uninterrupted.  not sure which will come first as the hubs is busy every weekend for a few weekends now and i don't want the kidlets with me when i go in so until then....i'll be dreaming.  i also wanted to send out a big thank you to all of my lovely readers who emailed, messaged, commented, tweeted etc on their fave sewing brands and for your tips and wisdom.  i honestly don't think i could have made any kind of decision without all of your thank you and to my awesome sponsors of luvinthemommyhood - you guys rock and without your support this machine would not be in my living room!  and to my family who spoiled me for my bday - love you guys!  i can't wait to sew with her!

are you in the market for a new machine?  check out my other posts on sewing machine shopping:

*sewing 911 - how the heck to choose & buy a sewing machine
*sewing 911 - what's your machine of choice?

have you recently bought a new machine? what did you get and why?  i'd love to hear about it! let's chat sewing ladies!

avocado smoothies...i could no longer resist thee

we interrupt this regularly scheduled sewing/knitting post with some yumminess that i just couldn't resist sharing.  i've been seeing tempting avocado smoothies popping up here and there lately and i could no longer resist trying one.  i heart a delish avocado and any new way to eat one is good in my book.

i don't know about you guys but i love the simplicity of avocados.  the clean taste, the smoothness and who can resist the color!  love those greens!  wouldn't these tones make a great quilt?  ok...i digress.  i see sewing in everything...even food!

in our house we love a fresh smoothie.  they're quick, easy and can use a whole whack of ingredients in the fridge.  plus it's a great way to disguise veggies/fruits your kidlets may not be into eating.  so since i've been mad craving this avocado smoothie since spotting it on the addictive blog "cakies" a while ago and then spotting it on my pal katy's blog "no big dill" i finally decided i just can't resist.  bonus was that our recent yarn guest buffy (of passionate design) also just made one and since i know she has great food taste, it was just that extra push i needed to try it out! so i'm jumping on the bandwagon and trying out that darn avocado smoothie!

the ingredients couldn't be simpler.  (*please note: if you want to know the measurements and full ingredients click here for the recipe i used on cakies.)

add some water and some milk (in my case soy milk).....some ice.....some sugar or honey ...and, of course....

some avocado!  add it all into your blender...

mix that bad boy up....

pour all that yummy green goodness into your glass...


take a sip...good?  yep.  thought you'd like it.  now...feed it to the munchkins...

two thumbs up....well until the 4 year old found out what was in it.  it's a little hard to hide an avocado from her when she's watching me make the smoothie...oops...silly time i'll be a bit more discreet.  but i do have to say they both loved it and i will be making more of these in the future.  i think i'll be playing around and adding a few more ingredients for some fun mixtures.  i know that when katy and buffy made their's they added the bubbles (not sure of the actual name) from bubble tea (those gooey, chewy bits that float around) but i'm not a big fan of those so omitted them from our taste test.

all in all i say give this a try.  as long as you like avocados i'm sure you're gonna dig it.  so go on...i dare ya :P  stay tuned this week for when i debut our "new baby"!  sorry to take so long but with issues with blogger uploading pics today and me celebrating my bday i've been a bad, lazy blogger...haha.  you guys forgive me right?

have you tried avocado smoothies before?  what have you been craving that's a bit off the beaten path?  who else is with me on the green color palette???  do you have a fave avocado smoothie recipe you want to share?  let's chat smoothies ladies!

makin'it in the mommyhood - peekaboo bonnet

oh my gosh ladies, i love this pattern...just sayin.  there is something so irresistible about a little girl in a bonnet.  never mind an adorable and reversible peekaboo bonnet.

when you add some piping....

fun fabrics...

and might i say a cute as a button toddler or baby....i mean can you resist this???  she knows she's

and you've got a winner in my book!  my fabulously talented, funny and oh so sweet bloggy pal rae of "made by rae" is the creator of this awesome pattern and i give it two thumbs up.  the possibilities of this hat are endless too.  the instructions were clear, concise and easy to follow.  the pattern also covers sizes newborn all the way till a size Child Large which I'm guess is 6/7!!  mackenzie wants one now too!

