the creative habit - do you have one?

the other week i wrote about my search for finding a bit of balance in my daily routine and also about my struggle with the need to be creative and the ability to find time for that everyday so i stay sane.  while writing those posts i've been reading a bit online looking for other sources that people have found that helped them to find a way to put their artistic souls to use daily. i read more than one post recommending the book "the creative habit" by twyla tharp.  i reserved a copy from my local library and finally got my hands on it.  to say i've been enjoying it thus far has been an understatement.  i want to photocopy parts of it and hang them on my walls to keep me on

as a creative and artistic person who struggles daily to find the right time/place for me to flex those muscles this book really hits home for me.  it helps to give me the confidence in the fact that i NEED those few hours each day to let myself be shannon and to focus solely on being creative in whatever way i need to that day.  whether it's writing, sewing, knitting, designing, name it i need to get a bit of it out of me each day.  if i don't i become a very unhappy and let's just say...frustrated momma.  it all jumbles up my mind and makes me feel somewhat i know that sounds a bit off the rockers but that's what it honestly feels like to me.  

the creative habit by twyla tharp
i'll think about it all day...that idea that i had...when can i sketch it out, when can i sew it, when can i photograph it, what it will look like, be styled like, who will wear it or use it..and so on.  it keeps me up at night if i don't let some of it out each day.  it's like those science experiment volcano's...if you just keep filling me up with ideas i will fizzle  the book has cemented to me that it is ok to have a creative routine and it's encouraged.  it's ok to find me time to do this in a part of a day that is not, when my mind is fresh, alert and raring to go instead of a shell of itself that's all confused and jumbled.  in fact it just creates more ideas and i love the adrenaline of that.

when i get rundown and tired and it's 10:00 at night and i've just sat down to finally be creative it's not always a positive outcome.  it's only a small portion of what i could be creating if i actually allowed myself  "guilt free" time during the waking hours to be artistic.  the kids can still be with me, they can participate, they don't have to be babysat by the tv - in fact they sometimes feed off of my creative energy.  i hope that it allows them to bring that into their own lives.  that somewhere down the line they will choose to sew, knit, draw, color, paint, take a photo etc..and incorporate those creative skills into their everyday lives.

the reason why i'm redesigning my sewing
heck i used it when i was hairdresser and i used it when i was an administrative assistant for years.  i was a master at color coding, prettying up files and could make a darn nice looking spreadsheet and presentation.  i used my creativity to solve problems, work more efficiently and think outside of the box when others couldn't in a non-creative environment.  any chance i got to be creative i took it.  i couldn't help myself and not once did i feel guilty.  in fact, i felt empowered by my skill set. so why now, as a mother, when we need to be our most creative, do i feel guilty about it?  is it because i am my own boss?  that i think i should be doing boring chores instead?  why is it so hard for some of us to find the balance?  why can't i let go of all the preconceived notions that i should be this perfect  homemaker?  why does a stay at home mom have to have a stigma attached to it that our homes must be perfect and we basically exist like stepford wives to cater to every ones needs but our own?  i could go on but i think you get the point. 

sometimes (more often than nought) i choose to sketch or sew over washing the dishes, i'll choose to play with the kids over laundry, i'll knit over dusting - does that make me a bad stay at home mom? no, but sometimes society makes you feel that way.  i've made a conscious decision that i have to let a few things "not be perfect". i'm not a good housekeeper.  my home is not dirty or unsafe, it's still relatively tidy but i have in the last few weeks learned a new skill of pushing my time blocking even further.  instead of just time blocking my creative time for me and the kids, i now time block my dinner making and chore doing time.  so far it's going pretty well.  we use our microwave timer.  i've now figured out which time of day works the best for me to be creative that the kids are happy to play independently or with each other and what times works best for me to feel fulfilled to happily..ok somewhat some chores done and cook dinner.  you all know i don't enjoy cooking or cleaning so having these now be an existent part of each day's schedule has helped me find it not so stressful.

the sketchbooks and notebooks always by my side.
i now know that from 4 - 5:30 it is strictly clean up and cooking time.  the kids help and they hear the timer go off.   the same with my creative time.  some days it could be from 1-2 or 2-3 it all depends on how the kids are doing, what moods we are all in and how much i feel like making that day.  i ask them how they will feel if mommy does this and would they like to join in or do a different task and then we set the timer. when the timer is done i am all theirs to play with and then we set the timer again to let us know when it's time to clean up. 

as a dreamer and someone who gets "lost" in my thoughts and creative happy place at times this has really helped  me to stay on track.  we're aren't perfect at it and it's not successful everyday - i am human, but i am trying to find something that works for my little family and my hubbies busy schedule that still allows me to be someone outside of just a mommy and a wife.  i still want to be me.  i still have dreams and goals aside from loving them with all my heart.  i think it makes me a happier momma and a happier wife.  i hope that it teaches them to work hard for their dreams and to do what makes their soul happy because i know that when i'm not being creative my soul is not fulfilled and i'm not myself.  instead i'm just a shell of who i am and boy does that creative energy torture me at night.  i know you all know that tingling feeling you get in your hands..that need to create and make.  it's amazing but it's also haunting when you aren't able to use it to it's fullest.  i guess it really is like training - you need to flex it, strengthen it, make it grow and feed it and nurture it and once you've done that you don't want to starve it or let it shrink - it hurts your body, your mind and your soul if you do.

that's why we're working on my sewing space as well in my little condo. my space to create in is limited and also a friggin'  i spent a lot of time about a year and a half ago designing my "sewing wall".  to say i have outgrown it is an understatement. i need to do some serious revamping of my poor sewing wall. i've got big plans in progress and i'm saving up every little penny i can to make it happen.  the more organized and cleaner my creative space is the faster and more efficient i am when i do get precious time to work in it.  right now it's not working for me.  it's cluttered and stressful and just a gong  the pics above with all the fabric are of my ironing board monster.  he's overflowing and  but for now, it's all i've got but it is going to get better.  soon...soon, i hope to have it be more functional and a happier space for me, my husband and my kids to all use in our tiny home.

in the meantime i've got a sick wee one here with what we are hoping is not the croup.  she gets it every year since she was a baby at this time of year so we're crossing our fingers it's just a normal cough. poor thing.  so i'm off to take care of her today and hoping that my baby girl doesn't it get it as well.

what are your thoughts?  what do you do to encourage a creative habit in your home?  when do you set aside "me" time for yourself? how do you fit it into your daily schedule?  i'd love to chat about this with you guys, i find it so interesting to hear so many different points of view and how differently we all work and create.  coffee's on...<3

weekend wishes

to find myself some catherine holm...

img src: viviana agostinho via oh so lovely vintage
to curl up and read a good book...

that the rumors are true & fiona apple is coming out with a  new album...
to give this recipe a try...

perfect iced coffee recipe from the pioneer woman
to feel carefree...

to make this fab doily blanket...
pattern: glory by goodknits
and that red pepper quilts made this just for mean helloooo... lotta jansdotter and orla kiely...i. die.

a patchwork quilt by red pepper quilts
i really mean it about that quilt....i love it!!! in fact i dreamt about it after i saw it in the works a few days ago...i could not get it out of my mind.  so gorgeous.  this weekend i hope to get some batting to get my own quilt done.  it's been on the wall on hold because i thought i had enough to make the quilt but it turns out i tricked  so i have to pick up batting and thread this weekend to get going on mackenzie's quilt...especially if i want to give it to her for her bday this april.

i also plan on keeping on fighting this wannabe cold.  i refuse to let it stop me but it has slowed me down a tad.  so i'm going to curl up here and there and read a good book or catch up on some knitting time.  i've got my classic raglan to finish up, a sweater for mackenzie for her bday to do, and many other projects on the needles...aiayaya...i think i may have cast on more than i could  i've also got a date with my sewing machine sometime too. will probably be tonight so wish me luck sewing into the late night hours.  i always mess up at night so it scares me to sew at night now but we've got a full, busy day on saturday so this momma doesn't get any work time :(

and bring on the coffee....yep, the sun has peeked it's head out here and there and i feel ready to give a few of those fun coffee recipes that floated around last summer a go.  mmmm....i love iced coffee. sometimes i just throw ice in my cool coffee at lunch and sip at that.  yum.  i'll take coffee anyway i can get it.  funny thing is that when i was in my early 20's i really didn't like coffee and then day addicted.  that's how it goes with caffeine

so what projects are you guys working on?  what are you up to this weekend? anyone have a fave coffee recipe they tried & want to share?  let's chat! wishing you all a warm, sunny, happy, cozy, fun & yummy coffee filled weekend!

moments in the mommyhood - mission impossible

yesterday i attempted mission impossible to try to get both my kids to nap at the same time so i could get some daylight, non-weekend hours of sewing in.  i donned my mommy action figure gear and did my best but i sadly admit i sort of failed.  i did get barbie to have a nap though and the kids did have about 45 mins of quiet time....meaning they laid on the couch together and played quietly while watching a show.  i did end up getting a little bit of sewing time in so i guess my lame tom cruise attempt at taking down the enemy was not a complete  what i didn't beat was a cold i think is trying to take me down.  i'm fighting it people.  so i'm going to take barbie's place today and take it easy and go lay on the couch with my bottle of  could you imagine?  someone needs to invent a spill proof bottle of coffee that i can just lay and sip with..lmao.

i'm also going to try to madly finish my classic raglan pullover that i'm working on as part of the canadian living classic raglan knit along.  i'm just about to bind off my bottom rib, done the neckband rib (which i have a funny story to share about that next week) and now have to knit up the sleeves.  i'm praying i don't get hit by a bad case of guys know how much i detest sleeve knitting :P  at this point i just want to wear the darn thing not knit 2 sleeves.  and if i'm feeling up to it i've got a ton and i mean a ton of sewing that needs to be done. lots of exciting things in the works folks! can't wait to show them all to you!

i also want to say a huge thank you to and to all of you lovely readers who voted for me to be one of the's top 50 craft blogs for the second year in a row!!! i'm seriously thrilled and beyond excited!!! i'm honored to be included amongst the sheer awesome group of talented women in this top 50!  it made my month!! in fact i'm still skipping around all over the house about it!!!! so thank you, thank you, thank you!!!  if you haven't gone over already please do go check out the line up of winners and also you can read the witty little bio they wrote about luvinthemommyhood here.  cracks me

hope you all have a great day and take some "barbie" time for yourselves too.  i'm going back to my couch and oj.  see ya tomorrow!  what parenting mission have you taken on and won or failed? i think this scenario calls for a good commiseration don't you?

p.s. so excited to see you all sign up for the tops, tanks & tees kal!!!  my yarn came yesterday afternoon and i'm super excited to do my gauge swatch this weekend!

Tops, Tanks & Tees Knit Along!!!!

gemini by jane richmond
it's time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i'm so excited!!!!! the new knit along is here folks!  it's the "tops, tanks & tees knit along"!!!!  do you love it?  i do!!!!  betcha thought we were doing shawls didn't you! lol!  i'm a firm believer in not forgetting to knit for yourself in the warmer seasons and tops, tees and tanks are the perfect summertime wardrobe staple so why not knit some this year? gone are the ugly, boxy sacks made of scratchy fibers that once bore a faint resemblance to a top or tee.  bring on the feminine, curvy, lacy, light, swingy, airy, sexy, and oh, so stylish knits we can now proudly call tanks tops and tees!  yay!

gemini by jane richmond
we're getting you all geared up for the summer sweater knit along and thought this would be the perfect interlude to dip your toes in the garment knitting pool.  learn some new techniques, master a pattern, use a yarn you never have, think outside the box and whip yourself up a gorgeous new addition to your summer wardrobe. bring out the linens, cottons and the lightweight breathable yarns and let's get spoiling ourselves!  don't be scared if you're fairly new to knitting - tops, tanks and tees are the perfect place for you to start experimenting with something larger than an accessory.  with our groups help, cheering, hand holding and applause you WILL  make it through and you WILL be wearing that super sassy shirt all. summer. long.

calla cami by carrie bostick hoge
as you can see from some of the pics above i've got a thing for the gemini top by my super talented pal jane richmond.  even though my folder was filled with pics of other tops this one has stolen my heart.  from the moment jane revealed it to me post knit in our lys i've been dreaming about making myself one.  i heart the lace detail and the fact that it's reversible. yes.  us gemini's love a dual personality.  so i will be whipping up a gemini for myself for this KAL ladies.  i'm still awaiting my yarn to arrive so i'll give you a sneak peek at that next week :)
1. edie by michele wang 2. francis by olga buraya-kefelian

in the meantime we're starting this kal off a little differently than all the rest.  instead of just jumping right in this is a heads up that the kal is starting.  we got lots of feedback from you ladies asking for lead time to get your pattern chosen and yarn ordered.  so we're going to try that out this time round and see how it goes.  let us know your thoughts k?  and the button...where's the button...well it's coming.  look for it in the next 2 weeks! i love how much you all love my kal button's so it will be ready soon for you all to hopefully sport on your blogs :)

i've chosen my pattern to knit but i still love giving you guys some hits of inspiration.  there's pics throughout this post of patterns i love and here's some more of my fave top, tanks & tees patterns....

hester pullover by amy herzog

ready to hear the deets?  here's the info my knitty pals...

start date:  april 11th, 2012
end date:  may 23rd, 2012 (the prize winners will be announced the following week)

*both knitting and/or crocheting is accepted and encouraged :)

enter the tops, tanks & tees knit along here:

*you must be entered & have started a project to be eligible for the giveaway at the end of the knit along.

you can follow along with all things tops, tanks & tees kal here:

i'm so excited you guys! i seriously cannot wait to see which patterns you ladies choose, the yarns you pick up and how lovely you are all going to look in your new spring tops, tanks and tees!  so go tell your friends, hit up your lys, grab a cup of coffee and let's get knitting!!!  what do you think? you likey?  you excited too?

Rosy Posy Designs - Be Mine Collection Giveaway!

and so are you
and so are you by rose beck
*this giveaway is now closed. thank you for all of your entries.*

you all in the mood for a giveaway?  i am!  woo hoo!  i figured it was about time we had a knitting related giveaway again so when rose beck of rosy posy designs offered up her 5 gorgeous patterns from the "be mine collection" i said you betcha!  i love rose's designs and i heart me a shawl. i also adore knitting lace.  i think that a wrap/shawl is a timeless addition to any wardrobe for any age and also a beautiful heirloom to pass on through the generations.  i always feel as if the shawls tell a story or a tale with the way the stitches flow. sort of like each row is a new sentence, another layer that weaves a tale.  it's a beautiful piece of shaped artwork and rose becks designs don't disappoint. just look at the pleated texture along the bottom of the shawl "and so are you" shown above and below - love it!!!

the be mine collection consists of 5 shawlettes that rose designed to be both simple and sweet.   rose states that the "collection celebrates the art of subtle romance with simple aesthetic and ease of execution". rose wanted a collection where "simplicity was key". she wanted a look that was "romantic but practical, feminine but not too frilly." she brings in that touch of romance to her designs by having drawn her inspiration for the shawls from florals.  sounds like my kind of shawl!  the nice thing with roses pattern are that they are easily adaptable.  they are all worked from the top down to allow easy customization for sizing and fit.

want to see the collection?  i do...

roses are red...
roses are red by rose beck
sugared violets...
sugared violets by rose beck
sugar is sweet...
sugar is sweet by rose beck
violets are blue...
violets are blue by rose beck

- 3 lucky winners will each win a copy of rose's collection of 5 gorgeous shawls called the "be mine collection"! wowsa!  great prize ladies!  you can't go wrong with any of these beautiful patterns! thanks rose!