i don't recommend making it when extremely sleep deprived though..hahaha, i don't know how many times i mixed my fabrics up but this one shown today is my 2nd bonnet i've made (i made another one in the 0-3mths size as a baby gift - friggin adorable when so tiny!) and i think i'll be making a lot more in my future.

you can get your hands on a copy of the peekaboo bonnet here over on made by rae.  tell rae i sent ya :)

thank you for all the kind bday wishes you have all been sending me today.  you guys are the best!!!  luv ya!!!  you guys are soooooo sweet.  i really do appreciate you thinking of me so thank you again :)

i'm going sewing machine shopping today so hopefully i'll be bringing home a new baby today!  i'm leaning towards a pfaff at the moment but i'm nervous though, it's rather silly but it's a lot of moula and i always get really nervous when i have to spend a lot of money.  i'll be sure to keep you all posted.

what have you been making lately that you loved?  have you made a bonnet too?  what's your fave baby hat pattern to make?

P.s. fabric was from on our my fab sponsors - Crafty Girls Workshop.  Check them out!

weekend wishes

to make all you sleep and coffee deprived mommas laugh...

so we can all stop looking like this from lack of sleep...

that one day the hubs & i can take a road trip again...

that it doesn't rain this weekend...

to one day have one of these lovelies in my home...

to sleep here for a whole day...sans kidlets...

to get my hands on this lovely stash of  doilies...

and to be able to eat wheat and sugar again so i could chow down on this for my birthday on monday.

that's right folks. i'm gonna be another year older on monday.  i'll be the big 34.  yep.  it's scary but not as scary as 35 will be.  i have a fear of the mid's.  i didn't like turning 25 and i know i'll hate turning 35. something about being mid something.  like you're at the hump and it's all downhill into you are in the earlies again.  it's irrational, but hey, sometimes my brain works like that.  i have nothing planned to celebrate my being born except for causing a ruckus at knit night on saturday.  i'm hoping for shots of espresso and some serious table dancing right ladies? j/k (just so you all don't think i'm nuts we have our knit nights at a cafe that is open late and has live music).

the hubby is busy, busy this weekend so i'll be taking care of the kiddos while sleep and caffiene deprived and hoping to get some time to go sewing machine shopping.  that's what i'm getting for my bday but i still have to go try some out and pick out my new baby!  needless to say i am very, very excited!!!!  i'm also a wee bit behind on returning some of your emails (sorry about that) but will catching up with you all soon.  i've got some fun stuff planned for next week so stay tuned.

i'm on row 16 of my sweater for the summer sweater knit along!!!!!!!!  i can't stop knitting now and have to keep reminding myself to sew.  sometimes it's just easier to knit because i can sit with the kids and play and they have no idea i'm secretly very joyous inside because i've tricked them into thinking "mommy's not working" but really i'm knitting.  we're women and mothers right?  we can multitask amongst the best of them.

i hope your weekends are filled with sleep and lots of it.  i hope those of you working along in the KAL get time to relax and knit and those of you sewing get lots of time in stitch bliss :)  enjoy the sunshine and your families and have a wonderful weekend.  see ya on monday!

what are your plans this weekend?  has your toddler suddenly decided it's a newborn again & depriving you of some serious sleep?  do you have a newborn?  what are you crafting or cooking?  let's chat.

Oops - edited to add that we'll also be celebrating father's day round my sad state i forgot.  all i can think about is sleep and new sewing machines.  selfish momma..haha.

Winner of the Knitbot/Hannah Fettig Pattern Giveaway!!! (and some thoughts)

we've got a winner of the knitbot/hannah fettig pattern giveaway but first i have to say that i had other things planned to post about as well today but if any of you have been watching the news or are hockey fans you would know what i was up late glued to the tv watching.  i'm embarrassed, ashamed and mortified by the behaviour of some idiotic people destroying and rioting vancouver last night after the vancouver canucks lost the stanley cup.  it was bad enough we lost (insert my tears...i'm devastated) but to top it off by humiliating vancouver, the province and the country?  what the heck people?  you could tell the main group of people doing most of the damage had planned this, i mean who goes to the hockey game equipped with bombs???  it was sad to sit and watch one of the most beautiful cities that is very dear to my heart get trashed by some drunk animals.

the scariest part was people just seemed to get more and more excited as it went on!  they had no fear, honestly.  cars were exploding, fires set, serious looting and the tear gas...oh the tear gas.  all of this was going on right near where we used to live and i could only imagine the smell especially with a baby!  so instead of wishing i was in vancouver watching the canucks i was finally happy i was in quiet victoria watching the tv safe at home.

so sorry folks, no special posts today.  but you won't mind....cause i've got the winner of the knitbot giveaway to announce.  want to know who won???

our first winner was:

Monica said... [Reply to comment] 177
I'm already an avid reader of luvinthemommyhood, and signed up as a follower a while back

and our second winner was....

house full of jays said... [Reply to comment] 40
Ooo, exciting! So many exciting patterns! I would choose the Effortless, Wispy and Calligraphy cardigan patterns.

congratulations you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  you both get to choose 3 patterns of your choice!  woot woot!  lucky ladies!  thanks to all of you who entered and a big thank you to hannah for the wonderful giveaway in support of our summer sweater knit along!

knitbot is our premier sponsor for the summer sweater knit along and because hannah is so sweet she's offering all you lovely luvinthemommyhood readers 25% off all her "knitbot" patterns (only) for the month of june!  simply use the ravelry coupon code: luvinthemommyhood to get your discount!  so go pop over to ravelry and get your knit on ladies!

you can find more hannah fettig and knitbot here on ravelry and also on her website here

were any of you glued to the tv last night due to the riots?  are you in vancouver or on vancouver island?  do you think there could have been a bit more police involvement?  did the looting really have to happen?  i'd love to chat about it.

Summer Sweater Knit Along - Got Gauge? (and what the heck it is)

today is the day folks! time for the summer sweater knit along!! yippee! i haven't been this excited to start a knitting project in years! i hope mine turns out :) one way i'm going to do my best is to make sure to gauge & swatch my little heart out. 

22 stitches x 28 rows = 4" (10cm)

what's a gauge & how do i get it you ask? well.....gauge is that nifty line of writing on a knitting pattern that tells you how many stitches and rows should equal an inch so that when you choose your yarn and needle size you get the correct look of that pretty pattern you chose.  it also calculates for you how many stitches you should have per inch.  i mean seriously, you know those funny pics of sweaters with arms 4 times too long?  gauge issue.  the neck hole could fit 10 men?  gauge issue.   giant hats?  gauge issue. gauge is annoying, it takes time to make that you would rather spend working on your fab new project but trust me...if i can teach you one thing about knitting it is to always, always, always do a gauge swatch, especially if it's clothing you are making.

how do you figure out what your gauge is?  first, check your pattern.  it will be listed near the start along with the yarn choices etc.  you should also pay careful attention to the yarn choice & suggested needle size to achieve the gauge listed as well as what kind of fiber it is as this will also aid you in getting correct gauge.  next step, choose your yarn.  if you need help with this step check out our post from last week on choosing yarn.  when choosing your yarn that nifty ball will have a label on it with the recommended gauge.  sometimes the stars align and the gauge matches perfectly to your pattern - that's a good thing but it's not an exact science.  you could be a loose or tight knitter and have to adjust.  so what you do is go on home, get out the needles size suggested for your yarn and do up a swatch.  do as many as it takes to get gauge.

how do you find out if you've got gauge?  i recommend knitting at least a 6-8" square.  boring right?  i know, but it will be more fun when you get going on your pattern.  the reason to make a bigger square than the gauge calls for is you need to have room to measure in the center of your square for gauge - not the edges. make sure to cast on extra stitches than the gauge calls for.  so for instance if the gauge says 22sts (abbreviation for stitches) cast on 28.  same goes with the amount of rows.  if the gauge states 28 rows do 34.  when knitting your rows always knit the first and last 3 stitches and knit the first 3 rows and the last 3 rows.  this will give you a pretty border that makes it easier to measure your gauge. make sure you do as i say not as i was too lazy to make a border on mine because i feel comfy measuring it without the border but it is easier to make the swatch with one if you are just starting out knitting. *tip - if you've used the yarn before but this time you're using a different colorway do a gauge again.  different dyes can affect how your gauge will turn out.