- i'm still trying out a new way of entering giveaways. i've decided to have you guys enter your name/email in a google doc form instead.  when you enter your info you are designated a number by google doc based on when you enter.  this will be the number i use to correlate to your name when the winner is chosen.  make sense?  if you have any questions just ask me below in the comments.  click below to enter the giveaway:

- giveaway is open until april 2nd, 2012, midnight PST (pacific standard time).
- you must have a valid email address or you will be disqualified.

stacked columns wrap and shawl by rose beck
alright ladies, get those needles's time to knit!  good luck!  a big thank you to rose again for the wonderful prize and all of her inspring and lovely patterns.  be sure to pop over to ravelry and drool over all her other designs as well!  you can find all things rosy posy designs here:

have you always wanted to try knitting a shawl?  what do you look for when choosing a shawl pattern?  do you heart lace knitting too?  c'mon..spill the


we had some beautiful and gorgeous sunshine the last few days and the girls and i could not resist getting outside and soaking up those rays!  i tried really hard to forget all my to do lists and the things i have cluttering up my mind and just hit the sand and surf with my wee ones.  in true mackenzie style we decided to collect rocks and other seaside treasures (we collect them in jars all over our house) in a bright pink purse.  heck who says we can't have a rock purse right? lol.  we also love color in our house and i'm sure you could not miss us in our bright stripes, colored boots and girly attire fit for the beach.  i purposely had a load of wash ready to go in as soon as we got home so i wouldn't fuss over the girls and i getting sandy and dirty (i am known to do this..haha) and it is def something i will do again.  i'm always worrying about the mess and forget about the fun and it's something i'm working really hard on getting over a tad this year.  wanna see what we got up to?  can you feel the ocean breeze?

ever since that weird dream i had last week about amy butler telling me to make sure to take time and enjoy life i've been trying really hard to do some serious time blocking and really focus only on the girls when i'm not working.  i've been using our microwave clock timer (the hubs idea) and now set times so we know how long mommy has been working etc. for and how long we have till play time.  that way i don't go over if i have something i need to do (hello, when i get sewing i lose all track of time and end up in time warp saying just 10 more minutes and then it's been a hour!! eeek!) and they know exactly how long until mommy is all theirs.  i can't be theirs all day but i sure can set up fun things for them to do while i do work and while i do things like cook and clean.  then when the timer goes they get mommy for a whole chunk of time to do with whatever they like.  it seems to be working quite well and with these next few months being the hardest of our year the hubs and i are hoping it will make the transition that much easier for them.

so  is it just me or have you all been feeling pulled in all sorts of directions too?  do you have an ongoing conflict between creative me time and fun mommy time as well?  i know i need me time to function as a mother and a wife but i also don't want it to take away too much time from my mommy time...finding that balance...well, it's an ongoing battle isn't it.  one i find that blue skies, red boots and pink rock purses can ease the stress away from for a while.  sometimes answers come to us when we set our minds free and let it all go for an hour or two.  i need to remind myself to do this daily (or at least every few days) or i find myself losing that battle to find that precious balance.  it's there...i can see it...i just need to reach out far enough to grab it :)

what are your thoughts? i'd love to hear them! what's on your mind my friends...let's chat! it's monday - come visit, pull up a chair and grab a cuppa jo and join me <3

weekend wishes

to get out to see the hunger games asap...

img src: walk on
 to get the dark corner of my living room illuminated...

Source: via Danielle on Pinterest

to fancy up my hangers...

img src: haken en meer
to break my thrifting drought...

image src: secondhand with style
to get my hands on a new camera bag...

to enjoy a cup of tea with my knitting...

that i will always be blessed with pals that are as kooky as me...

image src: human nature by shirae
yee haw! it's friday!  tgif...i'm pooped.  i know, i just had a weekend away but talk about not getting back into a rhythm.  wowsa.  i am one tired momma.  i'm so tired i even had a dream that i met amy butler and she told me to make sure i still remember to sit back and enjoy life while i  a sign that i am too busy?

i plan on hanging out with my girls at knit night, working on a few new patterns and tutorials, getting things ready for our next kal announcement (next week people), drinking lots of yummy coffee and having a great time with the family.  in between all that i have to do a huge clean/organization of our condo and really don't know when i am going to find the time so there may be a few late nights here.  anyone know any free maids??? a girl can try right?  lol!

wishing you all a good pals, lots of laughs, crafty projects, coffee/tee & snuggle filled weekend.  what are you up to?  are you burning the candle at both ends too?  what projects do you hope to work on this weekend?  fill me's friday <3

Fibres West 2012 - Day Two

wanna see the loot that i brought back from my weekend in vancouver?  you'll have to wait until the end of the post..tee hee....they are coming patient.  all my new lovelies are tucked cozily inside this awesome tote that the fabulous jane richmond made for all of us gals for our trip.  love it - thanks again jane!
image via sarah
in the meantime i can't help but show you some of the wonderful and gorgeous shops we popped into on sunday.  we woke up early and headed out for a yummy breakfast at sophie's cosmic cafe in kitsilano and boy was it yummy.  we took up a booth and filled it with our knitting.  i seriously could have dined sans kids for the whole was bliss :)  but the shops beckoned.  we had planned out which shops we wanted to hit up in the area but had some time to kill so like any sane person would do we headed to granville island.  a must see if you visit vancouver.  first up we popped into "maiwa".

can we say gorgeous?!!!!  oh wow!  this store had me hyperventilating on more than one occasion.  the yarns were stunning (they even had tanis fiber arts which jane scooped up that we had all been dying to feel).  seriously, if you are in the area and into anything to do with textiles it's a must see.

the shop has one whole wall dedicated to just dying.  i've had no interest in dying yarns but man this store makes me want to.  what i am interested in starting is block printing and i got more than a tad excited when i spotted this corner in the back of the shop!  hand carved printing blocks galore!!!!!  gorgeous!  i had to walk away more than twice because i couldn't breathe and decide and in the end i didn't buy any due to just not knowing which one i wanted. i really just wanted to bring all of them  maiwa works to support the delicate craft of block printing with wooden carved blocks and boy does it show!  just gorgeous!  i will definitely be back to pick some up in the future!

we must have spent a good hour at least in this shop....i love the shot below of arika staring so longingly at the yarns.  it captures how we were all feeling in this awesome shop.  i felt so inspired and could have spent the whole day there rooting around finding goodie after goodie in all the nooks and crannies.  thank you maiwa...for allowing us to indulge for an hour in your beautiful shop.  you can find all things maiwa on their website where you can read more about them and their foundation that works hard to support worldwide artisans and help "fund practicing and re-emerging artisans in the craft sector".  They also have gorgeous hand carved buttons...and i mean drawers filled...big  they host textile workshops, a symposium of international speakers and events and even sell items like handwoven shawls, embroidery, furniture, bedding, clothing and more in their other location on granville island.  yes...two shops :)  i heard there is even a library and a collection!