how do you whip up your swatch? there are a lot of different ways to make a gauge swatch but the most common is to use stockinette stitch.  stockinette stitch is knitting one row and then purling the next.  be aware though that some patterns call for how to make your gauge swatch.  they will ask for you to test your gauge using the pattern instead of the garter stitch.  check some of the links i've listed below for many other ways of knitting your gauge swatch.

how do i measure the darn thing?  now that you are done your swatch it's time to measure that puppy.  you can either use a nifty little crafting ruler or you can use a gauge ruler (not sure if this is the right  some of these may or may not have a window along the ruler with a red plastic attachment that you can slide along the ruler to mark the start of where you want to start counting your gauge.  it's very handy!  but before you put the ruler down and measure you should take care to get your swatch ready.  make sure it's not stretched.  you need the swatch to accurately reflect the pattern.  i like to pin mine down to my ironing board so it doesn't move and then measure.  depending on what kind of yarn you are using and how die hard you are you can block your swatch too (more on this later in the kal).

now i am by no means an expert.  don't judge..haha.  this is just my layman's terms way of explaining gauge.  just pretend you were sitting down next to me at knit night sipping coffee, laughing and listening to the band and you said "hey shannon, how and what the heck is a gauge and why do you do it?"  i would prolly tell you what i wrote above and then preached to you about how much i hate doing it (with some swear words thrown in) but how important it is to do it especially if you have a tendency to be a loose or tight knitter. my tension changes based on needles too.  if i'm on circular or dpn's my knitting tension is way different than if i was on straights.  or you can be lucky like my pal amy.  she never gauges but it always turns out perfect.  i think she has some weird knitting gift...haha.  i, on the other hand, am not so lucky.  the knitting gods did not bestow that gift upon me dang it.

so in order to help me make this whole gauge thing a whole heckuva lot more easier to understand here's some very helpful and informative posts all on our favorite friend (not..haha) gauge!

*great post on gauge and how to measure it on fuzzy galore.
* has a funny and oh, so helpful article on gauge.
*knitpicks also has a handy post all about gauge.
*yarn&fiber has a post on yarn weight and also one on needle conversions.
*i learned a lot from this post on twist collective.
*yarnforward has a knitting tensions/gauge that's great.

i also recommend doing a google search for anything else you just don't get.  there are also super nice forums and communities you chat in and ask tons of questions on  you can also ask away in our summer sweater knit along ravelry group thread.  also if you are a visual learner like me check out youtube for lots and i mean lots of videos on all sorts of knitting stuff and making gauge and swatches.  tons on there.  one of my fave knitting sites to go to for help has also always been  check them out too.

i hope you guys are ready for some knitting fun!!!!  bring on the sunshine and bring on some knitting!  make sure to follow along in our ravelry group to stay up to date on the kal and also here on the blog.  you can click on this link to bring up only KAL posts so it's easier to read.  i'm also super excited to announce our sponsors for the summer sweater knit along!!!!!! that's talented gals are gonna get some loot and gifties from some of my fave knitting designers and shops!!!   i'll be announcing all the prizes later on during the KAL.  i'm sooo bummed i can't win :P

a giant thank you to all of our summer sweater knit along sponsors for joining in on the fun and helping to support knitting in the hot months. you guys rock and i appreciate all the support!  here they are.....drum roll please......

summer sweater knit along sponsors!!!

the lovely elisa is offering all luvinthemommyhood readers 20% off in her gorgeous shop!! use code LTMH2011 at the checkout of her etsy shop.

 wowsa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how's that for goodies ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  happy knitting!!!  make sure to add any pics you'd like of your KAL to our ravelry group and also to our flickr group. i may just show off your goodies on the blog!

do you have any tips or resources you'd like to share on gauge and knitting swatches?  i'd love to hear about them and add them to this post!  have you started your gauge yet?  

makin'it in the mommyhood - summer vacation dress!

we've got a birthday party coming up this weekend and i thought what better gift to give a pretty, fun loving 6 year old to be girl than the perfect summer dress? 

i've been waiting since last year to have a go at the summer vacation dress pattern by the insanely talented blogger pal of mine - dana of "made".  i've had the elastic thread just sitting in my sewing desk drawer calling out my name since then.

i have to admit i was a bit fearful of using it.  not of the thread but of what my crabby sewing machine would do the garment i would try to sew with it. 

i finally sucked it up, wound my bobbin with the elastic thread by hand and had a go at it.  boy am i happy i did!  love it!  can we say easy peasy?!  i see a ton more of this in our future. 

the pattern was fast, easy and there were a lot of versions that allow you to change up the look or customize it.  i had planned on adding the bow in front and the pockets that dana shows for the version i made but after seeing the dress with the bottom print on it i didn't think it needed anymore embellishment and left it to speak for itself.

i love the way the little cap ruffle strap seems dainty yet playful at the same time.  i can't stop thinking of places to add straps now with elastic thread sewn in!

i think it balanced out the bottom border just right.  i think my little one likes it

in fact, she's pretty upset that momma is giving this one away.  i almost decided to keep it for her, but then realized there is no more orange polka dot print left to make another one and also i have no time to make another one this week :( 

i think i'll make it up to her by letting her choose the fabric for her own version.  she loves being involved in my sewing and picking out colors for my projects.  in fact, i always ask her opinion on things i'm making for kids because...well....i want the kids to like it and be attracted to it too!  sometimes what i think is fun for a child she hates so i always test run things by her now.

i hope the bday girl likes it as much as mack does and this dress gets it's fair share of play time, summer fun, beach romping, backyard butterfly chasing and trips to the ice cream shop.

in fact....i think i want one too!   thank you dana for making such a fantabulous pattern and for also allowing it to be made for an adult too!!!  you rock girl!! so if you've been wanting to try to use elastic thread but have been a bit hesitant - go for it!  it's fun!  do a practice swatch first and then sew it up ladies!

have any of you made the summer vacation dress?  which version did you make?  what's your go to birthday party dress for little girls?  any faves you'd love to share?  i'd love to see & hear about them so let's chat :)

Sewing 911 - How the Heck to Buy & Choose a Sewing Machine

the time has come ladies.  most of you know my current sewing machine is the devil reincarnate & i've been saving for a loooong time to buy myself a new one. 

the whole process has scared the wits out of me so i've done a fair amount of research on the topic & thought it would be pretty silly of me to keep it to myself.  so i'm going to share a bit of info to help the rest of you who may be looking to get a machine on how to take the what what's out of machine shopping & maybe we can all figure out together how the heck to buy & choose a sewing machine.

now i'm not an expert by any means so this will be more of a give and take kind of post.  i'll share what i've learned and you can share what you've learned in the comments too!  i've asked this question to you guys a fair bit on here and on our facebook page and have picked up some handy tips along the way so i thought i would list them all on here for an easy resource.

1. make your wish list.  i made a list of all the bells and whistles that i would love to have with my new sewing machine.  then make a list of your must haves.  the things that you won't buy the machine without.  you've now got a great place to start to help narrow down all the thousands of sewing machines out there.  in our house we are die hard spreadsheet people.  it helped me to make a list and then compare which models i liked and if they had all the features that i "must have" and even some that were just on my wish list.

2. what's your sewing style?  think carefully about what type of sewing you do and how much sewing you are doing on a regular basis.  if you're not embroidering steer clear of paying lots of extra cash for a machine with tons of embroidery features cause you just won't need em'.  if you're only sewing an hour or so here and there for fun and can't forsee it increasing that much a very basic machine should work just fine for you but if you're like me and sewing a few hours (if possible) each day you need a workhorse that isn't going to let you down.  make sure you look into the future a bit don't need a fortune teller for really think about your goals and aspirations for sewing.  don't buy a very basic machine if you are going to end up quilting or selling items in a year or so or you'll be back machine shopping before you know it.

3. do your research.  other sewers are your best resource.  ask as many of them as you know which brand/model they love and why.  read online recommendations, check reviews (a lot!), read sewing blogs to see which machine they are using and their readers, check the forums - there is always a fair number of people looking to buy a machine and they are always asking for help so there is a lot of great info in the replies to their posts in the thread, if you're on twitter tweet to see who loves the machine they are using.  make sure to use the valuable resources available online for you to access and to get tons of info even if you don't know a soul who sews.