i love this shot of arika staring longingly at the yarn.
we left there feeling giddy and full of creative energy.  we just had to get a shot of our faces to capture the moment.  here's jane's pic of our crafting high! lol!

image via jane richmond
we quickly snapped a shot of ourselves and got the heck out of the rain....into a wonderland of awesomeness called "make" wowsa.  it was like sending a kid into a candy store i tell ya.  all the inner goofs came out of us as we donned crazy hats, wielded umbrella swords, ohhh and ahhhed over buttons, handmade goodies, the shops rockin' decor and branding and the different things they had going on in this shop.  we definitely need something of this calibre on the island.

at make you can customize a whole whack of goodies in your creative repertoire such as embroidery, garment printing, laser engraving, and buttons.  they also have a wonderful shop filled with curated art and design.  the place just oozes inspiration and makes you want to get making!  check it out....

you can find all things make on their website here.  thanks for your hospitality make :)

next up we headed out to point grey to go pop in to urban yarns.  wow.  this is pretty much yarn heaven.  a wonderful collection of almost every yarn i have wanted to feel and see. there is not one ugly thing in this sounds weird but trust me...some shops have one shelf of gorgeous and the rest is filled with so/so.  this shop is wall to wall gorgeous!!!

i literally could have spent all day just hanging out in there and fawning over all the yarns.  so. much. to. touch. and. see......

a big thank you to kynna and alexa for being so sweet and for allowing us to bombard the shop for at least an hour :)  we heart you ladies and we cannot wait to come back for a visit!!!  check out alexa's fab book if you're looking for some awesome kid/baby/family patterns - "9 months of knitting" and if you are in vancouver make sure you stop by urban me...your wallet may not thank me but your knitting stash will!  you can find all things urban yarns online on their website.

we got so lost in all the yarn goodness we completely forgot to even plug our parking meter. thankfully the gods were on our side and we didn't get a ticket but after all this yarn shopping we needed some good ol' starbucks. we found the closest one, caffeinated and then had a smooth ride (literally no traffic) back out to the ferry to come home.  all went well if you don't count me having to sprint up about 6 flights of very steep ferry stairs to get to the ladies room before i peed  yes, having to pee when you are in the ferry lineup and have no time to go to the washroom before boarding is a bad thing....very bad.  this momma was in but i made it and we spent the rest of our weekend having a gorgeous boat ride home filled with yarn winding, knitting and ogling of all our goodies.

you ready to see what lovelies i picked up?  here ya go...

1 skein madeline tosh dk yarn in colorway glazed pecan from urban yarns
3 skeins malabrigo sock yarn in colorway 803- ochre from valley yarns
2 1/2 skeins of 100% baby alpaca from knitopia
grapefruit stitch markers from caliopes fibres
clover row counter from
measuring tape ribbon from
i had so much fun and it truly was a much needed break to get away and spend some time doing something i love with some ladies i love.  thanks so much jane, rebecca, arika and sarah for being you :)  i cannot wait for the next trip!!!!  it also felt so good to come home to my babies and my hubby too.   i made sure to show them all my yarn goodies, but ya know, i just don't think i'll get the same response from them as I will you :)  so what do you think?   you likey?  don't you love the colors?  i couldn't resist picking up both malabrigo and madeline tosh. two yarns on my must knit list. what's on yours at the moment?

moments in the mommyhood - playing hookie

after wind storms, rain storms, hail storms and snow over the last few weeks we finally have some gorgeous amazing sunshine here on the island.  i've been super tired and worn out since getting back from my weekend rendezvous and feel like i've frantically been playing catch up since then.  my inbox has become a giant monster that scares the wits out of me at the moment so please bear with me as i slowly work my way through the emails.  in the meantime i'm playing hookie today with my wee girls.  we're hitting the beach for some sunshine and fun.  we gotta soak up the vitamin d while we can get it because the way our weather has been it will be snowing by  i'll be back tomorrow with the rest of my fibres west pics :)

anyone else playing hookie today?  are any of you feeling like you just can't get caught up lately?  going to bed early these last few nights has me behind on everything...sad part is that i had just got caught up before i went out of town and the hubs even cleaned the house for me while i was gone (thank you you)! what a guy!  it's only wed did this happen..muahaha!  i've got a zillion lists to work my way through.  i hope you all have a wonderful and very caught up sunny wed too!  see ya tomorrow :)

fibres west 2012 - day one

sweet georgia
last weekend i headed out with 4 friends (jane, rebecca, sarah & arika) to attend the fibres west show in abbotsford, bc.  we were maniacs and got up at 4:30am to catch an early ferry so we could get to the show as fast as possible.  i had finished my rocky coast cardigan the night before, blocked the bottom corners during the night (and may have even blow dried it a tad in the morning..shhhh) and literally wore it with unweaved in ends onto the ferry.  with no coffee, choppy waters and little sleep boy was i hurting...but i got those ends weaved in and we made it to vancouver and managed to survive our one hour and something drive to abbotsford for the show. 

i'm gonna skip right to the chase and show you all......the yarn! ohhhh, the yarn!  here's some shots of some of the yummy goodness that i spotted at fibres west 2012 this past weekend.  bring on spring!  starting with our personal fave (& addiction) - sweet georgia yarns!  oh how i adore sweet georgia. if you haven't tried her yarns yet....go buy some...immediately :)  there was more than a fair chunk of us that went to this show just for her yarns.  that's gotta say something right?  someone even bought out all the sweet georgia tough sock love on the friday before we got there :(  wowsa!

rebecca, me, felicia (of sweet georgia) & jane
getting to meet felicia lo - the owner of sweet georgia, was super exciting!  she is so nice and such a sweetheart! to say we were looking forward to her booth was an was honestly the reason we went there.  it was awesome to see her yarns in person and to of course, get to meet her as well.  thanks for letting me take a pic of all of us with you felicia! you're the best!

here are some shots of other goodies i spotted throughout the time we were there:

one of my fave booths - kattikloo (organic & plant dyed yarns)
jane and i both were mesmerized by the kattikloo booth.  gorgeous display of their beautiful organic and plant dyed yarns.  make sure to heck out their website!

knitopia wools company
rebecca and i scored on some 100% alpaca from "knitopia". seriously, it's so soft i cannot stop petting it.  it's positively luxurious!  their slogan "welcome to knitting nirvana" is so true! we got a great deal and couldn't resist splitting a bag of 5 skeins so we could both make jane's "annie" cowl pattern.  it's going to be divine!!!!

everything old
we also got to visit one of my fave local dyers em of everything old. her colors are nothing short of brilliant!  they will literally stop you dead in your tracks!  sarah picked up some yarn from her booth to make her first pair of socks and had us all drooling and ohhhhing over her gorgeous skeins!  i can't wait to get my hands on a few this year too!  so bright and fun! check out her shop and awesome patterns here!

if any of you know us we also got into mischief.  donning funny hats, having some heated yarn arguments...ummm...i think i even threatened becca to buy her yarn or i would take her outside and beat her...muahahaha...yep, we were in the vortex and high on yarn  we were also under caffeinated and very  it makes buying yarn and making very important yarn choices that much harder.  coercing was needed on more than one occasion.  i pushed becca to buy some skeins of yarn and she in turn conned me into getting a sweaters worth...ya little minx from an awesome shop valley yarn ltd. i managed to get jane to indulge in a skein or two by taking pics of her and showing her how lovely she would look in them...heck, it's almost as fun having your friends buy yarn as it is to buy it yourself!  i couldn't help anyhoo, the yarns got the best of all of us.  none of us left empty handed and all the yarn abuse was well worth it.  we had a grand time. thanks for putting up with our many visits and arguments at your booth julie!  you can find tons of awesome yarns at valley yarns online!

our sore tired feet
we were also looking forward to meeting amanda and fiona - the talented ladies behind  we are already counting down the days till the event they are organizing this fall -  knit city!!! woot woot!  seriously, so friggin excited about this event!  the two talented gals behind are putting on vancouver's first event of this kind and we cannot wait!  there will be yarn, vendors, classes and lots and lots of fun!  it's about time a younger generation takes on an event of this kind here in BC...we need it!  so mark your calendars!!! it's gonna be a must see!

rebecca danger and i (ignore my bad is what hail does to your hair)
and now for one of the highlights of the whole trip for me - i got to meet rebecca danger!!!! woweeee!  rebecca and i met online a few years ago when her adorable free "bunny nuggets" pattern (perfect for easter btw) was released.  we've chatted ever since so it was exciting to get to arrange a meetup with her and the friends she was with there as well (aja - swelldove on ravelry, you have the best hair evah!).  i couldn't resist letting my inner dork out by giving rebecca a big hug and then asking her to take a pic with me for you all to see....i know, totally not suave but hey, it's rebecca danger peeps!!!  love her to bits!  wish we had had more time to hang with these ladies but there was yarn to be had!  they scored some lovely skeins as well.

then, feet throbbing, yarn bags almost full, hungry bellies, no caffeine in our systems, dying to get out of abbotsford and into downtown vancouver we set off.  i can not explain how good it felt to be back in vancouver.  it was exciting and good but also brought back so many memories for a lot of us.  we were all nostalgic and kept shouting out memories everywhere we looked.  oh vancouver i love you <3

our hotel didn't hurt either!  we had a swanky room on the 28th floor with an ocean view and floor to ceiling windows all around the room!  to die for.  as soon as we got in we all jumped on the beds and settled in.  sarah even brought her quilt and tucked in for some hunger games reading.  as much as i was missing my kids and husband boy did it feel good to only have to take care of myself.  i needed a rest and even though we were super busy my brain got to relax a tad.

you ready to see what other mischief we got up to?  you'll have to wait till tomorrow!!!  i've got pics of day two and of the goodies i bought! i just couldn't fit it all in this one already giant post :)  so stay tuned!!!  i wish you all could have been there too.  it was so much fun!  were you there? do you go to fibre festivals?  which ones are your faves?

Fabric Business Card Holders

i went out of town for the weekend to a fibre festival with some friends and i knew a few of us would definitely need business card holders.  i have a nice big one from that i received when i ordered my cards but i was in the mood for something lighter that i could easily stash in my yarn bag and pull out when needed.  so on friday i lovingly and painfully cut into some of my lotta jansdotter stash and made these three beauties for myself, jane and rebecca.  both of theirs match their blogs ...yes, i'm silly that mine, well, mine doesn't match but i thought the grey and light purple were pretty and there was no turquoise that i loved :)

1. little florine sarsaparilla 2. lena sweet azalea 3. little florine brass mesh - all by lotta jansdotter
i followed this tutorial to make the business card holders.  only thing i changed was the fact that i cut mine at 5" instead of 5 1/2" because i only had charm pack sized squares of the lotta.  it makes it a tad tight to fit cards in on both sides but they do fit...thankfully :)  but if you make them i recommend using 5 1/2", especially if you have bigger cards like mine.

here's jane's...

1. lena rugged suede & choma golden rod 2. little florine brass mesh all by lotta jansdotter
and this one is rebecca's...

1. little florine sarsparilla 2. florine sarsparilla & ranka sarsparilla all by lotta jansdotter
and this one is mine.

1. lena sweet azelea 2. choma azalea & aneta ironwood all by lotta jansdotter
we had lots of fun using them at the festival and they definitely came in very handy.  my fave part are the buttons.  it takes me forever to choose buttons for projects because i love buttons so much.  i think the are like the icing on the cake :)  aren't they purdy?

what do you guys think?  you likey? it's funny because i look at them and see our was fun to pick the colors and fabrics.  do you make your own business card holders?  what pattern do you use?  are you in love with the lotta jansdotter fabrics too?  happy monday!  oh, and don't worry, there are A LOT of pics to come this week of the weekend.  it was soooo fun and i'm sad it's over already.  i'll be sure to fill you all in soon!

weekend wishes

 to get ready for my much anticipated weekend...

image src: skunkboy creatures
 embrace the joy of having a sans kid weekend...

image src: marianne lomonaco photography
to convince my mom to give me her clocks so i can paint them

img src: the lettered cottage
to get a chance to soak up some sunshine...

image src: emir ozashin
and to come home from this weekend with enough wool for a yarn wall...j/k..sort of.

img src: the pioneer woman
it's here!  the weekend i've been counting down for 2 months!  yeehaw!  almost 2 whole days sans kidlets!  i'm super happy but also nervous and sad.  it's the first time i've ever been away from both of my babies.  i've only ever been away from mackenzie when i gave birth to harper so that's a lot of nights and days that i've spent with them.  it's going to feel weird to be without them and the hubs.  i'll miss my little family and i'll prolly cry at least once but i'm also gonna have a friggin good time too!  woo hoo!!!

me and 4 other pals are hitting up fibres west in abbostford, bc tomorrow and then spending the night downtown vancouver in a pretty nice hotel!  so excited!  i miss my old stomping grounds of vancouver, it is where i met my hubby after all, and i cannot wait to drive over the bridge into downtown and just soak up the energy and the buzz of it all.  i miss living there a lot. don't get me wrong,i love living in victoria, they are just very different from each other and i being a gemini, love things from each place.  needless to say it will be awesome to go back even if for 24 hrs or  i will be getting up in the morning at like 4:45am to make myself look presentable before we hit the early morning ferry..yes, that is how excited we are to get over the mainland...we will wake up at 5:00 in the morning even though the kids are still asleep!!!!  definitely a sign of momentary insanity!

so my weekend plans are to go to bed very early tonight, cuddle my babies and hubs as much as i can and then whoop it up with the girls & shop for yarn!!!! hopefully i won't be too exhausted come won't forget to take pics for all you ladies to see.  bring on the sweet georgia yarns people!!! 

what are you all up to?  what are your weekend wishes?  fill me in!  i'm wishing you all a fun, belly laughs, cuddles & coffee filled weekend topped with lots of momma time for crafting and relaxing!  see ya on monday!

commute - birch fabrics review!