4. budget.  make sure you know the price range you are looking in and stick to it.  don't get swayed by looking at all those lovely, wonderful machines that are $1000 more than you can afford.  it will just depress me :P  unless you plan on financing (some shops offer this) or going into debt it's better to find a brand that you feel comfortable with and are interested in and then find a model by that brand that fits your budget.

5. visit the shops.  check out your local sewing machine stores/fabric shops and see which brands/models they carry and the price ranges they offer as well.  i highly recommend looking for a shop that is the dealer of that brand and also does maintenance and repair.  you will get way more service for your dollar and these shops more often than not come highly recommended for making machine purchases.  most also offer free classes on learning how to use your machine properly as well when purchasing one of their machines. this a "must have" perk on my list.  when i buy my machine this month i will be buying from a local dealer that knows my machine.

6. try out the floor models.  when you are in the shops try out the floor models.  ask questions and take advantage of the knowledgeable staff.  most staff in a good shop will be able to help direct you to a machine that will work the best for you and offer lots of great tips and knowledge.  don't be shy or embarrassed to ask what you are looking for and your sewing level and also don't be swayed or upsold to a machine you don't need.  be confident and be a smart consumer.  i know from first hand experience, even fabric shopping, i have run into more "snooty salespeople" than i care to have met, but i've slowly started to learn how to hold my own and feel more confident in my shopping abilities. it also doesn't hurt that, if i so chose to, i could go home and blog about their poor customer service :P  it gives me that little bit of oomph in my step when i walk into a shop now.  i've never done it but i do tell friends when they are looking for somewhere to shop which places to avoid "the snoots" and rude customer service.

7.  old is new again.  if you haven't been able to find a model to fit your needs or price range consider purchasing a refurbished or second hand machine.  craigslist and other secondhand sites are great for machine shopping as are your local sewing shops.  you can also check places like ebay and amazon for machines too.  make sure though if you are buying secondhand from a person's home that you do it safely and i always recommend not going alone.  you can never be too safe :)

 your other option if you currently own a machine that you are not happy with, is to trade in for money towards your purchase as well. a fair amount of shops offer this as a way to keep their secondhand machine stock up.  it also never hurts to ask about upcoming sales/promotions and financing options.  you could also raid your mother or grandmothers storage.  most have a sewing machine kicking around and i bet you could borrow or take one to practice and learn on if that's all you're looking for at the moment.  a lot of people swear by vintage sewing machines and love them.  i consider mine vintage as i got it in the year 2000...j/k.  can you believe it's still going?  eek!  no wonder the silly thing is moody and cranky beyond belief all the time.

8. go right to the source.  i also recommend going right to the website of the brands you are interested in.  most have great facebook pages announcing sales/discounts/giveaways as well as very informative websites filled with checklists, stats, compare sheets and their list of reputable dealers online and in brick/mortar shops.  i've learned a lot from reading these sites and finding what perks are actually available in a sewing machine.

here are some great links that i have found that you can use for reviews, info and other tips on how to purchase your machine.

- the fab site pattern review has a great section all on machine reviews. this is a great resource and definitely worth checking out!
- sew mama sew had a whole sewing machine month filled with great posts and a giant sewing meme.  click here for the link to a post with all the handy links.
- i did a post asking readers to share and vote on their fave sewing machine models and you can read all their comments here too.
- this blog had lots of great tips.
- burdastyle has a post on buying a vintage sewing machine.
- i enjoyed reading how to two of my fave bloggers chose their machines of choice:
  anna from noodlhead & katie of no big dill

reader faves:

- crafster forum

now, let's hear from you guys!  what's your favorite place to go to help you shop for a sewing machine?  do you have tips to share?  we want to know!  please leave a comment and share the wisdom. this post is meant to be a catchall for great info on purchasing a new addition to your arsenal of crafty machines of choice & your comments are an invaluable part of it :)  i will add in any links or posts that aren't already shown that you guys recommend.  happy machine shopping!!