1. by bike  2. bike it 3. pool ride all from birch fabrics - commute by jay-cyn
i love fabrics.  i can never have enough fabric.  i don't get to indulge very often in fabric so when fabrics do come my way i get very, very, very excited.  so when cynthia of birch fabrics and online/brick & mortar fabric shop - fabricworm contacted me a while a go to do a fabric review of one of her new lines "commute" i was over the MOON!  heck yes!  come home to momma!
i loved the prints she sent me so much i have already ordered more (top pic). the best part about birch fabrics is that they are 100% organic!  LOVE.  affordable, stylish, modern with a hit of retro and whimsy, fabrics that are the perfect environmentally friendly cotton alternative for quilting and crafting.  how could you go wrong?  they are made with low impact dyes, and are GOTS certified (global organic textile standard) too!  makes me & my kidlets smile.

the commuter cowl pattern
i've used organic fabrics before and let me tell you, birch fabrics are so soft.  i think they are softer than even some of the normal quilting cotton i have used and the drape....ohhhhh, the drape is fabulous!  seriously.  just awesome for an organic.  they have a wealth of fun prints, wash amazing and are a dream to work with.

i found them to be so inspiring that they helped push me to create my first sewing pattern - the commuter cowl.  the print shown below was the inspiration sounding board.  the lines, the movement and the feeling it represents reminded me so much of this stylish woman riding her bike to work, sunshine out, a breeze blowing through the air, wearing this awesome cowl made with birch fabrics.  she would look so carefree and stylish that if i saw her i would have to ask her where the heck she got it from.  something fresh and new.  just like the birch fabrics fabric line.

i think i would honestly have a hard time just ordering one print of any of cynthia's lines.  i love them all.  i'm already getting my order ready for a bunch more of this commute line as well as some others to make some more cowls that i will be selling this summer at a craft fair and you never know...they may pop up in my new etsy shop before then too :) 

don't you think the commute line would be fab for a boy or a girl, man or a woman, from clothes, accessories  & quilts to home decor? those bikes just get me every time.  love em'!  i keep coming up with more and more projects to make with  i think i'm commute  good thing i'm going out of town with the some friends this weekend so i can sport one of my commuters in

i also have a new tutorial in the works for you all using one of the commute prints that i haven't sewn with yet...i cannot wait to show you all!  it's super cute!  i'm hoping to have that out in the next week or 2 so stay tuned!  do you want to know more about birch fabrics and the amazing woman - cynthia mann, behind the fabric line and fabric shops?  click here to read our "moms in the mommyhood" feature interview with  her.  you can also find all things birch fabrics and fabricworm here:

birch fabrics:

you can find more info on my commuter cowl pattern & see the commute prints in action here on the blog and for sale here in my etsy craftsy shops.

do you sew with organics?  what's your favorite birch fabrics print?  what do you look for when shopping for organic fabrics?  what would you make with commute?  c'mon, let's get fabric happy together :)

today is the last day to vote for lil'ol me for the circle of moms top 25 creative mom blogs!  thanks for all your votes so far, i know this has felt like a long process of voting so thank you for all your support so far.  i promise today is the last day and you won't hear about me asking for votes you can vote for me here.


after the good project that went wrong last week i set out to reclaim my sewing confidence on the weekend and took to my machine late at night on a mission.  my lovely little knitting notions were slowly outgrowing their home and i knew i needed a new place for them so i decided to whip up a zippered pouch for them to live in.  and i'm happy to say that i love this little pouch.  i pieced together the front of the pouch using some scraps that anna gave me that i adored and i'm just over the moon with the way the black/white/grey prints all pop together.  one of my fave goodies at the moment.  it helped me get over my pouch downer from last week and to take on yet again, another  yep, i've gone from zippers scaring me to no end to loving them.

this time i decided to pretty my zipper up a tad.  i love the way those zippers look that have a little hint of fabric encasing them on either end so the metal bits don't show.  so i followed this tutorial from the fabulous toni of "make it perfect" to put my pouch together with the zipper in this style.  it's a great tutorial for any of you looking to make a zippered pouch for the first time. i found the zipper install super easy and fast.

i kept the back nice and simple so the front could steal the show.  i've got this new thing for tying a zipper pull on my zippers using a pinked piece of scraps tied in a bow.  i lined the inside of the pouch with some innocent crush-shattered, punch, from anna maria horner and added my little label in there and then filled it with my goodies :)  i think they're happy in there...

i also hit up a sewing show on the weekend here in town and i couldn't resist coming home with these new lovelies...

reunion by sweetwater for moda and pezzy print by american jane patterns (sandy klop) for moda

i'm obsessed with the pezzy print. i want to put it all over my it! i foresee a quilt with this in my future...hopefully sooner than later.

i also picked up a bevvy of fat quarters for $1.99 each too!  how could i not bring these home to momma?  i love me a cute fat quarter.  more zippered pouches maybe? 

what have you all been sewing?  any new fabric crushes you brought home?  what's your fave way to dress up a zipper?  do you have a favorite zippered pouch tutorial?  let's chat sewing - we've got another wind storm here and i'm curled up inside ready to chat!!!


The COMMUTER COWL pattern is here!!!!! You guys I am so excited!!!! This cowl has been in the works for a while now and it's very close to my heart.  After releasing the twisted slouch hat tutorial I just knew the next item in my little sketchbook of goodies had to be my first sewing pattern.  

The drawings in this sketchbook all have one thing in common...a theme inspired by the leafless and twisted trees that form a halo around our island city.  They always remind me of knitted cables (which I adore) and I really have been enjoying the idea of manipulating and altering the construction of fabrics and thinking of new ways to twist, knot and move fabric to change it's appearance all while keeping it simple in it's sewing but fun on construction.  I hope you all enjoy it as well.


: : digitally drafted & professionally designed tutorial

: : 12 page full color pdf pattern complete with clear & easy to understand step by step instructions with bright photos and digitally drafted diagrams

: : instructions for a professionally finished accessory featuring 2 ways & 2 sizes to make/wear your cowl

: : fabric requirements, notions, and sewing tips/glossary to ensure a great finished product

: : a fun sewing experience :)

The Commuter Cowl Pattern is available for purchase at the following:




The Commuter Cowl Pattern can be worn 2 ways and sewn in 2 different sizes.

the commuter cowl pattern is a stylish, lightweight and versatile cowl that is fun in construction and high on style! This is a great project for beginners to advanced sewers & is made all in one piece from ½ of a yard or 3/4 of a yard of fabric with little waste leftover. 

Show off your fave print and add some flair to any outfit throughout the whole year. The idea of movement inspired from the fabric line used paired with the knots reminiscent of the leafless branches of the tress on the island I live helped to create what is now the commuter cowl.

In the commuter cowl pattern you will find clear photographs throughout this sewing tutorial as well as easy to read instructions to help make sewing the commuter cowl an enjoyable & fun experience.  So grab your fave fabric crush and come sew along with me!  


Made from a 1/2 yard, worn as a necklace style cowl (top) or as a more structural cowl (middle).


Made out of 3/4 of a yard of fabric that can also be worn 2 ways as shown above.  The 3/4 yard cowl gives you an extra dose of loft, pouf, and the movement that's reminiscent of a knit cowl.  

Besides our lovely winter tress the main inspiration for the name, styling and overall appearance of this cowl was the awesome line "commute" from birch fabrics by jay-cyn.  LOVE it!  Something about those bikes, transportation and the color palette struck me as the perfect fabric to pair with this cowl for those daily commutes. 

Who says we all can't add a bit of whimsy to our daily commutes?  Even if we're biking, driving, walking or busing we might as well look stylish right?  Plus it will keep us warm on cool days and cool on warm days :)  That's right...that's how we roll here <3  I'm a gemini - what can i

You all know how I love options! I love giving you all a great base that you can customize and wear the way that suits your style and personality!  Heck you could even adjust the size down on this cowl and whip one up for your kidlet! I plan on making one for mackenzie really soon. 

I want to give a huge thank you to all my friends/family who supported me when deciding to take the plunge into selling a sewn pattern. It's been a crazy ride and i just  You guys are the best.  I'd also like to thank all my lovely pattern testers who helped me out tons! I couldn't have done it without your help (thanks mom!).  A special thank you to Anna from noodlehead for her invaluable help and eye :) And how could I not thank my gorgeous and talented friend jane richmond for modeling for me and also for being a constant sounding board for all my crazy ideas - thank you for all of your support Jane - I luv ya girl. A thank you to Cynthia of fabricworm & birch fabrics for her awesome designs and generous use of her rockin' fabrics!

So are you all ready to sew with me?  Hop on over to my brand new etsy shop and pick up a copy of your own!  I can't wait to see what you all create!!!!  Don't forget to add your cowl pictures to our flickr group!

So we can all see how lovely you look in your commuter cowls!   What fabric line are you going to make yours in? Stay tuned for tomorrow when I'll be doing a fabric review on the Birch Fabrics I used today. Happy sewing everyone!


From commute by jay-cyn for birch fabrics - by bike, bike it, and pool ride can be purchased at fabricworm

From lark  by amy butler - chinese lanterns grass can be purchased at stitch simple

Sewing Clothing for Kids E-Course from Whipstitch

image src: photography by karin a
 happy monday ladies!  have you been bit by the sewing bug lately?  are you dying to try to make some clothing for your wee ones?  if you have been wanting to learn how to sew clothing for kids or to perfect your existing skills than look no further - the super talented deborah of "whipstitch" fame has a new e-course starting today!  "sewing clothing for kids" is one of the many awesome e-courses that whipstitch offers.  with registration you receive 8 free patterns (all in sizes 12mth-6T!!) that make 22 looks!!!! holy moly!  as well as lots of video and personal feedback.  click here to read all about the patterns and garments you will be making  in this 5 week e-course and what the course will be teaching - sounds awesome to me!  

deborah is the author behind the awesome book "stitch by stitch: learning to sew one project at a time" and the owner of whipstitch - brick & mortar and online, as well as the teacher of her e-courses, the writer behind her popular blog and an overall inspiring woman to watch sew.

the class begins today at noon, but there are still a few spots left to grab up and registration is open through till friday so hurry on over and get sewing my friends!  i can't wait to see what you all make :)  have fun and say hi to the lovely deborah for me :)  it's one of my dreams to make it out to her shop one day and sit and sew with her.

you can find all things whipstitch here:

hope you guys all have a wonderful monday.  we've got a giant wind storm here that has had me up since 4 and freaked out.  the walls and floor of my condo are shaking...eeeee!  i'll be nestled up inside with the drapes closed working on my sewing pattern that's coming out this week! you excited?  happy sewing!

weekend wishes

to stop feeling like this...

that one day this will be my reality...

image source: yellow heart art
to have a great time at the sewing show this weekend...

that the coffee fairy brings me a big cuppa coffee...

image source: second chance ceramics
to keep seeing signs of spring...

image source: shannon blue photography
and to finally get a yarn bowl.

ok mr. sunshine...where are you...i need you to stop the rain today for me please :P  i'm wishing the rain stops so i can get my photo shoot done. i'm seriously debating about doing an "anti rain dance" around the house braless....lmao.  ok, first off, don't judge me on my post today.   the hubs used up all of our coffee (ahhh!) and didn't tell me so when we got up this morning i am SANS caffeine!!!!!!! i know, i's a tragedy.  i'm going through makes me a bit goofy thus leading me to write out all these nutso thoughts to you guys.  it's ok though right?  you guys will forgive me and blame my hubby instead right?  upside of the story is he has to buy me a starbucks.  sounds like a fair trade for the headache i have

this weekend i'm hitting up a conference of sorts in town called "the creative stitches show" with a friend.  i am definitely planning on sewing & knitting up a storm.  i've got lots of projects to finish, a pattern to release and a new KAL to start for you guys!!!!  the hubs and i are also on a major cleaning/organizing kick and hope to get this house of ours under control for my sanity.  i also plan on cuddling with my girlies, laughing, beating the hubs at mario bros., eating a yummy breakfast and maybe, just maybe getting to sleep in one morning.

what are you fabulous ladies up to?  any fun weekend plans?  what do you do when you are out of coffee?  anybody else get a bit loopy like i do?  wishing you all a dry, fun, hilarious, crafty, belly filled, awesome weekend! xoxoxo

don't forget you can vote everyday for lil'ol me for the circle of moms top 25 creative mom blogs!  thanks for all your votes so far - you guys rock!  the voting runs until march 15th - vote for me here.

quilting 911 - it's sandwich time!

the kids let me sew yesterday :)  this time it only took me being a circus ring leader while they had a carnival complete with ferris wheel for their my little ponies and a farm house with animal attractions.  they even formed a line up for their little people to get into the carnival and pay to visit. it was hilarious but a game that ensured me a good chunk of time while i ran the circus engine for the ferris wheel.  it gave me the time i needed to finish my quilt top!!!! weeeee!!!!  so excited!

i love it.  it's not perfect...but that's ok.  it's only my 3rd quilt ever and was a new technique for me so i learned a lot.  i could have had some of my hst's line up a bit better but they were good enough in my book.  i think accuracy and good measuring/cutting really count in this quilt (i suck at cutting) so the fact that they look like zig zags and mostly line up made me pretty happy with myself.  now comes my fave part!

 time to make the quilt sandwich!  the quilt sandwich is not my fave part but the quilting is!  i love the actual sewing and quilting of quilts.  something so meditative and relaxing about it all.  i plan on sewing 2 lines a 1/2" on either side of the zig zag line.  after spending days staring at zig zag quilts online when i first chose to make this quilt i realized pretty quickly this was my fave pattern for quilting.  i love the effect it has on the back as well.  i'm pretty excited to get some serious sewing time done on this quilt as soon as i can.

balloon in aqua from children at play by sarah jane
i also am still debating about the size of the quilt.  i really, really, do not want to make a border so this quilt may end up just being a cross between a lap quilt/twin quilt for my oldest.  it will be cozy no matter what though.  i'm having second thoughts about the backing though.  my gut is so in love with using the balloon print that i really don't want to change it but i also feel like i need a second opinion on it.  am i off my rocker people?  could i get away with this?  i feel like the tones in the backing print are a nice blend of the warm/cool tones in the quilt but i really stress about this part.  it always takes me forever to  any thoughts? 

also, for those of you who are wondering what methods/tips i use for making the quilt sandwich these are my two favorite posts on the process:

- making the quilt sandwich by ohfransson
- aligning the quilt sandwich by redpepperquilts

and a handy post on if you decide to ever try the spray adhesive route:

- spray adhesive for quilt basting: a quick how to by filminthefridge

i'm off today to get some sewing done in the hopes that my first sewing pattern for sale will be released next week! we are just finishing up some final photo shoots and final pattern edits.  cannot wait...really, it's keeping me up at night i'm so excited for you all to see it!  i hope you all will love it as much as i do.  i've been wearing mine all the time.  i'll also be goofing around with these little monkeys.  i can only imagine who i will be today to get an hour of sewing time in :P  i'll keep ya

you can read the two other posts on my zig zag quilt here:

what is your favorite part of quilting?  do you enjoy putting the your quilt sandwich together? what tricks/tips do you use?  do you have a fave post you refer to?  please share in the comments below and i'll add them to the post above for our reader faves.  you can never have enough tips right?  happy quilting!

when a good project goes wrong

Fabric: Vintage Ladies (Ivory) from Ruby Star Rising by Melody Miller (gifted from The Cottage Home)

you know that feeling you get when you are working on a project that you are super excited about, that's taken you forever to get to and that you've chosen very special prints out of your stash for?  it's hard for me to use up treasured fabrics. i have issues cutting into prints i adore, it's like i hear my insides screaming "stop, stop, don't do it!". takes me forever.  so for months now i've been drooling over my friends knitting box bags (from a talented knitter's etsy shop that i hope to feature soon) and  every time i see them i think i'm gonna make some of those for myself to help store my knitting.  i use turquoise cloth storage bins for my knitting supplies but wanted something pretty to use inside.  i thought some gifted cloth bags and these box bags would be the perfect solution.  little did i know this project was going to be the good project that goes

after researching online for a while to find the best tutorial to follow i picked my chosen one that the most people seemed to refer to when making box bags.  i'm still not sure what happened to make this bag go wrong, but i think it was mostly the fact that i was very tired (reason why i do not sew tired anymore but i broke my rule) and the kids were running around nutso while i became obsessed with making this silly thing work.  even to the point that my sewing machine was an airplane engine and i was the captain and all the chairs they put behind me were seats that they filled with themselves and barbies to go on a holiday to disneyland.  i even spoke with an accent...yes, i was that  oh the things a mom will do to get some sewing time in :P

i quickly realized that the bag had taken a turn for the worst.  first one i cut out i cut out wrong and messed it up.  cried over my wasted fabric.  second one i cut out i still think i messed up but i went with it bemoaning to myself about having such a hard time cutting out a bloody  so once i went to attach the bag to the zipper i realized that my print was going to be upside down one side...duh.  too late now...i whined some more because i'm a perfectionist and will forever hate that side of the bag but for some reason i just kept going.  big mistake..big mistake.  i should have known it was because i had the dimensions of the bag wrong.  oops.  if i had turned it the prints would have been right going from top to bottom and the bag wouldn't look like a long wine case instead of a box bag.  what you say? the pics above don't look wonky?  well....look below my dears...look

how's that for the world's longest box bag?  hahaha, it cracks me up so bad now that i can laugh at it.  it's actually not that long but looks longer due to it being so skinny.  you want to know what else?  when i had almost finished constructing my bag i realized it was about 4 inches too was even longer than shown i chopped that puppy off.  see.....

ouch..that hurt i tell you.  but i persevered.  the fact that my zipper was awesome and i didn't make any errors with it gave me the energy to keep sewing.  that and i loved the prints i used so much i just didn't care at this point.  but did the oopsies stop? nope, that bad sewing karma just followed me around that day. bah to you bad sewing karma.

see the mistake on my topstich on the handle above? i know, i could have ripped it out but at this point it was like a trademark for the and because the bag dimensions were wrong i had to attach the handle and sew the box corners about 5 times to get the size to work.  i quickly realized the dimensions given for the handle were way larger than the space i had allotted on the sides so when i first sewed it up the handle was folded and gibbled. not pretty.  i did rip that out...about 4 i had to resew my handle.  but in anger i just whacked some of the width off forgetting that i had an enclosed seam so i had to then rip it apart too and resew. gosh darn it all.

but the zipper looks good right?  that's all that mattered to me at this point..but then i opened the bag and looked at this.

arghhhhhhhhhh! i hate exposed seams.  they drive me batty.  i'm a stickler for finished seams.  this irritated me and yes, i know people cover them with bias tape etc to cover it up but i had chopped mine all gibbly and couldn't do it.  needless to say next time i will be sewing the tutorial i now found that doesn't have exposed seams.  i know, i don't know what's wrong with me but i will make myself another one...if just to prove to myself i can not mess it

it holds my knitting great, it's easy to carry and store and i really love the fabrics.  so i'm still using it and you know what?  it brings a smile to my face cause i can just laugh it off.

cause if you don't look at the bad parts it can look pretty cute, no?

ahhhhh, the zipper.  and then i realized it was like a metaphor for my house and life right now.  i can try to ignore the bad and frustrating parts and focus on the good things that make me happy that are actually harder to do than the rest of it.  like that zipper for instance.  i used to have a giant sized fear of zippers and now i find them fun.  moral of the story...don't give up, even if it's not working.  rearrange, try again, persevere cause you never know, you may love it in the end.  not everything has to be perfect :)

have you had a good project that's gone wrong lately?  c'mon and share with me.  what did you do with your project?  let's embrace our oopsies today. 

knittin', knittin', knittin', keep those needles knittin'!

Pattern: Classic Raglan Pullover by Jane Richmond
Yarn: Cascade 220 Heathers Colorway 8401

i've been trying really hard to knit up a storm lately.  i quickly realized i have way too many projects on my needles and the fact that new yarn on it's way to me this week to make some bday pressies for my girls put me into a slight panic.  i've had my "classic raglan pullover" by jane richmond in hibernation since november...poor sweater.  i literally had done about 15 rows and then put it aside to work on xmas projects.  so when i found out from my pal jane that canadian living was hosting an online kal for the classic raglan pullover i couldn't resist pulling it out of hibernation and get cracking on that bad boy. you can find the info for the knit along here on the canadian living craft blog and us peeps are also chatting about the kal in the jane richmond ravelry group.

i've only been working on it since sunday and boy does it go fast.  i was already able to separate my sleeves and try it on! definitely my favorite part of knitting a raglan style seamless sweater.  there is something so exciting about getting to the point of where your knitting starts to look like a garment.  when you have a sleeve start and an underarm and the top of your sweater!  trying it on is like adding fuel to the fire.  i always power through to this point because it's so exciting and then i get even more excited to try it on that i whip through the rest of it so i can wear it :)  it's all good.

jane's pattern is cleverly designed with lots of options for customizations to fit this pullover to your body size and measurements which is perfect for me as my arm/back size is way smaller than my bust and hip size.  i'm constantly having fit issues with my arms in knitted goods so knitting these types of garments allows me to make sure it fits me perfectly :)  thanks jane!

in between taking pics of my sweaters harper snuck in wearing one of my hats she stole.  isn't she just the cutest lil'thing? sorry.....mommy

Pattern: Rocky Coast Cardigan by Hannah Fettig
Yarn: Quince & Co. Colorway Lark

back to knitting....and guess what else i finished?  yes...the sleeves are done on my rocky coast cardigan! i made it through my bad case of sleevitits.  finished one whole sleeve on saturday night.  powered through that thing.  i didn't enjoy these sleeves and they aren't perfect....but after ripping back on one i just let it go.  we couldn't figure out how to make the designs cable pattern fit in there without it looking slightly off when decreasing so wth...i just winged it and there will definitely be no shots of me showing you the underside of this sweater  it's purdy though :)

now i have to pick up the entire perimeter of the fronts and neckline and rib my brains out, then block it and finally...finally...get to wear it! i cannot wait!  so excited to be done this project.  i've still got audrey on my needles too and i'm dying to wear that beautiful red color this spring/summer.  lovely!

Pattern: Mallory Cowl (Adult) by me (you can find both the adult and youth patterns
 on sale on ravelry, the blog, and craftsy)
Yarn: Cascade 220 in colorway 9469

i also treated myself to some bright pink cascade 220 (can you tell i love this yarn?) the other week to make myself a mallory cowl.  i have made a few but not one for myself yet and figured it was about time.  it matches perfectly with my new nail polish and  it makes me feel cheerful and ready for spring.  i heart bright colors for accessories and this cowl is super fun for showcasing color!  it's also perfect for this weather we're having right now.  i'm living in long sleeve tops and my vest with a cowl.  not too hot and not too cold. perfect outfit to knit more goodies in..hahaha.

what's on your needles at the moment? are you getting excited for the new kal starting a the end of the month?  i am!!!!  any knitted projects you've been dreaming of starting?  c'mon...there must be at least a few of you out there who, like me, always have 2-3 projects on the go...right??? happy knitting!